Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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Rush of MLP

As they pulled away, Spook was pleased that Rush had not sped up with them.

"My spur-of-the-moment plan went without incident." He muttered quietly to Sottises as soon as he knew Rush was out of earshot.


White nearly jumped out of the house to his family.
He stopped just soon enough not to crash into his loved ones.  Simply the sight of them gave him what felt like enough energy to last him eternity.
White flung his arms around Sweet, and by extension, their children as well. 
He spoke, but only after placing a short kiss on Sweet's cheek.  "I missed my treasures...So much..."
His embrace had not ended, and didn't seem likely to anytime soon.
"How have my favorite girls been?"  It tore at him, but White finally released his family from his expression of love.  He looked them over, finally stopping to look into Sweet's eyes.
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maple smiled watching the scene unfold at the front door


Sottises grinned. "It did indeed. Did you have a purpose for this? Or did you simply need to ditch your keeper?" she asked Spook curiously. Although, if Sweet watched me as closely as Rush does to Spook here, I too would be rather displeased at the company. she thought with sympathy.

Sweet smiled happily, blinking back tears of joy. "W-We've been alright. I've been trying to gather some books to help Jade with her magic recently, and Rush has agreed to teach her now. Peridot here doesn't talk yet, but he's always exploring when I'm not looking..."
She paused, nuzzling White softly. "I'm so happy you're home..." she whispered softly.

Jade hopped out of the saddlebag her Mama wore, hugging her Daddy's leg tightly. "Yay! Daddy is home!" she said happily, her green eyes shining up at him.

Peridot leaned forward from the other pocket, gently gripping his Father's coat as he smiled.

Rush of MLP

Spook shrugged. "As much as I just love Rush's company, I felt it was time to leave him to his task."


Grey smiled to herself as she left the house, it was good that White was, Grey had known that Sweet had been missing him a good deal. She watched the tearful exchange happily, then trotted out of the gate, leaving the gifts for the family on their coffee table.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


Sottises nodded in understanding. "It is for the best. I am not so certain that Blue would be as pleased to see us as the other ponies." she replied softly.


White shared in the nuzzle wholeheartedly, wondering why he felt so much heavier all of a sudden.
He lifted his overburdened hoof up closer to his face, eyeing his adorable attacker with a smile.
"So, you're learning magic, eh?  Anything interesting so far?"  As he finished he leaned down to let her onto his back.
In the same motion, he scooped up Perry into his arms.
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Rush of MLP

Spook sighed. "Yeah. I'm not really good with young ponies."


realizing that grey had left maple quickly walked over to the two at the door"thank you for inviting me in but I must know go meet blue as she most certianly will like to meet me"


2015 Nov 05, 21:17:21 #35730 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 05, 21:19:06 by ChibiGrrl
Sweet looked over at the visitor, smiling warmly. "Thanks for stopping by, I'm sure White enjoyed the company. Safe travels." she said. She then moved to the living room to remove her saddlebag.

Jade grinned, hugging White around the neck. "I can pick stuff up real easy with my magic now Daddy! Oh, and I did turn Perry's coat bright pink once, that was on accident though. And cousin Rush said he would teach me some of those magic drawings he does too!" she replied with a giggle.

Peridot smiled softly, nuzzling close to his father. His Mommy doll was held close in his hooves like always.

Jade's horn glowed with a bright green aura. Her Daddy doll came floating gently over to her, held in her magic.

Sottises thought a moment. "So, think of any grand schemes?" she asked, grinning at Spook. It had been a while since her last good jest, and she was itching for another.


Grey continued on, glad that White had come home. She felt like a ship of the night, though, passing unnoticed through the waters that were her friends lives.. Her happy mood dissipated as she walked onward.. "What will happen to all of us, when our filled and colts grow up? Will White, Sweet, Check and I live out the rest of our lives in peaceful quiet?"
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Rush of MLP

"None off the top of my head, or, at least, nothing safe." Spook said, thinking about how alert Rush is due to Blue's disappearance. "Do you?"


maple had made his way across towards what looked like a inn, on the way there he spotted two ponies walking close together looking as if they where in a deep conversation


Sottises glanced around. "No, I'm afraid not. I believe an opportunity may present itself soon, however." she chuckled softly.


The duo finally made it back to the main part of the beach. With Lil Foli on her back, Predestine walked the beach as she mumbled to herself. She didn't have a destination in mind, so she followed the flow of the clouds above. Lil Foli was sound asleep, and Predestine would like to keep it that way. After walking for a bit, the mare stopped in place. As she scratch at her face, she thought about what she should do next.
🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻   🌻🌻🌻

Rush of MLP

Spook grinned. "I hope so. I can't wait to work with somepony that is so similar to me."


White chuckled, quietly.  "I would have liked to see that, think you could do it again?"
He walked with purpose into the house, following after his better half.
Once inside, he poofed his coat onto the rack.
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as maple reached a certain point he could recognize the tow in front of him one had a saddle bag on him which looked like it was filled to bursting


On White and Sweet's coffee table was a small box of treats, and bottle with a label that read, "Lavender oil, mix with water and sprinkle on pillows to aid sleep." there was also a note on the box of treats, "Treats for the foals, very sweet, may induce hyperactivity." and another note, free of any items, that read: "Hey Sweet, thought I'd drop these off for you and the foals, hope you're doing well! ~Grey"
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

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