Ponysona: The Rise and Fall of Tartarus

Started by HunterOfTheDark, 2014 May 26, 14:29:02

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Aurora recieved the arm band, but showed the device she was holding. She says, "[glow=navy,2,300]It is called a summon blaster. The runes on it match the summoner's summoning cyrcle. Only summoners who can use personas are allowed to use it. It works similar to the evokers.[/glow]"

To show how it works, Aurora holds Rotara's card and the fortuna persona card before the device and pretends to fire it through the cards and her head, as if she was useing it.


Blue held her head. "Alright everypony, i need to get some rest, so good night." she sighed and walked upstairs.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


2014 Sep 29, 06:56:18 #542 Last Edit: 2014 Sep 30, 21:28:29 by HunterOfTheDark
[shadow=blue,left]"We should all get some rest. We have a big day tomorrow. Or should I say, tomorrow night."[/shadow] Blueblood agreed.

((Ok, before we move on, I have a quick question for you all in the OOC. After I get an answer, we will move on to the next day.))

Post Merge

((Alright then. Thank you Grizzly for volunteering to run support until I can get my Fuuka equivalent character into the mix. Now on with the RP!))

=====Thursday Morning=====

Dusk yawned as he slowly trotted to his classroom. He had decided to stay up till midnight to check the validity of Blueblood's claims regarding the Dark Hour. He wasn't really surprised when he found that Blueblood had indeed been telling the truth. He also saw a mysteriously glowing door just standing in the street. He intended to investigate it with one of the others at a later time. For now, he needed to focus on classes, and trying not to fall asleep.
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


Blue had another sleepless night behind her, watching the magic lights of the small TV in her room. Lost in her thoughts she was barely paying attention to the class nor the lessons.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


2014 Oct 01, 14:21:42 #544 Last Edit: 2014 Oct 01, 15:33:40 by Doomato
Doomato was sitting at his desk, writing down notes "from the lecture", some of which included;

Spoiler: show
Shopping list:

  • Gotta get bread.

  • Restock sugar-donuts.

  • Buy box of chocolates.

  • Buy twelve by the power of four?


Mage groggily awoke. The dream he had was still bothering him. However...

"It was just a dream"
thought Mage

He got his things together, headed to school, entered his classroom, took his seat, and prepared for the lesson to begin...
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


J had spent most nights how he normally did training. waking up he makes his way to class and sits down in his seat
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


Doomato rolled his eyes and rubbed off the writing on the paper, finally making real notes.


2014 Oct 02, 22:01:52 #548 Last Edit: 2014 Oct 02, 22:05:28 by Omega_Khaos
Aurora was downstairs bright and early. She was mixing a summoner's tea blend. Rotara was sitting at the table, eating something not of this world.

Aurora was doing her best in classes and practicing her summoning in her shop and working. She feels she will be ready for dark hour that night.


=====Morning Classes=====

Class 2-Fa (Dusk Storm, Blue Star, Mage Heart, J, Doomato and Checkmate's class)

As the bell rang for classes to begin, Professor Twilight teleported in. "Good morning class! Due to an unfortunate accident involving muffins, the teacher you were originally meant to have, Professor Hooves, has called sick. Today, I will be taking care of your chemistry class. Now, who here can tell me the chemical equation of water?"

Spoiler: Possible Answers • show
A) H2N3
B) H2O
C) H1N1

Class 2-Fb (Blob King, Midnight Aurora and Naura's class)

The Doctor quickly trotted in. "Good morning class! Are we sitting comfortably? Good! Now lets pick up were we left off last time. During the final days of WP (World Party) 2, with the capital city of Prance, the Hoofans and Prench were partying as you wouldn't believe. In the midst of this, a stallion by the name of Dorian Mode began to..."

Will you fall asleep, or will you pay attention to the lecture?

((If you want to learn more about the story the Doctor is telling, take a look at this:
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


Blue was too heavily in thoughts to answer the question, no matter how easy it was. She didn't even know the class started already, only stared at her desk with a tired and blank expression.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Spoiler: show
    Check spoke monotonically, from the back of the room.


Spoiler: show
J answers leaning back in his chair a bit

//I wasn't sure if more than one pony can answer sorry if I am wrong X3
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


((You're fine Flame, everyone needs to give an answer before I give the correct one))
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


((is it ok that Blue did not give an answer? ))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


2014 Oct 03, 02:36:36 #555 Last Edit: 2014 Oct 03, 11:26:33 by Doomato
Spoiler: show

((It's funny, we were doing molecules in my science class yesterday. X3))


Quote from: Grizzly on 2014 Oct 03, 01:31:45
((is it ok that Blue did not give an answer? ))

((Yeah, thats fine))

Quote from: Doomato on 2014 Oct 03, 02:36:36

((It's funny, we were doing molecules in my science class yesterday. X3))

((Erm, Doom, next time, could you put your answer in a spoiler so as not to give the answer away?))
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


Quote from: HunterOfTheDark on 2014 Oct 03, 04:54:56
Quote from: Grizzly on 2014 Oct 03, 01:31:45
((is it ok that Blue did not give an answer? ))

((Yeah, thats fine))

Quote from: Doomato on 2014 Oct 03, 02:36:36

((It's funny, we were doing molecules in my science class yesterday. X3))

((Erm, Doom, next time, could you put your answer in a spoiler so as not to give the answer away?))

((Sorry, I didn't know... >.<))


Quote from: HunterOfTheDark on 2014 Oct 02, 22:54:15
=====Morning Classes=====

Class 2-Fa (Dusk Storm, Blue Star, Mage Heart, J, Doomato and Checkmate's class)

As the bell rang for classes to begin, Professor Twilight teleported in. "Good morning class! Due to an unfortunate accident involving muffins, the teacher you were originally meant to have, Professor Hooves, has called sick. Today, I will be taking care of your chemistry class. Now, who here can tell me the chemical equation of water?"

Spoiler: Possible Answers • show
A) H2N3
B) H2O
C) H1N1

Mage Heart raised up his left hoof and spoke aloud as well.
Spoiler: show

answered Mage
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Despite being a bit borde and wanting to nap or meditate, Aurora listened to the class and stayed awake.

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