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Messages - Omega_Khaos

Aurora seams to have already engaged the creatures.

Aurora pulled out Rotara's staff and calls out, "[glow=navy,2,300]Summon gate! Come forth Rotara, Apprentice of Fate.[/glow]"
As the summon Matrix opens Rotara seams to have been called out of Aurora. Rotara looks a little confused, but it seams she trusts Aurora. Aurora then removes the Alexander card from her hand and says, "Summoning Union! Merge Rotara and Alexander."
rotara gains what looks to be armor of a fortress guardian mage. Rotara then realizes that Aurora was boosting her def stats. Rotara says, "[glow=purple,2,300]Nice one. You boosted my defense because Alexander's offense is useless on the night of the full moon. But I think you might want to try a Summoning Merge using the wheel of fate and both wild cards.[/glow]" Aurora says, "[glow=Navy,2,300]Next time. We needed the Def boost first. Then I merge summon. You mean the legendary blank slate with the Wild cards Right?[/glow]" Aurora seams to have spent her actions for the time being.

Rotara gains DEF and MDEF up stat boosts for the duration of the merge. Alexander's HP acts like a HP shield for Rotara. When The shield fails her defense boosts also expire.

Alexander HP current 50/50
Rotara HP current 10/10 Status Def and Mdef Boosted. Rotara not currently merged with Aurora. Rotara can't attack.
((Ok sonata only knows Chrysteel by the Name of Chrystal Amor right now, The Stars. However, if she saw somepony with the Same cutie mark as Chrystal, it is probably her in a different form. The note was to be given to your chara's father.))

Chrysteel says to Skye, "[glow=cyan,2,300]Sorry, I had something I needed to check out. I guess we should go home then. Oh she must be looking or somepony.[/glow]" Chrysteel points to the changeling, Sonata.
((I mean that in this format, I would have come out and said that if the player did that The RP would pretty much be over because all players in it would have died from the catastrophic release of such energy.))
OK the note handed to sonata has the following words on it.

Spoiler: Chrysteel's Note • show

To whom it may concern,

If thou are not an enemy of mine then we have hope. I seek to see what it would take for changelings to peacefully live with ponies while not having to always be in some form of disguise. I am Princess of the changelings of Equestria please do not attempt to interact with my forms unless you have no choice or I have revealed myself.

Your possible ally,
Princess Chrysteel; First Chosen of Chrysalis' Hive.
((Also, if it was described as such, I would have been a bit of a Player GM and said that isn't possible. because of said consequences.))
Quote from: Grizzly on 2014 Jul 06, 01:58:44
Quote from: Omega_Khaos on 2014 Jul 05, 18:25:42
((no, it was just a mana crystal.))

(( alright, you got me worried there for a moment. Can't really dictate how severe the injuries of someones character are, i can only say the type of injuries. In this case it would be shrapnel damage from the crystal and mana burn. ))

((Don't forget the blunt trauma suffered from the impact with a wall.))
Where Chrystal went a Pegasus had come from, but Chrystal was no where to be found.
((not really for the family that has given Chrysteel a home. they already knew.))

Chrysteel says, "[glow=brown,2,300]Fear not, I am not her ally. As her chosen, I seek something she has lost sight of. I seek a possibility for changelings and ponies to coexist in peace with each other. I learn for the fate of all changelings. If Mother's actions are repeated elsewhere there will be disastrous results. I leave you with this. Give it to your father and have him read it to you. I must be going now. Till next time we meet. You will not know of me but I will know of you.[/glow]" Chrysteel passes to the changeling what she was writing and heads off. Once out of sight again she returns to her Pegasus form and returns to Skye. She comes up from behind Skye and asks, "[glow=cyan,2,300]Are we looking for some pony?[/glow]"
Chrysteel says, "[glow=brown,2,300]I am from a location within the Equestrian boarders. Mother Chrysalis wanted me to learn to be a better leader so I chose to come here and learn of the social side of friendship.[/glow]"
((no, it was just a mana crystal.))
((Am waiting for the next G.M. post right now.))
Chrysteel says, in the normal language, "[glow=brown,2,300]But you understood me, yes? I am Chrystal Amor. Nice to meet you.[/glow]"
Cosmic places Maplewood on the table and says, "Energy explosion with a nearly drained energy crystal. It knocked him right how. Please analyze Maplewood for long term injury."

((I guess the description of Maplewood's injuries would be left to Grizzly, the RPs Game Master.))
Cosmic's device activates putting up an energy shield around Cosmic and Narua as the explosion happens. After the explosion happens, Cosmic rushes over to Maplewood's side and says, "Avatar, Three to transport to the medical bay now."
OK yes I was. And for the control the only way an afflicted can get control is if they gain it by their will beating the beast within that they become. IE D&D will save vs DC 25.
The earth pony version of Chrysteel shows the paper to the changeling. It appears to be a very complicated version of the Changeling shape shifting spell. It has the three base races circled. It is written in the language of the changeling hives. Chrysteel then says, in the changeling language and in a low voice, so only the changeling can hear, "[glow=brown,2,300]Hello. How long have you been here? Mom never told me that other changelings would be in this area.[/glow]"
Normally the transformation would happen based on the current full moon. which means, if more then one full moon happens on a world the transformation is to happen more often. Now if the moons happen to at one point have a dual full moon on the same night it should be as if there was only one full moon.

If non of the moons on a planet have the full moon state there should be no transformation possible unless there is another factor such as the afflicted can control the transformation and use it at their leisure, for a temporary boost in power.
Chrysteel heads off to look at the items the store has. once out of sight though the shifts to her earth pony form and comes back from another direction over to the changeling. She sit near and waits for the changeling to notice her. On a sheet of paper, she is drawing Changeling language runes.
So she is an afflicted. You do know that the affliction will only surface on the full moon. So around that there shouldn't be any problems.
When Chrysteel saw the changeling she changed her direction to avoid her for now. She didn't want her cover blown. She thought to herself, "[glow=cyan,2,300]Moma and papa never said there were changelings here. I think it would be best to avoid detection right now.[/glow]"