Atala, the lost city (OOC and Sign-up)

Started by Grizzly, 2014 Jun 08, 07:07:39

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well lead would work but silver would probably do better and you wouldn't have to inject it either. Silver is a lycan's most hated material. I believe there is some in the bay Cosmic and the other two were in before the mana crystal explosion.


Silver is lethal to a lycan, it acts as literal poison to them, likely more so than lead would, perhaps it's  not the best idea to make use of silver.
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Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


only if it was injected. one can contain a lycan with a silver plated cage or place silver around them. The deadly nature of it would keep them in check.


It would set her ablaze on contact! No silver, I need my OC alive!


well it seams we have different views on silver vs lycanthropes.


All three of us have the view that it's deadly in nature to lycans, though I have it in that it works as a poison, in other words it "poisons" wounds in causes or comes into contact with, Omega thinks it's a sort of contact-poison I think and Snowcraft thinks it simply causes them to catch on fire.....Maybe we could explains this as variations of Lycans?
My OCs:
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


The most common accident is the one noone expects.


2014 Jul 12, 11:06:47 #530 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 12, 11:08:23 by Omega_Khaos
To be honest if it is not injected it can be used to weaken a lycan not kill. Most things I have read or seen have all shown that, in order to kill a lycan you have to break skin with a weapon made of silver. What if said weapon is incapable of breaking skin? Such as a set of silver manacles. This would render the lycan unable to fight back and would hold even against  their strength. This is my view on silver. Only if it is somehow put into the body can it be fatal to the lycan. Other then that it will weaken and contain them.

also I wouldn't have suggested it, if it would outright kill a character.


Though even the slightest sharp edge on the manacles would be enough to break the skin, or even just excessive struggling, I think it's a bit too risky.
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Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


Just no silver! The lead can force her systems to shut down and knock her without an injection, just cover her in enough lead dust and it renders the beast inside inoperable.


Ah! So that is how your using the lead.


Anyways about the ponies in sickbay....three was it? Eh, the one that doesn't have Starlight and Blue in it, I think we controlling those ponies should do a minor timeskip, the time it too for Blue to bring Starlight to the medbay surely would be enough to treat any potential injuries along with stabilizing Maple.
My OCs:
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


Yup, it should, but its up to you guys, i won't mind as long as you can agree on it.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


2014 Jul 13, 19:06:38 #536 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 13, 19:09:35 by Omega_Khaos
just to let y'all know, in the next few days I will be unable to play for a while because I will not have internet. Until I can get back online, GM will be able to govern my character's action.


2014 Jul 14, 14:18:16 #537 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 15, 01:31:32 by Chibalt
Guess I'll just have Tundra wandering about for the time being, he much prefers having a grip on the layout of a place over relying on something else to guide him anyways, which means that anyone really could just jump in and have him stumble across them, that or he eventually gets to the library to find a book to relax with.
My OCs:
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


Stupid question, but is the gravity increase city-wide or just in that ward of the hospital?


The most common accident is the one noone expects.

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