Ponysona: The Rise and Fall of Tartarus

Started by HunterOfTheDark, 2014 May 26, 14:29:02

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According to official reports, lights and sounds happened, and you were found unconscious.


Dusk frowns, knowing full well she was hiding something. "That wasn't what I was talking about. I meant everything that happened that night."
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


Checkmate went silent, ready to write.  He too wanted to know what had happened.


Sabrina walks into the room with a glass of water levitating in front of her.
"Hello everypony!"
Feel free to check out my [URL=http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11982.0]Oc page[/URL]!


Mage wasn't sure what to do. He had heard some sort of "accident" occurred at the nearby dorms which had hospitalized some ponies. He also knew that some of the ponies he had met, and he actually was starting to like, lived in the dorms.

School continued onward of course. After school though, Mage bought some flowers and a "Get Well Soon" card and headed for the hospital. He asked about the room at the receptionist desk, and entered the room.

When he entered... he saw two ponies playing chess with one another, and another pony with a glass of water.

Mage set down the flowers and the "Get Well Soon" card on a nearby table. One of the injured ponies had apparently awoken.

Quote from: HunterOfTheDark on 2014 Jul 09, 03:20:23
Dusk frowns, knowing full well she was hiding something. "That wasn't what I was talking about. I meant everything that happened that night."

"I'd like to know myself. All ponies are saying is that there was some sort of 'accident' at the dorms. What exactly happened anyway?" asked Mage, as he was quite curious as to what happened as well.
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


[B][Color=purple]"Well, some 'things' attacked us"[/color] [/b]Sabrina yawns and sits down.
Feel free to check out my [URL=http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=11982.0]Oc page[/URL]!


Dusk nods. "Yeah, then we fought them off with those... Personas. Yeah, I think they're called Personas. Anyhoof, we don't have any idea what those creatures were, or why they were attacking. It would help if we knew so that we can make a strategy against them. Plus, I don't exactly like information being withheld from." Dusk frowns at Blue as he says this last part.
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


//Um sorry to ask again but did I miss anything important aside from the fight?
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


Quote from: Naura on 2014 Jul 09, 11:29:43
[B][Color=purple]"Well, some 'things' attacked us"[/color] [/b]Sabrina yawns and sits down.

Quote from: HunterOfTheDark on 2014 Jul 09, 13:24:34
Dusk nods. "Yeah, then we fought them off with those... Personas. Yeah, I think they're called Personas. Anyhoof, we don't have any idea what those creatures were, or why they were attacking. It would help if we knew so that we can make a strategy against them. Plus, I don't exactly like information being withheld from." Dusk frowns at Blue as he says this last part.

Mage... began to laugh.

"Very funny guys. I'm glad to see you're sense of humors are still in tack despite what happened. So seriously... what happened?" asked Mage

((What? You didn't honestly think Mage would believe that... did you?  :P))
[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


Checkmate scribbled all of their words down, taking it seriously.  He was not a skeptic when it came to supernatural ideas, mainly because it made more sense than the official story.


Aurora wakes up and says yawning, "[glow=navy,2,300]I have three things to say. One, What the heck happened? Two, Where are my summoning cards? and three I will ask when we get home.[/glow]"


Checkmate stared at the strange pony.  What happened?  Summoning-True?


Aurora looks at the one who asked and says, "[glow=navy,2,300]I am a summoner. Normally on the night of the full moon my summons are not very effective against those shadow like things. but that night I called something out that seamed to have really been effective against them.[/glow]"

Rotara materializes and says, "[glow=purple,2,300]Well Aurora, You really gave me a fright but Rota told me you wouldn't die from that. Those 'SHADOWS' were really weak besides the big one. As for your deck, it seams a new function has been unlocked for it. So I had to get the deck analyzed by the summoner's guild. Here ya go. It seams you can now perform both persona fusion summonings and Legendary summonings. In the last 1000 years, you are the first summoner to be able to call forth the legendary summonings.[/glow]" Rotara hands the deck to Aurora. She then turns to blue and says, "[glow=purple,2,300]Blue I think it is time they new. Mage, you and Checkmate there Might want to step out before this conversation starts to get over your head. I mean no disrespect but for those who do not have a persona what will be said is not for your ears.[/glow]" Rotara waits for their response.

((I think mage has meet Rotara before but I think Checkmate hasn't.))



Checkmate stayed silent, scribbling in his notepad. 


((Then Rotara just seaming to pop in from nowhere, might be a bit more surprising for him.))


((He's literally emotionless...it's amazingly hard to surprise him.))


Dusk's frown deepened. "Aurora, are you telling me you knew what was going on the whole time?"

((Any time now Grizzly))
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


J arrives at the hospital deciding to visit the ponies who were hospitalized after what had happened the previous 2 weeks(?) Hearing he conversation from down the hall he slows his pace listening in
now let's all agree to never be creative again thank you Sugercup
RP idea give me feedback


Quote from: Omega_Khaos on 2014 Jul 10, 00:44:32
Aurora looks at the one who asked and says, "[glow=navy,2,300]I am a summoner. Normally on the night of the full moon my summons are not very effective against those shadow like things. but that night I called something out that seamed to have really been effective against them.[/glow]"

Rotara materializes and says, "[glow=purple,2,300]Well Aurora, You really gave me a fright but Rota told me you wouldn't die from that. Those 'SHADOWS' were really weak besides the big one. As for your deck, it seams a new function has been unlocked for it. So I had to get the deck analyzed by the summoner's guild. Here ya go. It seams you can now perform both persona fusion summonings and Legendary summonings. In the last 1000 years, you are the first summoner to be able to call forth the legendary summonings.[/glow]" Rotara hands the deck to Aurora. She then turns to blue and says, "[glow=purple,2,300]Blue I think it is time they new. Mage, you and Checkmate there Might want to step out before this conversation starts to get over your head. I mean no disrespect but for those who do not have a persona what will be said is not for your ears.[/glow]" Rotara waits for their response.

((I think mage has meet Rotara before but I think Checkmate hasn't.))

Mage didn't know what to say. Even the pony who told fortunes was saying the same thing. He honestly didn't know what to think at this point. He didn't know if this was one big joke or if they were truly being honest. If it was a big joke... it was going a bit far at this point.

Mage said nothing further. He headed for the exit of the room. However, first he stopped close to the chess-playing pony.

"Coming? They obviously don't want to tell us what's really going on here..." remarked Mage. Regardless of if the chess-playing pony followed him or not, Mage left the room anyway.

Once he was outside... he went into deep thought about these so-called 'Shadows' and 'Personas'

What were they? Were they dangerous? What exactly was going on here? Mage had too many questions... and not enough answers...

[shadow=gray,left]I'M ONLY HAPPY WHEN IT REIGNS[/shadow]

The Roman Reigns of the forum


2014 Jul 10, 10:11:07 #479 Last Edit: 2014 Jul 11, 04:23:32 by Omega_Khaos
Aurora says, "[glow=navy,2,300]To be honest with you I had an idea about it. I have seen those shadows, as Rotara put it, for the last 6 months now. Every time the full moon came around, I would use Rotara's Time Stop Staff ability to slow them down, so I could make it home. As for those persona entities, They are new to me and it seams my deck is able to work with them to summon what is known to the summoner world as Persona summonings. Also I now realize that whatever the fooled jester, the wheel of fate and the wild card means, It has something to do with both the shadows and the personas we unlocked. Blue, how long were we out?[/glow]"

Rotara decides to answer for Blue, "[glow=purple,2,300]You all were unconscious for about two or more weeks. Everypony has been worried about you. Blue more then the others because you all saved her life.[/glow]"

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