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Quote from: Dawnstar on 2015 Jan 25, 00:19:59
Yeah, it's a pretty standard feature with all of Cryptic's mmos. Startrek and Neverwinter do the same thing. Once a zone reaches a certain population it starts a new instance to put people in. For less busy areas you'll maybe see one or two instances, but for busier areas like the general hubs the instances will climb into the double digits.

It lets them maintain their whole game population on a single server system while preventing busy areas from getting overloaded, and of course there is an option to switch to another instance to meet with your friends as long as the instance isn't full.

Yup, It would do great for Legends of Equestra next time they add more stuff.
I am  not sure if the game is captable or the servers, but another suggestion that might help, If not it's worth a thought.

I played a MMO Game called Champions Online. The way it dealt with Players is we had Map Zones. Like For example if a a zone reaches 100 players (Max cap) it would create another Zone. Like Name of Map#1 and Name of Map#2, Players can switch zones freely as well.

It's a idea that might work in a later future if it cannot at this stage that's fine.
Quote from: xvynex on 2015 Jan 24, 08:55:57
your using a phone?

Post Merge

mai gahwd the aerial view again

Yes I am, It's the only way I can play My Little Pony Game. Sense I want to play it online with friends than offline. It's on Google Play

I just hate to play it offline.
Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Jan 24, 08:39:28
That game was so laggy for me when i played it on my dads laptop using windows 8

Least not for me.

Using a Galaxy S5 (Android) Phone.
Currently playing My Little Pony on my phone just for a bit. Playing Equestria Girls Dance Mini Game.
Quote from: Swiftflame on 2015 Jan 24, 06:53:44
But i'm on a carpet  o_O

Well that's different then.
Quote from: Swiftflame on 2015 Jan 24, 04:45:52
OK, *stands up to stretch* *SNAP* Owwww I think I broke my back  >A<

There was a old saying, Don't step on a crack, or you will break your mamas back.  lol
Well, I got DCed But atleast I created my Pony named Rathsphere though, Not really good with names.
Sense I cannot connect yet, I will wait some, I was so busy doing other things I had not checked the fourms of the server opening so soon.
Quote from: Velvet Night on 2015 Jan 23, 02:36:17
Resistance is futile  :P

Lower your Shields and prepare to be boarded... You will be assimilated. Your biological and technological distinctiveness will be added to our own. Resistance is futile.

(Had to say it  lol)
I am in too, Can't wait.