Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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Jade smiled. "Like this, Daddy?" she asked, using her magic to make her doll trot around them in the air. Peridot giggled softly as he watched.

Sweet had out away her saddlebags, smiling happily at her family, all together. "Well, since everypony is home, how about I make something to celebrate?"" she asked trotting towards the kitchen. She spotted the small back there, and smiled as she read the note attached.

Sottises glanced back to see how far ahead they'd gone from Rush. Instead, her green eyes landed on another stallion, one with a robotic eye from the looks of it. "I think Opportunity is right behind us..." she whispered to Spook with a chuckle.


maple had noticed that one of the two had looked up and sighed with relief at the fact that maybe they knew where blue was staying

Rush of MLP

Spook glanced over his shoulder and grinned mischievously. "How do you suggest we go about this?" He asked quietly.


maple felt like something was off about the two but decided it was just his old guard sense


Sweet grinned, "How does an illusion spell sound? I'll approach him and get him let own his guard,
then you strike with what he fears most. While he's occupied, we could easily slip away...Life's no fun without a good scare~
" she whispered back to Spook.


Predestine continued to stare off into space as she thought about what to do next. For some odd reason, she started to hum a tune. . . A tune from a movie . . .A movie about a holiday that is already over. . . A large frown formed across her face; she needs to stop getting emotionally attach to tall skeletons.
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White watched his smaller double dance, smiling as he did.
"Very good, sweetheart."  His own horn lit up, and soon the doll of their mother was dancing alongside the other.

[Alright, I think I'm FINALLY in the clear.  I should be a lot more responsive now, Cheebo.]
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Rush of MLP

Spook stifled a mock-evil laugh. "Ok. While you talk with him, I'll get into his head." He whispered in reply.


seeing that they had now stopped maple walked over"hello sorry to bother you two but have you seen a filly named blue"


((Awesome Dawns ^^))

Sottises grinned as she heard the stallion speak. The green-eyed mare changed her expression to a pleasant smile, stopping and turned towards the stallion that followed them. "I'm afraid not, I've only seen a green filly named Naura recently, I just returned from a long trip away...Why don't we introduce each other properly? I am Sottises, and you are?" she said with a smile, making pleasantries.

Sweet looked up, laughing softly as she watched her husband and daughter play with the dolls.
"I'll just make some warm drinks, unless anypony feels hungry? Aunty Grey left some treats for her favorite niece and nephew~" she said with a smile, holding up the little bag.

"Treats?" Jade asked with a smile, using her magic to make her Daddy doll tip his hat like a gentlecolt.


Grey trotted back home to the diner, deciding to make sure everything was decent.

Grey swept off the front porch, cleaned up all the driftwood that had accumulated, and put out some nice fall decorations outside. Inside was decent enough, if lacking in decoration, which was quickly remedied with some faux fall leaves and pumpkins.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


White's ears perked slightly at the mention of possible sweets, it felt like he hadn't had sugar in decades.
Just as he was contemplating how best to convince one of his children to...Donate one, he became aware that the glow from his horn was making the skull on his Mark show.
Rather quickly, he levitated the Sweet doll back into his sons hooves.  The last thing he needed was to scare his own children.

With a nervous laugh, White spoke.  "Wh...Why don't you two go get the treats Aunt Grey left you, hm?  Go on now."
He let Perry down next to his sister, a gentle smile on his face.
<br />


"maplewood nice to meet you miss"

Rush of MLP

Spook smiled politely as the two spoke, shifting the bags on his back with his magic. Or so it would've seemed. He was really using the bags as a cover as he cast a mind-tap spell, going into Maple's subconscious in search for his worst fears.


"Okay Daddy!" Jade replied happily, rushing over to the treat bag.
"Perry, you can have first pick, okay?" she said, letting her little brother reach inside first.

Peridot's tail wagged cutely as he selected a treat and munched quietly.

Sweet noticed a bottle of scented oil inside, placing on the table. "I think I'll just finish the last piece of cake from the other day..." she said, looking towards the fridge.

Jade then selected two treats, one the same size as her brother's, the second one a bit larger.
"Here Daddy, this one is yours." Jade said, using her magic to hand her Daddy the treat.

Sottises nodded. "Well Maplewood, I certainly hope the filly isn't in any kind of trouble, although I did hear that she'd gone missing. The poor dear..." she said sympathetically.


After a trip through her day dreams, she decided to call it a day. Some down time would do her mind good. As she finished that thought, something caught her attention. She glanced over to a mare and stallion that seemed to be having a conversation. Predestine couldn't put a hoof on it, but something seemed off about the mare. She shrugged it off; thinking whatever the stranger's deal is not worth her time. But she decided to continue to listen to their conversation. Slowly, she sat down on the ground. She kept quiet to keep attention off her and not to wake up Lil Foli.
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White smiled a bit, taking it with his hooves.
"Thank you, Jade."  He unwrapped it, popping it into his mouth.
White was a bit surprised by how good they were, though in hindsight he didn't know why he expected differently from Grey.

...Grey.  Where had she gone?  In the commotion of seeing his family, he hadn't noticed her leave.
White looked around the living room, but evidently she was not here.  ...She left without saying anything.  Though I suppose that's simply the kind of person she is...
He thought deeply for a moment, a peculiar expression on his face as he munched on the candy.
<br />


The foals continued to munch on the treats, both of them careful not to get their dolls sticky.

Sweet hummed softly as she took a seat at the table, taking a bite of chocolate cake.
She noticed White's expression, and tipped her head curiously. "Something on your mind, honey?" she asked.


"yes well that would be very bad now would it" he chuckled then suddenly winced getting a pain in the back of his head


"Oh dear, are you feeling unwell Maple?" Sottises asked, concern in her green eyes as she stepped forward a little.

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