Pascalo Beach [SIGN-UP]

Started by alexandas, 2014 Jun 02, 01:06:11

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Maple took a deep breath trying to calm down as much as he could "goodness maple your falling apart here" he said inside his head

Rush of MLP

Rush slowed down as they approached Sottises and Spook.

"Hello." He said with a smile, coming to a stop in front of them.

Spook simply waved and remained silent.


White laughed.  "I know, I know.  I've been away on business.  Please, come in and have some coffee.  I hope you don't mind sharing the living room though."
He left the door open for her as he went once again to the kitchen to get a third mug.
<br />


Grey chuckled "Just like old times.." she stepped inside, and shut the door. Seeing Maple sitting on the couch she took one of the armchairs. Sitting down after she placed her saddlebags on the track near the door.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


(( so i suppose Grey does not know that Blue is missing X3 ))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Sweet beamed happily, trotting up to her green-eyed look alike quickly. "Sottises! It's so good to see you!" she said with a warm smile, hugging the other mare.

Sottises smiled, hugging Sweet back gently. "It is good to see you as well, Sister." she replied, hoping to keep the atmosphere amiable. She hoped that Rush wouldn't accuse Spook of anything.

Jade leaned out of the pocket in her Mama's saddlebag, hugging the mare. "Aunty Tise!" she greeted happily with a smile.


Noticing the new guest maple got up "hello miss my name is Maplewood" he smiled his eye more prominent now then ever


Grey shook his hoof, "Ah, I thought I recognized you, you are Blue's, keeper? I believe the term."
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


[Technically, neither does White.]

Coming back around the corner, White levitated the mug into arms reach of Grey.
He sat down as well, and decided to listen for a while.
<br />


Maple look a little surprised "yes and I'm guess your blues adoption mother" he smiled "thank you for taking blue in during that hard time she went through"

Rush of MLP

While Sottises was talking with Sweet, Rush took the moment to slip in next to Spook.

"So... What are you doing?" He asked, his curiosity written all over his face.

"Well, I saw this mare, Sottises, walking across the beach and I thought I might say hello." Spook replied. "Admittedly, I mistook her for Sweet."

Rush chuckled. "Is that so? What's up with the bags?"

"These are her's. I thought I might offer to help carry them; you know, to be polite."


White's eyes slowly began to glaze over, eyelids starting to feel just a bit heavier.
His first thought was that the coffee wasn't working.

[Sorry to be a damper, but I'm gonna have to sleep soon.]
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Noticing that white was about to pass out maple looked at the time "hmm Mabye we should continue this talk tommorrow"


Sweet smiled happily, letting the other mare out of the hug. "I'm glad to see you're back. I was starting to worry since I hadn't gotten a letter from you recently..." she said.

Sottises waved a hoof. "Ah, I had meant to send one, but it would have shortly arrived before I did. So, here I am. I'm glad to see your little ones are getting so big." she said with a grin, her green eyes sparkling as she changed the subject.

Sweet beamed, "Thank you, both of them have been getting pretty big lately. So, if you're back, why not just stop by my house? I always have space open." she replied.

Sottises chuckled, thinking quickly. "Ah, you see...I was just going to rent a room at the inn. After all, you're a mother now, and I didn't want to be in the way. I was on my way there when I ran into Spook, and he was kind enough to offer to help me with my bags. Speaking of which, how is your husband?" she explained, then quickly changed the subject again.


Grey chuckled "That would probably be wise, White's had a long journey, I'm sure he's in need of some decent rest. I'll tell Sweet that he's home. She'll be overjoyed to see him."

[I gotta go guys, see you all tomorrow?]
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.


White failed to hold back a yawn that his body forced on him.  He chugged the rest of his coffee as a counterattack.
Placing the now empty mug back on the table, he spoke.  "I agree wholeheartedly.  But please, continue this conversation with Grey.  She needs to hear it more than I do."
<br />

Rush of MLP

Rush raised an eyebrow. "That's a bit out of character for you."

"Is it? You would know." Spook said, grinning mischievously.

Rush winced at the verbal jab. "You're right. I shouldn't assume like that."

"I would appreciate it if you didn't." Spook said, figuring he successfully changed the subject, hoping for an awkward silence to consume them.

Rush had different plans, however. "Where were you two headed?"

"I'm... not really sure." Spook replied, flinching at the unexpected question.


"speaking of which do you know a good place to where I could rent a place to stay ?" he asked finishing his second coffee before he began


2015 Nov 05, 01:27:11 #35698 Last Edit: 2015 Nov 05, 01:29:16 by ChibiGrrl
Sweet blinked, caught a little off guard. "Oh...Well, from his last letter, his business in Manehattan is going very well..." she replied with a smile, it didn't quite reach her eyes though.

Jade listened to the big ponies, then yawned softly. "Mama? I'm getting sleepy..." the filly said, rubbing her eyes.

Sottises clucked her tongue softly. "Tsk tsk tsk, tired fillies should get their rest." she said softly. Looking up at Sweet she added, "Perhaps it would be best if you took the little ones home?"

Sweet looked over to Rush. "I-I should, but Rush and I were going to talk with Hunter or Fix at the inn. Blue's gone missing again..." she replied worriedly.

Rush of MLP

Rush pulled himself away from his and Spook's conversation, which had turned into more of a battle of wits than a proper conversation.

"If the foals are tired, you can go back. I can talk to them alone. It doesn't bother me." He said, smiling kindly.

Spook let out a silent sigh of relief as his counterpart turned away.

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