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Quote from: Cro Straysoul on 2016 Jan 16, 03:12:02
Any chance to apply as a "Tester"?
Played plenty of MMOs since 2006 and i still find bugs in many fine games, or ways to go around a specific event. Even in games i've bought for over 40 GBP, like Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Even have a screenshot on my steam of me falling under the ground texture. XD
I'd be honored to try and help your team by finding whatever flaws, bugs, ways to go around objectives/quests i can.
Quote from: dynamite on 2016 Jan 26, 03:37:00
Is there a log on what the devs are planning to do in the future or does that not exist?
Quote from: kittykat548 on 2015 Dec 28, 19:46:17
just one thing ....... when I try to get on I always get the dates wrong so does anypony know when the next open server event is???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????IF ANYPONY KNOWS PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!
Quote from: CMC Scootaloo on 2015 Dec 27, 22:01:57
Only one and a half day actually. But I'm spoiled by three days OSWs!
Once this weekend is over, it will be especially hard to leave, I can already see that.
But I have hopes that there will be another one for actual stress tests soon after that, since the upcoming one is just for fun.
And I hope I can count on your support (and hopefully presence) during the next Hide & Seek event because of the thing we talked about.
Quote from: Mogeko on 2015 Dec 24, 06:01:49
i will get lost in ponycon! will there be signs or anything to help me to get there?