Fire Emblem: An Equestrian Tale; Chapter 1: Honest Hearts (App needed)

Started by Blue Shield, 2014 Jul 31, 19:57:50

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Blue Shield

        "Just... Come on." Blue said with a hearty laughter, grabbing Jericho's hoof and flying over the wall, dropping him off not far after. Jerihco was no doubt the strongest of them, and at the highest advantage, so he would be able to take on any enemies that came his way with no problem. Blue then looked off in the direction that he remembered seeing the mare and sighed. He was tired from lifting the stallion and his surprisingly heavy sword over the wall, and needed a second to rest.


[[Just checking.  It was a little vague.]]

"You about ready, Cloaky?  We're getting close."
They were fast approaching the fortress, his aim was set on the spot Checkmate outlined.
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Checkmate nodded, flipping his tome open.  Almost time.


"Dropping off in 3...2...1..."
They hit the stone, and Hearth let Checkmate slide off his back if needed, or stay on if necessary.
"I doubt we have long, so what's the plan?"
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Checkmate hopped off.  This corner over here.  They'll have to come at us from one direction.  Of course, this will mean you take the majority of the foes head on, while I'll strike from behind.  An unfortunate necessity, given our varying constitutions.


Jericho made a quick look around, scouting for unaware enemies, but it looks like that the guards were kinda lazy tonight, with a mutter he said.

"Im going to move in, take a rest, this shouldnt take too much time..."


Hearth murmured something before speaking.
"Ah well more fun for me, then!"
He smiled, but it dropped from his face completely after a few seconds.
"But seriously, what if an archer attacks me?  Neither of us will be in proper position to fight back."
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Should any archers come close, then the situation obviously changes.  What we need to do is force the archer into a bad situation.  Either he shoots at you, and runs the possibility of injuring or killing you.  Afterwards, you would retaliate if you survive, and I will definitely finish him.  Otherwise, he shoots me for the definite injury.  I cannot dodge or block as effectively as you.  Afterwards, I can drink one of my potions, and you'll be fine.


Hearth nodded, and prepared himself for the inevitable conflict.
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Blue Shield




Two on the Western end of the fort, with Check Mate and Hearth...

Four on the Southern, with Blue and Puynsi.

The leader stood at the northern end, with the mare.

        "Huh, buncha lil ponies wanna play? Alright, show 'em no mercy!"

The Western bandits, one archer, one axeman, moved in on Checkmate and Hearth and attacked.

BTL 1:
Archer fires Arrow at Hearth and Checkmate, MISSES

Hearth strikes Archer, hits for 8DMG. (2HP)

Checkmate blasts with spell, Hits for 2DMG (0HP)

Archer defeated.

20 XP gained each

+1 Relationship bonus.


Axeman strikes at Hearth, 1DMG

Hearth strikes Axeman CRITICAL STRIKE 10DMG

Axeman Defeated

20 XP gained each

+1 Relationship

HEARTH: KEY FOUND!!! (Two chests in the center)

((Pretty busy, gimme a second, I'll edit more battle into this...))


The four enemies with Blue and Jericho were three axemen and one archer.

The archer, moved in to Blue's position, but thankfully, couldn't fire.

An Axeman moved over to Jericho, and attacked. With Blue and Jericho being in adjacent(sp?) places, they were both able to participate in the battle.

_______________BTL 3________________

Axeman strikes at Jericho. MISS; Blue pushes Jericho out of the way.

"Get down!!!" Blue shouted to Jericho.

Jericho struck at Axeman, CRITICAL HIT (-10HP)

Axeman defeated.

Blue gains 20 XP, Jericho gains 19 XP

The other two axemen close in on Blue. One is able to attack.

__________________BTL 4__________________

Axeman strikes Blue, HIT -4HP

Blue strikes in retaliation. -4HP

Blue strikes a second time, CRITICAL HIT

"Ha! Barely even worth the time..."

Leader remains in his place.




[[I'll just...Slip in his critical quote while we wait...]]

As he approached the axemen for his finishing blow, Hearth spoke with vigor and fervor.
"Anyone can dream!"
And his weapon fell, defeating his opponent.
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((Hey all, I'll have to brb, probably get off for the night.  Something came up.))


[Same here, I already downloaded LoE so nothing is keeping me up right now... so goodnight]


[[I...Suppose I should follow suit, shouldn't I?
Well...Goodnight then, everyone.]]
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Blue Shield

Quote from: Checkmate on 2014 Aug 08, 00:37:01
((Are we including the possibility of Dual Guard?))

((I MIGHT need a bit of a refresher course on that... That's where the team mate blocks the attack with the other or knocks them outta the way, right? Also, I finished the battle phase, please read, say the proper quotes, and do your turn. :3))


((Yeah, Dual Guard is where someone blocks an attack for the other, and Dual Strike is where someone gets to attack to help their partner.  And I think I've leveled up.  XD))

Checkmate looked around, before catching sight of the chaos in the courtyard.  That's our next goal.

Blue Shield

Quote from: Checkmate on 2014 Aug 08, 22:59:25
((Yeah, Dual Guard is where someone blocks an attack for the other, and Dual Strike is where someone gets to attack to help their partner.  And I think I've leveled up.  XD))

Checkmate looked around, before catching sight of the chaos in the courtyard.  That's our next goal.

((I believe you did. As soon as I'm able, I'm gonna copy everyone's stats on a seperate file on my computer so I can keep better track of them.))

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