Ponysona: The Rise and Fall of Tartarus

Started by HunterOfTheDark, 2014 May 26, 14:29:02

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Time never waits.
    It delivers all equally to the same end.

You, who wish to safeguard the futue,
    however limited it may be...

You will be given one year

go forth without falter,
    with your heart as your guide...

Terminal station, Ponyville, evening

The station entrance is buzzing with activity as you trot in, preparing to catch the last train to Canterlot.

Meanwhile, elsewhere...

A young blue unicorn sits with her back against a wall. She's dressed in the Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns uniform, a cannon-like object levitating in her magical grip.

"I just... put it to my head..." she gasps, putting the cannon directly under her horn, the letters S.E.E.S. reflecting in the light of the setting sun. "And pull the trigger... no chickening out..." The unicorn squeezes her eyes shut, her magical grip slowly tightening on the trigger. The cannon begins to shake, until finally, it drops to the floor. "No... I can't!"

Inside the passenger train "Friendship Express"...

You are now preparing yourself to disembark in Canterlot, as an announcement is played over the PA system.

"Due to a malfunction in the switching system, today's rail schedule has been greatly altered. We apologize to any customers who were in a hurry. The next stop is the Academic District of Canterlot..."

30 minutes later

"The Academic District," the PA system announces as the train pulls up into the station. "This is the final train bound for Canterlot Central. Please take care to board before our departure."

Due to the delay, you arrived late. There are only seconds left till midnight.


The lights in the station, along with every other device running off of electricity, suddenly turns off, casting you into an eerie, green, twilight. Something about the atmosphere seems odd, yet you can't quite put your hoof on what. It would probably be best to hurry to the dorm.

As you trot from the station, you notice coffin-like objects lining the deserted city. You lift your gaze to the moon, towering over head, and glowing with an eerie yellowish-green light. You decide to hurry to the dorm, putting the appearance of the moon out of your mind.

10 minutes later

You arrive at the Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns, Academic dorm. This is the dorm mentioned in your admission pamphlet. Upon entering, you are greeted with a high, amused voice.

"Welcome." You turn towards the source, finding a young colt, about 15 years old standing before you. He is incredibly pale with a near white coat, blue eyes and a blue mane and tail. "You're late," he continued, with an eerie grin. "I've been waiting a long time."

The unknown colt is holding a piece of paper out to you...

"If you want to proceed, then please sign here. It's a contract," the colt explained. "There's no need to be scared. It only binds you to accepting full responsibility for your actions."

You look closely at the paper he's holding out to you, reading the words written on the page. 'I chooseth this fate of mine own free will.' Below the words is a blank to sign your name, which you now do.

"...Very well," the colt says, as he takes the paper back. "Time is something no one can escape. It delivers us all to the same end. Wishing won't make it go away." His smile morphs into something akin to a predatory grin. "And so it begins..." With those final words, the unknown colt disappeared, as if melting into the darkness, his grin being the last thing to vanish.

"Who's there!?" a voice cries out behind you. You turn and find a blue unicorn filly, her mouth agape, and eyes wide. "How can you be... But it's...! Wait... Don't tell me..."

The filly is holding something that looks like a miniature cannon in her telekinetic grip, slowly being brought up...

"Wait!" another voice called, stopping the cannon's course. Another pony trotted down the stairs, this one a purple alicorn, obviously the princess of friendship herself, Princess Twilight Sparkle. The lights suddenly come back on, prompting you to momentarily shield your eyes.

"The lights..." the filly's voice breathes in relief.

Princess Twilight turns to you. "I didn't think you'd arrive so late. As I'm sure you already know, my name is Twilight Sparkle. I'm one of the teachers who live in and supervises this dorm."

"Who's (s)he?" the blue filly asks, shifting nervously from hoof to hoof.

"(S)He's a transfer student. It was a last minute decision to assign him/her here," Twilight explained. "(S)He'll eventually be moved to a room in the normal dorm."

The blue filly bites her lip. "Is it okay for him/her to be here?"

"I guess we'll see," Twilight replies, chuckling to herself. She turns back to you. "This is Blue Star. She'll be a junior this spring, just like you."

"...Hi, I'm Blue Star, but you can call me Blue." Blue says, a smile forming on her face.

Your eyes shift down to the cannon, now resting on the floor. You decide to ask the obvious question. "Why do you have a cannon?"

Blue's eyes go wide. "Huh? Um, well, it's sorta like a hobby... Well, not a hobby, but..."

"You know how it is these days..." Twilight cut in. "It's for self-defense when magic fails. It's not a real cannon, of course. It's getting late. You'll find your room on the 3rd floor. Your things should already be there. I suggest you tuck in for the night."

"Oh, I'll show you the way," Blue speaks up, her smile returning to her face. "Follow me."


Dormitory, 3rd floor hallway, in front of door...

"Welp, here we are," Blue says as she stops in front of a door. She then turns back to you. "So, any questions?"

There is one question in your mind at the moment. "Does that colt live here?"

"What are you talking about?" Blue asks, raising an eyebrow.

You decide to just drop the question, since she obviously doesn't know what you're talking about.

"Um, can I ask you something?" she asks. You nod in response. "On your way here from the station, was everything okay?"

You raise your eyebrow. "What do you mean?" you ask in response.

"You know what I--" she cuts herself off. "...Never mind. It seems like you're alright. Well, I'd better get going..." She turns and starts down the hallway, then pauses and turns back to you. "Um... I'm sure you still have other questions, but let's save them for later, okay? Good night." Blue then trots down the stairs.

You now turn back to your room, enter it, and fall on top of your bed, instantly falling asleep.

((Alright! The first post of the RP! This post is in the second person view, so that I could describe the opening in a mysterious way, without giving away too much info. Now, those of you with the Fool arcana, that would be me and blobking, will be woken up by Blue the next morning, and will officially meet each other as we get ready to go to school. Everyone else will be met at the school. So, wait for Grizzly to post how her character comes to wake you up, then you can post.))
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


(Yay! [spoiler]Wait, is this the first night with the velvet room, or not yet. haven't seen or watched  P3 in a while.[spoiler] )


2014 May 26, 14:51:24 #2 Last Edit: 2014 May 26, 15:41:07 by Grizzly
((oh my gosh XD just managed to get P3P working on my PSP and this pops up in resent posts X3 nice, now i dont know what to do, RP or play P3P X3))

Post Merge

Morning began and you hear a knock from your door. "Morning, you up yet?" Blue called, she didn't wait for an answer, opened the door and walked in. "Princess Twilight send me to take you to class, you ready to go?" She asked and smiled.

((something like this? If its not ok i'll do an edit))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


"Mrngh" i groan, getting out of bed, and bonk my head, and that makes me wake up comepletely. i stand up, and almost forget my uniform! never really had to wear clothes before, but now i do. so, i put on mt tie, and blazer (?), and open the door.


Dusk is awoken by a thump from next door, followed by a knocking on your door.
Quote from: Grizzly on 2014 May 26, 14:51:24
"Morning, you up yet?" Blue called, she didn't wait for an answer, opened the door and walked in. "Princess Twilight send me to take you to class, you ready to go?" She asked and smiled.

Dusk nodded. "Give me a sec to get my uniform on. I'll meet you and Blob downstairs." Blue nods, closing the door as she leaves the room. The grey unicorn then moves over to his saddlebags, removing the blazer and tie, quickly donning them. I take a look in the mirror, to see my gravity defying hair style, is still defying gravity. I then open the door, and head downstairs.
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


i also head downstairs, and meet everybody. Still groggy, i sit down on a selection of couches. "Mrr... Do we get breakfast?"


Twilight chuckled from her position in the dining room. "Believe me Blob, it's times like this that I wish Spike had come with me to Canterlot. I'm afraid you'll have to get something on your way to school. Speaking of which, you should probably get going if you don't want to miss the train. Oh, and don't bother going to the faculty office to meet your homeroom teacher, since you met her last night, and are talking to her right now."

Dusk quietly took a seat across from Blob, as the two waited for Blue to get downstairs.
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


"So, i had the craziest sleep-deprived daydream. You know the mare that woke us up? yeah, she had some sort of cannon thing. but at least i got sleep. it was like, midnight when i got here."


"Um, Blob," Dusk replies. "That wasn't a dream. That was real."
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


A moment later Blue walked down the stairs and stood next to Twilight. "Ok, guys, we have like 5 minutes to get to the train, so we better hurry. If you're hungry you can buy something in the school's buffet." She explained and put on a saddlebag which was lying in an near by chair and  waited at the door for the two.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


Dusk nods, picking up his own saddlebag, and going to the door.
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


Blob grabbed his bag too, and quickly became less tired, as he started walking outside.


"Heh, gotta admire his drive for food." Dusk chuckled as he followed alongside Blue.
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


Blue giggled at the remark and galloped on, they boarded the train in the last possible moment, the door closing behind them and leaving for the school grounds. "Huff, close call there." she giggled again.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


"No doubt," Dusk agreed, watching the city pass by in a blur. Say, what exactly can we expect at the school? I've had a few experiences with exceptionally odd teachers."
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.


"Well, we can expect teachers, and paper, and desks, and learning, and things of the sort."


"Well..." Blue giggled and looked around then whispered to the two. "We do have a few oddball teachers."

((and now we need a teacher to be standing behind her to make this scene complete XD))
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


2014 May 27, 10:27:37 #17 Last Edit: 2014 May 27, 10:36:30 by HunterOfTheDark
*Ahem* The trio turn to find an orange unicorn standing behind them.

((Ask and you shall receive. Meet Professor Spell Nexus. Professor of Ancient Runes (basically the stern Japanese literature teacher in Persona 3)))
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.



After hearing the professor's voice Blue's face had a half worried, half 'busted' expression, she turned to him and smiled nervously. "Um... G-Good morning, professor Nexus..." She said half whispering.
The most common accident is the one noone expects.


"And a good morning to you Miss Star." He said, distaste clearly dripping in his voice. His eyes dart between the two transfer students, taking them in. "Well, it would seem we have two new students. Let me make something crystal clear before we arrive at the school. I am a pony of very few wants. Among those wants is the respect and cooperation of my students. Do as directed, and give myself, as well as my fellow professors, the respect we deserve, and we'll get along just fine." With that, the middle-aged professor turned back to the text book he was studying.

"Whew, talk about a creepy, ice king of a teacher." Dusk said, careful to keep his voice under the Professor's range of hearing.
Dig the wax out of your ears because I've got something to say! He takes the blazing sun in his bare hands and endures the searing heat. A mans man sustained by strength of will. When you hear of the great Kamina they're talking about me! You'd best remember that.

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