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Messages - Mizuki

Resolved Issues / Re: wierd camera angle
2016 Feb 05, 00:43:12
the camera has been altered somewhat in this recent version. It was intended to make combat easier, but it's had mixed results so far :c

since the OSE is already over and since it's not really a glitch per say, I think we can call this issue resolved.

Sorry you were having problems with it though ono
Resolved Issues / Re: Chat doesn't load
2016 Feb 05, 00:40:51
since the OSE from January is over, and since the regular chat is back up, I'll go ahead and move this thread :)
Resolved Issues / Re: Will not load on iMac
2016 Feb 05, 00:24:40
I can't tell if this issue ever got resolved ono but seeing as how the previous OSE already ended, I may as well lock and move this thread anyway, just to keep the Site Suggestions are nice and tidy.

Hopefully you'll be able to play the next time! Sorry for the inconvenience :c
This is a known issue among the devs, so hopefully they'll find a way to fix it soon o_o

The most you can do (as far as I know) is log off and try again a while later.

Since the previous OSE is already over, I'm gonna go ahead and lock this thread and move it to resolved issues. Hopefully it's not a problem the next time, but if it does happen again, you can always report it to the "game bugs reports" helpdesk. :)
Awesome! Since this issue got resolved, I'll go ahead and lock things up and move the thread to the "resolved issues" section :)
Resolved Issues / Re: Getting a error
2016 Feb 05, 00:07:52
I don't believe the launcher is working properly at the moment. Next time you may need to just download the client directly :(

Eventually, people should be able to make updates to their versions of the game without needing to re-download a client every single time.

Since the previous OSE has ended, I think I'll go ahead and lock/move the topic to its appropriate place. In the future, game issues ought to be taken to the helpdesk or in the LoE discussion forum. ^-^
Resolved Issues / Re: Bugs & connections
2016 Feb 05, 00:03:00
Most of these issues have already been reported in the "Game Bug Reports" helpdesk, so I think I'll lock up this thread and move it to the "resolved" issues for now.

That doesn't mean that these issues are 100% fixed, it's just that we're aware of them, and I'm not sure they will be relevant anymore by the time the next OSE happens.

We appreciate you taking the time to inform us of everything that you found during the previous OSE! Hopefully we'll see you again next time! <3
I'm glad that things are okay now! <3

Since the issue is basically resolved, I'm gonna lock this thread up and move it to the appropriate place :)
This is more of a game issue more than it is a site/bug issue.

I think the only remedy for this was logging out & trying again later, though thankfully this bug has been reported already, at least from what I remember seeing in the helpdesk.

Since this is a known issue, I'll go ahead and lock the thread. I'm still sorry you had to deal with it though!
Thank you for reporting the issue to the help desk! :)

Locking up.
Since the OSE is over, I guess I should lock the thread.

Wish you luck for the next time! Hopefully there aren't any download issues in the future. >.<
Since Darcy already explained it, I guess we can count this as "resolved" for now :)
@Lemon D. Muffin Pony

Sorry this response is so late :c I don't suppose this is still happening, is it?
Resolved Issues / Re: Pony creator
2016 Feb 04, 03:10:09
We already have a pony creator, it can be found over here:

It's slightly different from the one in-game, but updating this one isn't a huge priority for us at the moment.
Quote from: Cro Straysoul on 2016 Jan 16, 03:12:02
Any chance to apply as a "Tester"?
Played plenty of MMOs since 2006 and i still find bugs in many fine games, or ways to go around a specific event. Even in games i've bought for over 40 GBP, like Castlevania: Lords of Shadow. Even have a screenshot on my steam of me falling under the ground texture. XD

I'd be honored to try and help your team by finding whatever flaws, bugs, ways to go around objectives/quests i can.

At the moment there is no way to apply as a "tester". Too many people would sign up just to have regular access to the game :I
Quote from: dynamite on 2016 Jan 26, 03:37:00
Is there a log on what the devs are planning to do in the future or does that not exist?

Releasing Changelogs is a fairly new thing for us, but as I understand it: changelogs only get posted whenever a open server event gets announced. So I won't expect to see another one for a while. :)
Quote from: kittykat548 on 2015 Dec 28, 19:46:17
just one thing ....... when I try to get on I always get the dates wrong so does anypony know when the next open server event is???????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????IF ANYPONY KNOWS PLEASE TELL ME!!!!!!!!!!!

According to this thread:

It's going to be in January on the 16th & 17th.

Be sure to mark your calendar, or write it down in a planner, or tie a red string around your finger, or set an alarm, anything to help you remember! :O
Quote from: CMC Scootaloo on 2015 Dec 27, 22:01:57
Only one and a half day actually. DD: But I'm spoiled by three days OSWs! DD:
Once this weekend is over, it will be especially hard to leave, I can already see that.
But I have hopes that there will be another one for actual stress tests soon after that, since the upcoming one is just for fun. 0:)
And I hope I can count on your support (and hopefully presence) during the next Hide & Seek event because of the thing we talked about. ;)

Oh gosh you're right! It looks like I have to squeeze in even more play time than I thought!

Speaking of which, are you going to have your Hide & Seek event during this coming up party? Or are you going to post-pone it until a full fledged stress test?

Either way I'll be more than happy to accompany it and make sure things go over smoothly :)
Wow! I didn't expect the servers to open up so soon, but at the same time it feels like a long time coming!

Gotta cram in as much game time as possible since it's only for two days...!

Looking forward to seeing you all there!  ^-^
Quote from: Mogeko on 2015 Dec 24, 06:01:49
i will get lost in ponycon! will there be signs or anything to help me to get there?

I can't speak for Ponycon in particular, but most conventions usually have some kind of pamphlet that detail things like event times and maps to help you get there :)