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Messages - Omega_Khaos

Original Characters / Re: My OC thread
2013 Feb 18, 12:06:23

As part of his personality the race thing was still up in the air. not to mintion that his perpous means he has to be fast at getting places. His magic is far to specialized in guarding abilities to make him overly strong. he only has chat based relations with them just like all other ponies. He learns from them as much as they learn from their adventures in Ponyville.

Sorry about all the smileys will tone them down.  Used the smileys to state his mood about the things listed. The color change is part of who he is and a mishap from a mood tracking spell he once cast when he was young and has not been able to correct it yet, as I stated for back story kind of complicated.

@ Somebeing & Chirp
not used in RP. i prefer the Pegasus Tech for that stuff. if yall want I can put up his profile up as well.
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: To Equestria
2013 Feb 18, 05:36:08
i would go.

Heck being a pony and helping the mane six is something i dream about every night sense after watching all episodes in the series so far. Equestria is the one place that would make having friends and lots of the possible for me. but i would miss home and would like to travel back and forth to and from Equestria just so as to be who i truly am, a being with a caring but sometimes quiet heart.
Original Characters / My OC thread
2013 Feb 18, 04:38:36
(incomplete but advise would be helpful.)
OK first off not fully finished setting up everything but what i have will be available for all to see.

only thing not right with pic is coat color and wing color

Name: Techno (A.K.A. Tech)
Race: Pegasus
Gender: Stallion
Age: 32
Size: 1/2 that of normal Pegasus
Mane/Tail: Red Tech style
Coat: Dusty Grey and covered in dust.
Wings: Metallic Silver (See back story)
Personality: open and outgoing
Cutie Mark: three Gears made of three different materials.
Special Purpose: Machines and working with them as well as on them or just creating them.
Home: Cloudsdale and The Rainbow Fortress
Favorite place to be: working at the Weather Factory repairing their machines.
Favorite Project: The Rainbow Fortress
Likes: almost everyone
Dislikes: all dark beings (not crusader type dislike)
Origin: hasn't told any pony
Current project: The Rainbow Core (see back story)

Back Story: He is a small Pegasus for his age. He is outgoing and open to the realm of possibilities. He lives and works most of the time in Cloudsdale. when not in Cloudsdale or with friends he s working on his masterpiece The Rainbow Fortress. in its final stages he still needs a power source that can power it long after he is gone. He is trying to create the power core needed to keep The Rainbow Fortress active even after he is gone. he is one of few Pegasi that can actually get into the gears of the machines at the Weather Factory for direct repairs to keep production at 100%+.
One day while working on the machines that help produce the spectra he lost much of his wings and was said he could never fly again but after long hours of sick leave from his duties at the factory he created artificial wings that work just as good as Pegasus ones to get himself back on his feet. he now uses his knowledge of Pegasus Anatomy to help others who have lost or never had gained the true ability to fly. His Pegasi abilities stem only from his cutie mark and his special purpose, so as long as he can do his thing with the machines he loves then he is as care free as can be but if one were to hurt any of his machines he is a force to be reckoned with.

Allies/Acquaintances: Exiled Changeling, Chrysteel (an O.C. Changeling Princess, who hates the Changeling Queen for what she has done.)

OK break over, time for me to get back to work.


O.C. 2
Name: Chrysteel (She chose to give up her Princess title so she can start a new life but it will always be apart of her in the form of her tiara plate on her head)
Age: Filly (about 12 years old)
Gender: Filly
coat: black with holes
Mane/Tail: Teal Blue/Pink (No holes)
Wings: Transparent Teal Green (Has holes)
Favorite Food: anything made with love and care
Likes: True Love (good source of food)
dislike: Arguing of all kinds
Loves: making new friends
Hates: Changeling Queen (for her foolishness in attacking Canterlot)
Home: Homeless/Exile
Origin: Changeling Hive

Background: new to Equestria, but not liked by most because of her ideals. Left the Hive in search of friendship and maybe a true love of her own when she gets old enough. Stays where ever she can and hoping that they don't mind her eating habits. She is very open to ideas and truths but has not idea what a cutie mark is, tough she has heard of them and has seen them, or even if she can get one. her purpose is still unknown to her but she wants to make things right and prove that not all Changelings are love eating vampires. Her first friend is Tech who works in Cloudsdale. she has seen but avoids because of the Changeling incident the mane 6. But does eventually want to be friends with them maybe even help them better understand changelings a little more.

Thanks. Just drop me a message if ya want to RP and if on will be able to RP for a bit at a time

The Changeling O.C. Chrysteel is available though she is still a foal and very open to development.

Introductions Archive / Hello?!
2013 Feb 18, 03:20:00
Hi! I'm Omega_Khaos. Nice to meet everypony. :D :] :3 ;) ^-^ >.< :o :s (all my favs.)