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Messages - Omega_Khaos

Nice! :D I think it might help and if tech can get a link established with the RBF he could have supplies brought in to help out as well. but plz do remember some of the items might be from his home realm(mainly weapon types and armor types as well as spec training through his other Triton Clones and Sheela).
Tech perks up and says, "though it might not be unicorn magic most of us Equnoxians can use a magic of sorts actively. I can use electric attacks but my stamina takes a large hit and my wings for a while won't work after but i have electric current in me. I could provide the energy needed to get your friend back online at maybee 70% till I can get TC's wing units repaired. would you like me to try? I love working on machines and well your friend was also the reason TC was out in the first place. TC had shared his power with him to help him recover but because his wings were dmg'd he couldn't keep it up and it caused his emergency shutdown to activate to preserve his memory core."
Tech looks to Range and says, "I think he is talking about the electro-magic transference of energy from a place or source to his friend via something his friend has within him to absorb the energy in a similar manner to TC's use of his wings to draw energy from the area around him so he can sustain his power flow."
"Ouch! What happened to her? BTW name's Chrysteel." Chrysteel says to the two motioning them to place her here as she move to a corner near the fast way to the boss. her eyes are a slitted orange color, the color changes based on mood but only when not in natural form.

Color patern

Orange = Worry
Red = anger
Pink = love
blue = happy
teal green = calm/natural color
black = sad or depressed
yellow = hungry
"Physical readouts of the scouting information in my memory banks take 50% of my power reserves to create after the first in sets of 5 or 6. The copy you hold is usually only for master tech but I can make copies for all but would have to go into recharge mode before we would be able to head out sense it takes time in the form of KW/hour to reach my maximum output energy levels of 10000 KW." TC informs his mew companions. Tech chimes in, "we could gather all at one point and share this info because i need to repair his wing units before he can use them again in that manor. Plus his wing units are required for his recharge mode to be useable because they act like energy panels to absorb energy from the environment around him to rebuild his own energy flow. also his horn unit needs to be rebuild/replaced to allow for legendary class dmg/protection of his offensive/defensive power modes."

((Curse not having the required LAf to make the changes to him respecfully.))
TC gives geometric cords for their exact location including depth, time, date and distance to strongest thing in current area. Tech just stands proud and full of love that his TC is back up and running.
"Thanks for saving me. Thought I was about to be made scrap for sure." TC shakes the hoof making sure not to overdo it with his STR as a machine. Tech Smiles and asks TC, "TC, do you remember the last given request before your shutdown?" TC replies, "Yes master Tech, I do." TC gives to tech and party the info about the area he scanned.
tech leads them to the mechanical construct he calls TC. "Well this is TC-2241(TC for short). He is one of my Triton's most loyal clones and seams to never want to leave my side." He inserts the core and replaces the memory core. after what seams to be 5 mins and 10% core charge with recycle of 5-9% back to core TC blinks. TC says in a somewhat pony like manner, "Good morning. Well Who do I have to thank for recharging my core today?" Tech tells TC, "You have this one to thanks TC. Her name is Range."
Tech feels the change in the land through his hooves and the air through his mane as he shrugs at the being and goes to return. only to find the core glowing slightly and beginning to take the energy provided. the other elements within the core begin to react and the core beams with life as her ability finishes.

Tech looks to range and says, "if that isn't primal energy at it best then I don't know what is." He is smiling and picks up the core and asks, "Would you like to meet TC-2241? He is the Triton Clone you just saved."
As tech is explaining the core he sees the being that he gave his friend back to and says, "here I'll leave this with you. be right back."

He chases after the being running around with is friend and stops him to ask, "Hey wait up. What's got your head in a knot?"
"Oh, that's the thing, you only need the energy that is used to create/ignite the elements the core itself can handle the rest." He pulls what looks to be an empty core from his bag and shows it to them. "This is an item that when i found its artifact version fascinated me more then anything. It started a set of gears in my head that seamed to unlock allot of untold knowledge and technology." It is now very noticeable to the three that there is allot of 'love' he has for tech and knowledge.
"well the core functions like an elemental conduit of sorts and if one can channel the energy needed to make the elements ignite within the core, the core can recharge itself." tech explains a look of happiness and love for his TC companion clear for those sensitive to emotions to see or detect. "So to make it shorter for those without technical know how it basically has everything need for elemental reaction but not the energy to cause it."
Tech Decides to go and train for a little. When he gets there Price, Conjure and Crimson are there. He goes over to them and waits for them to finish their training. then asks, "Can I ask you all a favor real quick if you all don't mind?"

If they say sure or yes he explains to them about his companion and asks, "Do you all know anypony that can use elemental magic? I need to recharge a power core to get my companion back online so i can examine the data about the area he collected for me before his main power went dead."

if not he goes to ask the others with a slowly getting worse sad face developing for each one that can't help.

if none can help he decides to sell the body for scrap and keep the memory core for the info just in case there is something he can put it into to get this info.
"Ah OK, I might want to let you all know i am a bit of a shape-shifter with a knack for emotion." Crysteel is looking at the giant door dreading what is beyond it. "Do you know anything about the creatures you have been facing? my powers are not that strong but if they can take a form similar to a pony then i can technically copy there traits for my own use. I also might be able to provide medium magic or strong magic if it is of the darker arts. just to give you an idea of what I am bringing to the team. The rest I will tell in person." when her ears twitch of sound at the aproching beings she looks their way and before they see her she takes a black & red unicorn's form with a cutie mark like a target with arrow bull's eying  center.
Tech is looking for the group and asks to any he finds, "Can I ask a favor of ya when we gather? It may help in the long run if you can." after asking the group his question even if individually asked he goes to where the group would gather and is near his Triton Clone waiting and making sure his clone will still function after his request is answered. He looks at the Triton Clone and says to him, "There may be hope of getting you online again yet. If my thought works like i think it may."
Crysteel enters the dungeon. Into the communicator she says, "Hello anypony here?"
Hey yall may I join?

Name: Chrysteel
Age: Early Teens
Race: Half-Changeling(not all changelings are true-bloods like the ones that hit Canterlot)
Usefull Skills: Shapeshifting (pony/trait only), medium magic (High if dark arts), night-sight(moonsilver eyes), self buff (changeling feeding).
Summon/pet: none
Desired role: Dark Mage / Nuker
Megus, Tech had slept before the group finished the jubjub he was waking up as the final blows were made. What he was doing was breaking his camp down. All in all meaning he is fully rested. also on another note Tech won't be happy if the power is to go out. there will be no way to get his Triton Clone back up and running again if the power goes out and it's memory core becomes fried (electromagnetic shockwave within the original wave used to shut down all power). the Clone and memory core are mechanical constructs after all and the shock wave would ruin it.
OK just one question for the players. How many of ya are unicorns? the reason for asking will come into play during the game of course.
After handing the device the other was asking about back to him he decides that before selling the shell he is going to try something, but waits for the group to begin to gather together before doing it. He goes to the spa and has a bath plus a very basic oil job for his wings passing the appropriate amount of LAf for both to the clerk and attendant tipping the attendant 3 LAf for the service. while doing that he mumbles, "I really got to learn how to do this myself."
the Triton Clone is what i wanted to have as tech's pet/summon. didn't know if y'all would have him so I made it possible to have or not to have.

(Name: Triton Clone #2241
Race: Mechanical Construct
Skills: long range detection and protection, loyalty, component exchange for versatility in roles or purpose.
desired role: Pet/Summon
weapon: any he is able to be programed with its use.((currently none))

Description: the Clone looks to have plates that can be removed to add or exchange features so it can be adapted for almost any purpose. It is mainly used for long range scouting and enemy detection.)