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Messages - Princess Cadance YT

Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2017 Sep 10, 20:05:25
Probably very different from the songs that get's posted usually here. :)
I got some other songs too, that I love, but I wouldn't post it here because I want my song pick fitting to PG13. ;)

I really love this song, hope someone enjoys it too. ;) (\ô/)

Resolved Issues / UI scaling issue
2017 Sep 10, 19:24:42
First of all, the game runs super smooth even on 4K Resolution. Have an average of 70 FPS on the overworld and 150 FPS in dungeons, good work with the performance optimization. :)

But sadly there is an issue with the UI Scaling. In 4K the text becomes so small, that I need to stick 10 cm away from the screen to actually read it.
The radar, chat and character icons are way too small too on this resolution. :/

So I suggest to add a UI scaling to the game, so I could use for example 200% on the UI. :) (\ô/)
Quote from: Stalephreak on 2015 Feb 21, 15:11:12
Wouldn't be so bad, but it crashed just as my 5 year old was settling in to play.  You know how hard it is to tell a 5 year old that something on the backend is broken?

No one can do something against technical difficulties. ;)
I know hard it is, because I was used to get raised with a lot of brothers and sisters. ;)
But this wouldn't be the last OSW.  :s (\s/)

EDIT: The servers are back for me. ;) /)
Got the same problem, no connection to the server. :/
Well let's remember how it will look like if we are back.  :D

I actually missed the last download, so it would be nice, if it get's available these day's.  ;)
I hope this time my internet connection doesn't went down again. :D
Last time exactly at this time I got a week no internet. :/ (\s/)

When will be the download available? /)
Is there any way to get to know, when the servers open up?
I missed it again. :'(
I really wanted to play, but with all the windows 10 testing, I forgot to look by... (\s/)