Emperor's OC list.

Started by Emperor, 2015 Jul 09, 21:32:37

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2015 Jul 09, 21:32:37 Last Edit: 2015 Jul 21, 19:09:31 by Emperor
Please note this is a work in construction and I will come back to it whenever I can think of a new O.C that I like.   No Pictures yet.

1: Sweet beat.   Sweet beat is a average height stallion that easily stands out due to his long mane and the portable cassette player he usually carries around. He usually wears headphones wherever he goes so he can listen to his various beats. His prefered music genre is Electronic but he will listen to jazz and various other classic music once in a while.

Cutie mark: His cutie mark is of a green electronic music beat line.

Appearance: His mane is long and straight most of the time. On warm days he wears it in a ponytail. His mane has two colors white with a single line of orange running down the left side.  His fur color is a very light grey. His eyes are ocean blue.

Race: Unicorn

2: Marie (Muhree) Marionette.  Marie is a fun and energetic outgoing pony that likes to play tricks and pranks  with her puppets that she carries around for a living.

She can usually be found around restaurants and hot shopping spots or even her own small house.

3: Emperor Bon fire or just Bon fire. Bon fire was born from a royal bloodline with a mighty empire that was well known for it's daring strategies and combat tactics.

Bon fire is known to have a not so serious attitude most of the time and most of the time makes jokes and pokes at other ponies with cheeky and playful jokes.

His appearance is that of a average height and build of a regular stallion but he stands out due to his age and his beard that he neatly trims and keeps at a short length.

   Appearance:  His fur is light brown while his mane, tail and beard are a light grey.  He has baby blue eyes.

Cutie mark: Laurel wreath crown.

Race: Unicorn

Other: He is usually seen wearing white robes or light grey as he wonders about the area. He is almost always seen wearing his white robe in public with his guards in their full armor nearby watching.

4: Deep thought.

Deep thought is a stallion that loves to write poems whenever he can. He is usually found by himself away from all the crowds and groups of ponies or inside his small apartment complex. He doesn't do that well around strangers considering his anxiety and that is why he is mostly found by himself with a notebook or anything else he can write on.

appearance: A long and well kept flat mane with a matching tail that are colored dark blue with a light cyan line that goes down the side.  His eye color is dark purple while his coat is midnight blue.

Cutie mark: A scroll with a fountain pen on top of it.

race: unicorn.

   Just a person.
I'm rarely on but you can message me. Through pms or on my account.

Sweet Brew

lol, My user name for my music making is Sweet beats!
(It's just Sweet Brew, but it looks like he painted "Beats" over it!)
How funny. =P
Maybe I'll change the name I take...dunno...

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