The school of the dark arts (Jump in)

Started by Snowcraft_Pony, 2014 Apr 29, 17:37:29

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Alright, let's get on with the rules...

1) No weapons! Seriously, after my last RP was deleted for gore and weaponry I'm NOT allowing it.

2) No gore! This is for the same reason.

3) Vamponies, Demons and the Undead to exist,  however the latter two are not to be played without asking.

4) Ponies know each other. This is a school/academy where ponies Will know each other.

5) OOC is in double brackets. ( this post unincluded)

So let's begin...

It was a quiet night in the school, as Starlight and her Imp Dusk wandered through the corridors of the school. The black coated warlock let her ruby red mane hang over her wings, as a small pair of fangs jutted out of her jaw. "Oh what should we do tonight, Dusk?" She asked her Imp gloomily, wishing the night would pass, it was how all weekends were for her, boring. So she continued walking, hoping to bump into somepony.


Shaded padded around the corridors himself. bumping into the Other pony made him jump, since his other brother and sister slept, he was shocked to find another pony there.. "H-hi..?"
( idk if it is allowed, but can he be like, a young necromancer that needs a lot of practice??
Im advanced, i you need a extra or a ponny on a rp, pm me. "Hate cannot drive out hav,e only love can do that." #why,trunks,why...


((Sure you can))

Starlight growled at the pony that bumped into her "Don't you know not to bump into ponies!" She yelled angrily bearing her fangs, her Imp, Dusk conguering a firebolt from thin air, as Starlight flared her wings in anger, summoning a shadowbolt in her left hoof, and looking ready to toss it.

((Also magic won't be classified as a weapon))


"Zicachinru!!! He summonds bone sheild.
Im advanced, i you need a extra or a ponny on a rp, pm me. "Hate cannot drive out hav,e only love can do that." #why,trunks,why...


Starlight with held her attack and walked around the bone shield "Your new here, aren't you?" She asked, rhetoricaly, a dark grin on her face "Because your messing with a vampiric warlock, not a smart move, get lost necromancer!" The way she spat 'necromancer' showed her distaste in the profession.


He blinked, "Oh, is that how you wanna play??" He asked, his voice and eye color changed. He counter part, demon the demon, had tooken over. "ASMERAPH ENJINOUS ZINTOUS!!" The sheild dissappeared, and The vamp and imp were held down by skeleton hoofs, and the area around them were pitch black all they could see were red eyes.. demons eyes. He growled at them.
Im advanced, i you need a extra or a ponny on a rp, pm me. "Hate cannot drive out hav,e only love can do that." #why,trunks,why...


((You can't be a demon, or a warlock and necromancer))

"What the..." Starlight muttered in response, before breaking the skeletal chains. Meanwhile a crowed was gathering, mainly comprised of vamponies.


 X3 ( opps.. well, its his partner.. but they share a aboy, they work together and protect eachother, he isnt really.. half demon.
The dark aura and chains dissappear. "Your a waiste of my time." His eyes turn back to emerald green, meaning shaded was back, and oadded off.
Im advanced, i you need a extra or a ponny on a rp, pm me. "Hate cannot drive out hav,e only love can do that." #why,trunks,why...


Starlight began chuckling darkly "Waste of your time? Your pathetic!" But soon as she finished speaking Starlight wandered away.


Im advanced, i you need a extra or a ponny on a rp, pm me. "Hate cannot drive out hav,e only love can do that." #why,trunks,why...


2014 Apr 30, 08:00:01 #10 Last Edit: 2014 Apr 30, 18:16:41 by Tabbyte
(( Ello ;) I'm going to have a pony with the spell Rarity has on her on Inspiration Manifestation, but it's permanent ))

Tabbyte enters the area and frowns at the ponies fighting. She stares at the two and growls. " Stop! Now! " she says as her strange green eyes glow brightly.


2014 Apr 30, 10:58:43 #11 Last Edit: 2014 May 01, 03:09:49 by Snowcraft_Pony
((No weapons!))

Starlight ignored Shaded's response and walked away towards the mess hall, Dusk on her back, making a rude gesture.



She snarls at Shaded. " Fights are not best performed in a hall... " she says as she flicks her tail at him as she trots away.


(Can I be a vampony and a warlock?)

Ughhh...Really, everypony? You are sinking to that level?
Oof it's been too long


(Player note: thanks Snowcraft, also, my pony is named Umbra.)

Umbra started to walk away to study some powerful black magic, and to prepare for bed, as it is Evening.

Oof it's been too long


Starlight chuckled as she turned the corner, dining her coltfriend's face sudenly in hers. "Oh, hey, Storm, shouldn't you be asleep, you are a mortal."


As Umbra Closed the third book He read all the way through that night, He opened His window gave Himself some bat wings as He took to the sky. Thinking to himself, ploting about how to overthrow Celestia and Luna.
Oof it's been too long


As the night passed Starlight pondered what she could do as she flew...

"Well, Storm is sleeping, and I'm not in trouble... Ooh I know," So she summoned an Eldritch abominations, and watched the resulting chaos, before noticing Umbra's open window, which she hearled a shadowbolt through.


Umbra heard a boom, and almost at the speed of sound zoomed back to his room, only to find his room in shambles.
He then saw words written in the soot on the wall, it said: Starlight rules!
Umbra let out a mighty roar, most likely waking up the whole school.
He then went to get a teacher.
Oof it's been too long

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