Broken Timelines (Sign-Up)

Started by Randam Saiko, 2014 Nov 05, 18:28:11

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Rush of MLP

Rush spotted Check leaving the store and followed behind at a distance.

[Color=gray][I]'I need to somehow get some answers, and I feel as though confronting Check is the only way to go about it.'[/I][/color] He thought. [Color=gray][I]'I don't think I should directly confront him... I think I should do something similar to last time.'[/I][/color]


Abstract was asleep amoung trees far out in the outskirts, that is, until a kick woke him up from Boss. The brown, drowsy pony lifted his head up with a start and mumbled some stuff. Before him was the group.
"Get up." Boss said firmly, "It's time."
Abstract lifted himself up and, with a stern expression traveled with the rest of the group, wobbling along the way.

[I]"Want to see where I came from??"[/I]Jump into the portal and find out!

Randam Saiko

(Cloudwilk, please refer to the most recent message here.)

"Hello...? Rush? Are you ther-." the time keeper was contacting Rush through the golden cog around his neck. His transmission/message was horribly muffled with white noise.
"Liste█, there's ███thing wro██ here. Asi███s fr██ the dama█e ██ the timeline, I can feel ███ething...or ████one there. It appears to be co-" he was cut off when the cog faded to a mundane shade of gray. The only way to communicate with the time keeper was severed during his uneasy message.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

Rush of MLP

Rush stared into the cog and shivered.

[Color=gray]"That didn't sound good..."[/color] He muttered, wondering what it was that the time keeper was trying to say to him.


Check sighed softly, walking with his head low.  He headed to the town bakery, owned by Pinkie Pie.  There, he walked inside, soon walking out with a small pastry.

Rush of MLP

((I'm assuming that he was terrified of Pinkie in his original timeline?))

Rush walked slowly behind Checkmate, more wary of his surroundings after the unsettling message from the time keeper.


2015 Jan 14, 23:14:39 #86 Last Edit: 2015 Jan 14, 23:20:33 by Checkmate
((Yup.  ))

Check simply walked, eating slowly.  Still, he finished the pastry quickly; he was hungry, after all.

Post Merge

((Also, I can't post much here.  This was more to keep the thread up.  Sorry...I'm busy.   X3 ))

Rush of MLP

((That's ok.))

Rush sat down and pretended to stare out of a window, still spying on Checkmate all the while.

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