Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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"oh its ok I just haven't had a good bit to eat in days" he lied. at that moment the screen that showed up from his cybernetic eye was going crazy with warning messages all over it most of them about intrusion

Rush of MLP

Spook's smile widened ever so slightly. 'Got it.' He thought.

His face suddenly morphed into a malign grin as he cast the illusion, forcing his and Sottises form to change into the pony's worst fears before his eyes, appearing more in his head than in front of him.


White broke from his thoughts at the voice of his spouse.
"Hm...?  Oh, no.  Not in the strictest sense at least."
He stood up, wobbling a bit as he did.  "I was just...Thinking about the old days.  Remember when you, Grey and Check found me packing my things on the beach?
Feels like an eon ago, but I could swear the spot where they tackled me still aches.
White chuckled like he always did, eyes not quite seeing the inside of his house anymore.
Through a combination of exhaustion and nostalgia, they were trying to remember what the sky had been like on that day.  Had it been a nice day?  He hardly remembered anymore.
<br />


as if his back hooves where on a track maple quickly backed away from large hideous spiders that stood there"spi...spi....spiders what are you doing here" he stuttered still backing away "ah Lt Maplewood so nice to see you again I thought our little encounter would have been the last one" the left spider said in a horrendous voice


Sottises stepped closer to the stallion. "Maple, whatever is the matter?" she asked, watching the stallion closely. A slight grin crossed her features as she watched him back away.

Sweet stood, moving over to White and giving him a light kiss on the cheek. "I remember, I even helped you pack once. You also gave me a hat that had me passing by your shop all through the day, hoping to see you again." she said softly, smiling.

Rush of MLP

Spook grinned smugly as his horn continued to glow it's normal magenta.

"If he starts screaming, we will probably need to move." He said to Sottises, well aware that Maple couldn't hear them at this point.


at this point maple hooves became unfrozen from the ground and with a simple turn he sprinted back towards sweet and whites house. upon  reaching the house he gentle opened the door but after looking behind him self to see the two large spiders coming for him he ran in and hid behind one of the couch's"why here why now oh celestia help me" he whispered shaking a bit 


Grey was sitting on her front porch at the moment, enjoying a nice mug of tea.. It was just right for the time of year, now all she needed was a nice blanket..
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Rush of MLP

Spook released the spell immediately upon Maple entering White's and Sweet's home.

He laughed rather loudly. "I'd say that was successful."


White felt a rush of air pass by as something dove behind his couch.

Deciding he had finally begun hallucinating from lack of sleep, he decided now would be a wonderful time to go to bed.
It wasn't until he heard a soft voice from behind said couch that he actually looked.
"...Maple, what are you doing?"
<br />


Sottises laughed with Spook gleefully. "Did you see the look on his face? Such fear!"

Sweet walked over, the foals following behind her. "Maple? Is that who's there?" she asked, looking towards the open door the other pony had ran though. She kept the foals behind her, glancing towards the couch with concern.


"im so sorry white they where just so big and hairy and..." he looked in shock from what just happened. I don't know what happened I was just talking to a pony called Sottises then my head started to hurt and that when the spiders showed up" he finished hiding back behind the couch

Rush of MLP

"And such a beautifully executed plan." Spook said. "That was fun."


White's ears flattened and an annoyed look crossed his face.
"...I'll be right back."
He made his way to the door, heaving a sigh.  I'm never gonna get to sleep today, am I.

[...Dis gon be guuuud.
That is, assuming you two wanna do it.]
<br />


Sottises nodded, wiping away a tear. "Indeed it was! It could not have happened without your magical skill however." she replied. The green eyed mare grinned widely, a good jest always made her so giddy afterwards.

"Okay honey, be safe!" Sweet called after White, hoping her sister hadn't been attacked by spiders too.

"But Mama, I wanna go too!" Jade pleaded, looking up at her Mama.

"Oh no you don't...Your Daddy needs to handle this, besides two little foals need their sleep."

"But, I'm not--" Jade cut herself off with a yawn, "...tired." she finished softly.

Rush of MLP

"Nor could it have been done without your ability to distract." Spook said, the size of his smile rivaling her's.


"An excellent team we make, you and I. This will be quite an enjoyable partnership. So, who shall our next target be?" Sottises said excitedly, her green eyes bright.


White envied his daughters unwanted chance for sleep as he grumped out of the house.
He closed the door behind him, locking it and taking a look about.  Eventually, he saw two figures, one of which he recognized.

He began marching right on up to her.
<br />

Rush of MLP

"I haven't the foggiest idea of who should be next."

Spook suddenly shivered, and his smile faded. "I've got that 'gonna-get-caught' feeling again..."


Quote from: ChibiGrrl on 2015 Nov 05, 23:47:11

"But, I'm not--" Jade cut herself off with a yawn, "...tired." she finished softly.

(( that's sooooo me X3 ))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

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