Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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Sottises smirked. "We're two adult ponies Spook, Rush is occupied and guards are nowhere to be--" she paused, noticing Whitewash marching up to her. A small shiver ran through her, he did not look pleased in the slightest.
"Ah, hello White, pleasure to see you!" the green-eyed mare said chipperly, although a feeling of dread settled in her stomach.


White stopped in front of her, not having any of her pleasantries.  He knew the shtick, he'd practically made it himself.
"So, making new friends, Tise?"  He referred both to Maple and the stallion he didn't recognize.
His tone was painfully grumpy.

[...Go ahead.  Poke around, see what his worst fear is.   I know you want to.  C:]
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Rush of MLP

Spook shot Sottises a glance, seeming to ask "Do I need to?" without saying a single word.

((I am kinda scared to have him do it, to be perfectly honest.))


2015 Nov 06, 00:17:03 #35783 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 06, 00:18:40 by ChibiGrrl
Sottises held her smile in place, the tone of White's voice setting of an alarm in her mind.
She glanced to Spook, giving the other stallion a subtle nod. "Why, indeed yes I am. White, this is my new friend, Spook~" she replied amiably.
Curses! Why did that colt have to run to past HIM? Not to worry, we can still get out of this... she thought quickly.

((Go ahead Rush, Dawns gave the green light ^-^))


2015 Nov 06, 00:18:07 #35784 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 06, 00:21:43 by Maplewood
maple sighed getting up "  I m terrible sorry miss for barging in like that that was un gentlemanly like of me " he sighed as his hud showed that a hundred or so of the warnings had gone off about some pony intruding in his brain. smiling  evilly maple had a program activated in his circuits and with a bow he unlocked the door and walked back out side seeing the white in front of the two ponies"time to have a nicer chat this time"


[I hereby give thee official permission, and thereby declare that only funny will happen.  c:
Go on ahead and start it up, I'll include it in my next post.]
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Rush of MLP

((Ok then))

Spook gave another polite smile, nodding and pulling the same trick as before with the bags and the mind-tap spell.


2015 Nov 06, 00:22:30 #35787 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 06, 00:26:49 by ChibiGrrl
"I can only imagine why you're so surly. I believe Sweet had already returned home with her foals though, was she not there?" Sottises piped in, to keep White distracted.

"Did he say Sottises?" she asked aloud as the stallion walked out.
Sweet looked after the stallion as he left, feeling confused. With a soft sigh, she picked up her foals and put them to bed.


maple hearing the question poked his head back in"yes that's right" he didn't wait for an answer and continued on towards the three ponies


White nodded curtly.  "Oh she was, we were having a wonderful time until someone practically flew through our door to hide behind my couch."

[Just give me a poke once it's active yeah?]
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Sottises blinked in surprise. "Into your house, you say? I did happen to see him running by, he was yelling something about spiders." she replied with a shrug.

Rush of MLP

Spook shifted uncomfortably as he removed the bags slowly from his back with magic.

'This is taking longer than anticipated.' He thought.


as he got close maple slowed down for a moment and started to survey the situation


Sottises waited, watching White curiously. I don't understand, is it even working? she thought.


2015 Nov 06, 00:43:19 #35794 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 06, 00:50:07 by DawnsEmbrace
"Don't play dumb with me, Tise.  He even said your name."
Something red flit across his vision.  He ignored it, and continued.
"As someone who used to do this for a living, I can recognize the signs."
Every time he blinked, it got worse.  Eventually, the bodies of the ponies before him were nearly completely covered in what looked like red...Cloth?
"I mean for goodness...Sake..."  He trailed off as the red material took final shape.

"W-Why...Why are you wearing..."  White began to stutter, and back away. 
The two ponies he was previously speaking to were now wearing what looked like...  "...L-L-Lobster...C-Costumes...[/I]"
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[I need to go, sorry guys, I'll see you all tomorrow.]
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Rush of MLP

((How did I forget about something so comical as White's fear? I'm losing my touch. lol))

Spook nearly fell over laughing as he found and forced White's fear to surface in his mind.

((G'night Grey.))


Maple decided this was a good time to sneak up behind the two as he did he realized that white had been hit with the spell so with silent hooves he used his  training  to appear behind spook. Giving a cough he spook "hi there you haveing fun doing that little trick"


Sottises had been frantically searching for a rebuttal, then paused. "Lobster costumes? Really, White??" she asked incredulously. She flinched at the voice behind her. "Ah, I see you've recovered. And yes, or at least Spook is at the moment." she replied, pointing to her friend.

Rush of MLP

Spook stopped laughing immediately, but instead of flinching or covering for himself, he simply turned around, grinning the most sincere smile he could muster.

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