Ponysona: The Rise and Fall of Tartarus

Started by HunterOfTheDark, 2014 May 26, 14:29:02

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Checkmate kept scribbling, getting annoyed that they'd left facts and were talking about emotions.


Quote from: Omega_Khaos on 2014 Jul 10, 10:11:07
Aurora says, "[glow=navy,2,300]To be honest with you I had an idea about it. I have seen those shadows, as Rotara put it, for the last 6 months now. Every time the full moon came around, I would use Rotara's Time Stop Staff ability to slow them down, so I could make it home. As for those persona entities, They are new to me and it seams my deck is able to work with them to summon what is known to the summoner world as Persona summonings. Also I now realize that whatever the fooled jester, the wheel of fate and the wild card means, It has something to do with both the shadows and the personas we unlocked. Blue, how long were we out?[/glow]"

Rotara decides to answer for Blue, "[glow=purple,2,300]You all were unconscious for about two or more weeks. Everypony has been worried about you. Blue more then the others because you all saved her life.[/glow]"

"Wait, TWO WEEKS?!?" Dusk all but screamed. "Whos been taking care of our notes and homework assignments?!?"
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


Aurora and Midnight asks, "[glow=red,2,300]I agree with dusk on that one.[/glow]"

((because it past the half way point Midnight will start to come out more.))


The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Dusk calms down after he hears this, knowing his academic life is safe. His frown returns, however, as he turns back to Blue. "Now that we've got that out of the way, I believe you have some explaining to do."
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


Blue sighed again. "Yeah, i guess. Problem is that i really have no idea where to start..."
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


"How about you start with those things, and those weird creatures we summoned?"
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


Blue rubbed her head. "Well, we don't really know what exactly they are. We call them Personas. We use this..." she pulled out the cannon like object and showed it to Dusk and the others. "...to summon them. These things are envokers. You just point it to your head and pull the trigger. I can't really do it yet, so mine is just a training thingy." she tried to explain.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


"Huh, so we basiclly kill ourselfs amd comeback back to life?" Sabrina said in a shocked tone.
Feel free to check out my [URL=http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11982.0]Oc page[/URL]!


"I... don't know. I never did it myself. Twilight senpai said that it feels like dying but you don't actually die." blue whispered.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


J soon arrives at the hospital room he stands in the doorway leaning on the frame. Not saying anything yet.
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


Quote from: FlameandIce on 2014 Jul 16, 14:57:49
J soon arrives at the hospital room he stands in the doorway leaning on the frame. Not saying anything yet.

Mage noticed the new pony that was unfamiliar to him ((I don't think Mage ever met him. I think))

"Hi there. They're in there. But I got kicked out because, according to them anyway, I'm 'not involved' in whatever it is they're talking about." informed Mage.

The curiosity was starting to get the better of him though... He then began to get his left ear close to the doorway... to see if he could make out what the others inside of the room were saying...
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Quote from: Grizzly on 2014 Jul 16, 14:15:25
"I... don't know. I never did it myself. Twilight senpai said that it feels like dying but you don't actually die." blue whispered.

Dusk raises an eyebrow. "I could have sworn there was nothing in it when we were using it. But thats besides the point. What about those creatures we fought? What were they?"
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


"Those we call shadows. They pop up during the dark hour... How to... I think you should ask Senpai to explain that one." Blue sighed once more, this explaining thing was out of her league.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Checkmate kept scribbling silently, it seemed they'd forgotten him.  Good.


It was at that time that a white stallion with a red cross cutie mark stepped in. "I'm sorry to interrupt, but I'm afraid visiting hours are over. They'll be free to return to the dorm tomorrow."
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


(( Just thought of something! Blue is a medical pony, should she be helping out in the hospital? If so i could say she took the shift now to try to explain more ))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Checkmate ignored him, pressing further into the corner and scribbling.


((While thats a good idea, I think we should let Blueblood, Twilight and J explain whats going on once the group gets back to the dorm. Besides, wouldn't really make a lot of sense for high school student to have a full time job at the hospital. A volunteer, maybe, but definitely not a full time employee))
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


(( well normally i have Blue study a medical school and help out in a hospital as a nurse half time, so there's that. But we can assume that in this RP she doesn't have that job X3 ))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.

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