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Messages - videogamehunter

Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Apr 16, 13:57:38
Quote from: Vick McBread on 2012 Apr 11, 21:28:07
favorite of of all the C.M.C's

Same here, but you know what I hate. I hate when somepony calls her a Chicken. That just mean. 

Scootaloo is my favorite CMC. She take everything to the extreme.

Spoiler: show
I love Pinkie Pie episodes and this one was good. Better then the last one which I this it was A Friend in Deed. I didn't really like that one but this totally beats that one. However why did I think Soarin was the Culprit when he wasn't in the episode.  I know it strange
Video Games Archive / Re: Pokemon anypony?
2012 Apr 07, 21:54:54
I remember using a game shark on my gold version so that every time I went in battle the Pokemon will always be shiny. 
Around August 2011 I was on a site dedicated to Nintendo or anything retro collecting and I notice a couple of members switch there avatars to Ponys. I laugh a little and said what ever dude what ever you into I'm not judging because I use to watch Sailor Moon. But then one day a couple of days later someone made a post saying give ponies a chance. After awhile I said why not. However I had no clue what channel it came on and then I was like I just try youtube and surprising I found the first episode. It was ok and so was the second episode, then I watch the third episode and I thought it was kinda girly but the 4th episode. I laugh my flank off. It was amazing. But then I took a break from it them because I kinda forgot about the show exist but I found tons of great youtube videos and that when I heard the term brony. I watch many great fan videos and I even found scary images of Pinkie Pie which that when I discover the fan fic Cupcakes. I love that fan fic it was the first one I ever read and now I can't get enough of fan fics. A lot of those stories are amazing. 

I have no clue when I started calling myself a brony, but I'm Proud to be a Brony.

Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 Mar 31, 19:10:52
Spoiler: show
Give the voice actor of big mac an emmy, I wasn't getting yelled at, and yet I still felt moved  O:

I agree.
Spoiler: show
I always enjoy CMC episodes and this one was great. The beginning was very entertaining. When Apple Bloom mention newspaper to her friends. What made them think of something that was completely obvious, but think again I wouldn't be entertain by this episode. Also Big Mac spoke more then one worth this episode. He actually made a sentence. Yeah. 
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Mar 30, 21:24:45
Dr. Robotnik  in Sonic 2 (Genesis). I've scene that boss so many times growing up and I never could go bored of him. Also his music was awesome too.
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Mar 28, 21:47:27
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Mar 27, 18:42:17
Pinkie Pie :D
Twilight x3
Rainbow Dash lol
Scootaloo 0:)
Sweetie Bell :s
Derpy :P
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Mar 22, 13:12:44

Yeah Pinkie Pie. I came Close getting Rainbow Dash and Apple Jack.
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Mar 21, 16:16:20
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2012 Mar 20, 17:39:08
Music Archive / Re: Post your theme song!
2012 Mar 20, 15:20:46
Yeah I saw this not too long ago. It the best one I scene so fare and it also pretty funny.