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Messages - Omega_Khaos

He looks to the one who is asking him the question and says, "Do you mean this?" He hands him his friend 'seven' but the energy levels are really low. Seven is not really able to move much but looks as if it does recognize his friend giving a very weak response when tech shows it to him. tech tells the being, "Found him like this when we got near here looks like he has been through hell and back."
tech goes over and finishes collecting the rest of his old team's stuff. the things they left behind when they told him they couldn't take it anymore. There is what looks to be a lifeless mechanical construct, next to where tech is clearing out his camp,  on it's flank are the words and numbers 'Triton Clone 2241'. Tech Looks to it and says with a sad look on his face, "Sorry buddy, it seams i can't get ya back to the RBF (Rainbow Fortress) for a recharge anytime soon."
he decides it might be better to have the clone turned into scrap but always hoped to get a new core into him to get his gears moving again. "I wish I had brought more Energy Cores for ya," Tech tells the lifeless construct. "Goodbye my faithful Triton Clone." He removes the memory core from 'TC 2241' and packs it away strangely enough it still has a bit of a glow to it.
ah OK well always good to know the assistant GM is there to help.
"It's cool! I know ya need rest. I saw your fight as my team made it to this camp before they wanted to call it quiets and left me there." Tech spoke as he came in for a landing from his fly-by. "Will be in camp for some time but if y'all need anything just let me know and i would try my best to help ya." tech starts heading off in the direction of the camp after making sure his wings didn't get any bad dmg from his fly-by.
wing-blades don't boost tank stats very much in terms of defense. but a fellow wing-blade user would be fun and we could areal train together. but ya might want to look to adding a shield as well.

"Name: Wing-Blade
Slot: Wings
Damage Type: Legendary
Stats: +Mobility, +Attack, -Health, -Critical"

This is from the character tab in the first post and doesn't include the skills.
Tech decides he needs to make sure his wings aren't rusty. he is going to make a passing glance against what remains of the jubjub's defensive armor uses 'fly-by wing strike' single pass, just to test his wings true effectiveness. he make his start at 300+ feet to get good speed going before impact. Then he joins the others when they decide to head to the camp.
tech looks to Miss Conjure, "Ah so its magical. That's out of my league. If it was Mechanical however I would be able to fix it right up sense Machines and such is part of my specialty and purpose." He looks around to all that are there. "Well I see there is more then I thought in your group. Are some here non combatants/scouting types?"
sorry about Tech's Over baring personality. :( It is his pride that forces this.  X3
Tech says while doing the Equinoxian resistance salute, "Nice to meet y'all. My name is 'Ex-Captain' Techno Blitz of the Equinoxian Resistance second Legion, but please call me Tech. I worked in Cloudsdale as maintenance pony for 5 years now. Then the field called and well being from a land of sightly more advanced tech then most i happily signed up. Plus i wanted to get back in to Fighting so as not to get rusty with my wings." He Flairs out his wings to show the full weapon-like structure to them. then says, "It will be fun working with y'all." Him using his old title brought back allot of good and bad memories, but mostly pride which showed through his nearly emotionless face. He then says about his title, "It is another story for another time."
Tech looks to Noy and sees that he is looking at his wings. Tech says, "Ah, My wing-blades. They....are a story for another time." He then points to the Golem and says, "I was asking about that."

((Sorry forgot something.))
tech looks be be about half the size of a normal Pegasus with armor that doubles as his trade's uniform. He has metallic wings on his back they seam to be attached to him at the joint but other wise look to be normal wings. he looks to be about 25 despite his size but from the words he uses and his voice he is clearly a bit older. his main and tail are electric red and slick like metal with silver streaks in the shape of lightning bolts.
Looking on at what only could be described as 'Awwwwwsome!' He is dumb struck but a little upset at the treatment of such fascinating tools. After a short dumb streak he thinks it is time to say hi to the new arrivals. Tech moves by flight over to where the others are and says, "Well now I have seen everything. I never would have thought that a scouting party in size would be able to take down such a powerful creature. I can only say one thing. Awwwwwsome!" He looks at a few of the items scattered about and sees the smaller downed construct. tech asks, "Is that construct magic based or mechanical? if it is mechanical, can i take a look at it?"
see y'all at the garden. hehehe  ^-^ and thanks for having me.
Hey yall this is just my OC singing up to RP.

Name: Tech (Techno Blitz)
Age: 32
Race: Pegasus
Useful Skills: high speed flying, techno babel and wing/feather strikes
Summon/Pet (optional): none (subject to change. not yet decided if will want to have one or not)
Desired role (tank/healer/leader/nuker/etc) (optional): scout/engineer/technician/aerial fighter
Legendary Weapon (optional but recommended for fighters): wing-blades

Hope to join you all in game.
Introductions Archive / Re: Hello?!
2013 Mar 01, 02:20:21
@Bravo 539

agreed that why i have option for all of them.
Introductions Archive / Re: Hello?!
2013 Feb 27, 17:41:42
thanks!!   ^-^
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: MLP spin-off
2013 Feb 21, 16:02:49
Quote from: paintypalette on 2013 Feb 21, 09:03:55
It's the same thing all over again! You all saw and heard rumors about alicorn twilight and said "it's not true, it's a troll" and you thought the images were fake. Now here we go gain! Ponies, if it were fake, if its a troll, if its not true, then why are they saying it, huh? It's out there for a reason! You guys deny anything and everything you don't like or don't believe in! Just because you don't like it, that doesn't mean it' not true! I don't like it either, especially their colored skin (eew  :s ) but that doesn't mean it's not true! Alicorn twilight turned out to be true and IT was out there, too! So obviously, this must be true, too! Stubborn ponies!!  :P

I myself (can't speak for others) don't think the spin-off part is a lie just that one video. but the possibility of a spin-off or true cross-over if a good thing.
Introductions Archive / Re: Hello?!
2013 Feb 21, 01:34:45
Sometimes i do but mostly in the form of D&D. Still R.P. is always fun.  ^-^

My main Characters are on the RP forums section.
Original Characters / Re: My OC thread
2013 Feb 19, 23:21:42
@Morning Glory
O.C. 1
Never uses real name around them.(removed. Thanks for the help he is always the one most start with and not noticing the other one.) on another note in some ways your right I would like to be him in Equestria but not the way i portray him. (different personalities and cutie marks). Also not wanting to be a stalker but a close friend anypony can rely on. His watching of the elements is a task given to him by Celestia(and it helps his purpose). haven't got the Back story finished so too many questions come up.

O.C. 2
He not really connected to the first that just where the first lives. also the universe of Equinox is where he is from but didn't want to say that for fear of people not liking him, also he never told any pony(his dark secret). His life is much more like a normal pony then the other the only thing he got going for him is the tech part. The R.B.F.(Rainbow Fortress) will only go with Tech (his pet project) not with Twilight Harmony. (thanks for the words it helped allot.)  :D
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: MLP spin-off
2013 Feb 19, 14:13:33
that video has to be fake the voices are WAY to automated to be actors and knowing even something about animation they should have been able to move allot more then that. That video has to be a fake, if not show me proof.
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: MLP spin-off
2013 Feb 19, 03:29:44
going to check it out then decide.

Not judging till i see it. :D