The Story Book (Multiple RP Sign-up Thread) [Updated: 1/16/15]

Started by Randam Saiko, 2014 May 17, 22:56:44

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also do Eidolons talk cause it'll be hard to RP if they don't talk (and im assuming if they do that only the 'owner' can only talk to there personal Eidolon)

Randam Saiko

Quote from: ThePolarAtlis on 2014 Jun 24, 00:05:00
also do Eidolons talk cause it'll be hard to RP if they don't talk (and im assuming if they do that only the 'owner' can only talk to there personal Eidolon)

They do indeed talk normally and anyone can hear them. Each eidolon will have a different personality, so it won't just be 4-6 generic speech familiars.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Okay, I was a bit unsure about Eidolons anyways, wasn't sure if the users were meant to embody their eidolon in some way or if it is a seperate entity they can call upon.
My OCs:
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


how long before these RPs get off the ground? Sorry didn't notice. corrected.

Quote from: Omega_Khaos on 2014 Jun 20, 21:50:13
-Multiple RP sign up- (first signup)
Name: Wraqua Silver
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Race: Pegasus
Description (Appearance and personality):
coat: Silver, like the lonely moon.
mane & tail: Midnight Blue like the night sky with white streaks like the shooting stars
Cutie Mark: A Platinum Dragon standing watch over some helpless ponies.
Personality: Kind, Caring, fierce protector of those she cares about, friendly, outgoing and Holds the ancient wisdom of the kind Silver Dragons that raised her.
Eidolon: Kae - The wind Wolf. Can create strong winds and move at extreme speeds.
Other Notes: Interested in affinity.

Randam Saiko

As soon as the RP reaches the required number of player. In the case of Affinity, 4 are required.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


I'm considering making an Affinity character, I just need to figure out one that works, my previous one was a bit messed up as I was unsure if the eidolons were embodiments or separate enteties, seems to be the latter.
My OCs:
Don't be afraid to make suggestions regarding any of the characters there if you have some.


Saiko, now that my chara is corrected would I be able to run her in affinity? Also about eidolons, how would one use the eidolon's power?

Randam Saiko

Quote from: Naura on 2014 Jun 23, 17:31:05
Name: Bright Grace
Gender: Female
Age: Filly?
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: Light red coat, dark pink eyes, cendre mane and tail, look up my Oc page.
Personality: Stubborn to a certin degree, but otherwise helpful, likes to play pranks.
Other Notes: A little lost filly without cutiemark. (I can understand if a filly ain't allowed)
I'll join any of the rp's, probably the first one to start.
Broken timeline, Damaged Timeline (What changed): Grace never met Naura's friends. (better?)
Roles: She is found by the team?

And as a result, how did Grace massively change?
Quote from: Omega_Khaos on 2014 Jun 20, 21:50:13
Name: Wraqua Silver
Gender: Female
Age: 21
Race: Pegasus
Description (Appearance and personality):
coat: Silver, like the lonely moon.
mane & tail: Midnight Blue like the night sky with white streaks like the shooting stars
Cutie Mark: A Platinum Dragon standing watch over some helpless ponies.
Personality: Kind, Caring, fierce protector of those she cares about, friendly, outgoing and Holds the ancient wisdom of the kind Silver Dragons that raised her.
Eidolon: Kae - The wind Wolf. Can create strong winds and move at extreme speeds.
Other Notes: Interested in affinity.


Quote from: Omega_Khaos on 2014 Jun 25, 21:45:23
Saiko, now that my chara is corrected would I be able to run her in affinity? Also about eidolons, how would one use the eidolon's power?

They work like independent familiars. They are their own creature, but they follow your orders (most of the time). You're free to command them as much as you like, but they do have their exhaustion point and opinion. Also, since their abilities revolve around affinity, they may be unable to do anything if under the wrong conditions.
ie: A fire cannot be created in absolute zero.

Or think of it as a Pokemon who isn't forced to follow orders, but will comply most of the time.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


This is for the Timeline RP.

Name: Checkmate
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Unicorn
Description (Appearance and personality):  Black fur and horn, white mane and tail.  Eyes are a light red, usually less visible behind his glasses, and his cutie mark is a white knight from chess.  Personality wise, he is an emotionless tactical machine: he is able to view nearly every situation coldly, but in conversation comes off as cold or cruel.
Are they the one fixing timelines? If no, fill out the below:  Yes.
Other Notes:

Randam Saiko

Quote from: Checkmate on 2014 Jun 25, 23:09:39
This is for the Timeline RP.

Name: Checkmate
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Unicorn
Description (Appearance and personality):  Black fur and horn, white mane and tail.  Eyes are a light red, usually less visible behind his glasses, and his cutie mark is a white knight from chess.  Personality wise, he is an emotionless tactical machine: he is able to view nearly every situation coldly, but in conversation comes off as cold or cruel.
Are they the one fixing timelines? If no, fill out the below:  Yes.
Other Notes:

I'm sorry but the position to fix the timelines has already been claimed. However, you are still free to re-submit as a broken timeline.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Alrighty, I didn't realize there was only one role to fix the timelines, sorry.

Name: Checkmate
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Unicorn
Description (Appearance and personality):  Black fur and horn, white mane and tail.  Eyes are a light red, usually less visible behind his glasses, and his cutie mark is a white knight from chess.  Personality wise, he is an emotionless tactical machine: he is able to view nearly every situation coldly, but in conversation comes off as cold or cruel.
Are they the one fixing timelines? If no, fill out the below:  No.
Damaged Timeline:  ((Would this be something that happened to Checkmate, or just in general?))
Other Notes:

Randam Saiko

Quote from: Checkmate on 2014 Jun 25, 23:13:52
Alrighty, I didn't realize there was only one role to fix the timelines, sorry.

Name: Checkmate
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Unicorn
Description (Appearance and personality):  Black fur and horn, white mane and tail.  Eyes are a light red, usually less visible behind his glasses, and his cutie mark is a white knight from chess.  Personality wise, he is an emotionless tactical machine: he is able to view nearly every situation coldly, but in conversation comes off as cold or cruel.
Are they the one fixing timelines? If no, fill out the below:  No.
Damaged Timeline:  ((Would this be something that happened to Checkmate, or just in general?))
Other Notes:

Something very specific that happened to him; a life changing event.

A disabled earth pony who was in a hiking accident and fell down the mountain. As a result, he broke his legs and can only work behind the register. There at work is where he met his wife and started a family.

He never got caught in the hiking accident and due to that never happening, he never met his wife and his children were never born.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Alrighty, final revision then.

Name: Checkmate
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Unicorn
Description (Appearance and personality):  Black fur and horn, white mane and tail.  Eyes are a light red, usually less visible behind his glasses, and his cutie mark is a white knight from chess.  Personality wise, he is an emotionless tactical machine: he is able to view nearly every situation coldly, but in conversation comes off as cold or cruel.
Are they the one fixing timelines? If no, fill out the below:  No.
Damaged Timeline:  Normally, Checkmate would have been accepted into the guards as a tactician, where he would become one of the best tacticians in history.  Once in this position, he would live alone for the rest of his life.  However, once changed, he would not be accepted into the guards, and his talent would go wasted, with him working menial jobs to get by.  Without his command, many criminals who would've been caught were instead never captured.  (Would something like this work?)
Other Notes:  Extremely emotionless, so emotional attempts to attract him do not work.  Doesn't understand love or attraction between ponies.

Randam Saiko

Quote from: Checkmate on 2014 Jun 26, 00:02:20
Alrighty, final revision then.

Name: Checkmate
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Unicorn
Description (Appearance and personality):  Black fur and horn, white mane and tail.  Eyes are a light red, usually less visible behind his glasses, and his cutie mark is a white knight from chess.  Personality wise, he is an emotionless tactical machine: he is able to view nearly every situation coldly, but in conversation comes off as cold or cruel.
Are they the one fixing timelines? If no, fill out the below:  No.
Damaged Timeline:  Normally, Checkmate would have been accepted into the guards as a tactician, where he would become one of the best tacticians in history.  Once in this position, he would live alone for the rest of his life.  However, once changed, he would not be accepted into the guards, and his talent would go wasted, with him working menial jobs to get by.  Without his command, many criminals who would've been caught were instead never captured.  (Would something like this work?)
Other Notes:  Extremely emotionless, so emotional attempts to attract him do not work.  Doesn't understand love or attraction between ponies.

This is definitely on the right track. Add how it affects him as a person/pony/internally and that should be it.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Alright.  Sorry I'm taking so much on one character, I'm just wanting to make sure I got this right.

Alrighty, final revision then.

Name: Checkmate
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Unicorn
Description (Appearance and personality):  Black fur and horn, white mane and tail.  Eyes are a light red, usually less visible behind his glasses, and his cutie mark is a white knight from chess.  Personality wise, he is an emotionless tactical machine: he is able to view nearly every situation coldly, but in conversation comes off as cold or cruel.
Are they the one fixing timelines? If no, fill out the below:  No.
Damaged Timeline:  Normally, Checkmate would have been accepted into the guards as a tactician, where he would become one of the best tacticians in history.  Once in this position, he would live alone for the rest of his life.  However, once changed, he would not be accepted into the guards, and his talent would go wasted, with him working menial jobs to get by.  Without his command, many criminals who would've been caught were instead never captured.  As a pony, without an outlet for his intellect, Checkmate is depressed and even more withdrawn than normal, having gained somewhat of a reputation as a "hermit."  If not helped, he will most likely waste his life, seeing as he is starting to feel like he has no purpose.
Other Notes:  Extremely emotionless, so emotional attempts to attract him do not work.  Doesn't understand love or attraction between ponies.

Randam Saiko

Quote from: Checkmate on 2014 Jun 26, 00:15:13
Alright.  Sorry I'm taking so much on one character, I'm just wanting to make sure I got this right.

Alrighty, final revision then.

Name: Checkmate
Gender: Male
Age: 20
Race: Unicorn
Description (Appearance and personality):  Black fur and horn, white mane and tail.  Eyes are a light red, usually less visible behind his glasses, and his cutie mark is a white knight from chess.  Personality wise, he is an emotionless tactical machine: he is able to view nearly every situation coldly, but in conversation comes off as cold or cruel.
Are they the one fixing timelines? If no, fill out the below:  No.
Damaged Timeline:  Normally, Checkmate would have been accepted into the guards as a tactician, where he would become one of the best tacticians in history.  Once in this position, he would live alone for the rest of his life.  However, once changed, he would not be accepted into the guards, and his talent would go wasted, with him working menial jobs to get by.  Without his command, many criminals who would've been caught were instead never captured.  As a pony, without an outlet for his intellect, Checkmate is depressed and even more withdrawn than normal, having gained somewhat of a reputation as a "hermit."  If not helped, he will most likely waste his life, or end it early, seeing as he is starting to feel like he has no purpose.
Other Notes:  Extremely emotionless, so emotional attempts to attract him do not work. Doesn't understand love or attraction between ponies.

Let's keep it appropriate. Upon removing that little blemish, Accepted

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Alright, sorry.  I wasn't sure how dark to take it.


For the altered timeline RP, can we expect any interaction with the altered personalities, or will it take place entirely in the past with the "time fixer" trying to correct the altered timelines?


Quote from: Randam Saiko on 2014 Jun 25, 21:59:05
Quote from: Naura on 2014 Jun 23, 17:31:05
Name: Bright Grace
Gender: Female
Age: Filly?
Race: Pegasus
Appearance: Light red coat, dark pink eyes, cendre mane and tail, look up my Oc page.
Personality: Stubborn to a certin degree, but otherwise helpful, likes to play pranks.
Other Notes: A little lost filly without cutiemark. (I can understand if a filly ain't allowed)
I'll join any of the rp's, probably the first one to start.
Broken timeline, Damaged Timeline (What changed): Grace never met Naura's friends.
Roles: She is found by the team?

And as a result, how did Grace massively change?

(She never bonded with them which resulted in a more sad childhood, maybe?)
Feel free to check out my [URL=]Oc page[/URL]!

Randam Saiko

Quote from: hazardtime on 2014 Jun 26, 00:40:08
For the altered timeline RP, can we expect any interaction with the altered personalities, or will it take place entirely in the past with the "time fixer" trying to correct the altered timelines?

How this RP will work is at the beginning, the fixer will select the first timeline to repair alone. After the first task has been completed, the pony with the now fixed timeline may accompany the fixer into the next timeline to aid in the repair (this also applies to the second one). Whoever's timeline the RP is currently taking place in, that is who has control of most of the NPCs such as towns people, animals, and weather.

@Naura I'm going to need alot more details. It's like a domino effect.
[Event never happened] -> [Result 1] -> [Aftermath of Result 1] -> [Internal conflict] -> [Personality change] -> [Different life] -> [Result 2] -> [Aftermath of Result 2] -> [Change in another event] -> [Life Style Impact] -> [Internal change] -> ...

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

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