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Quote from: Book Smarts on 2012 Nov 10, 11:52:42Spoiler: show[ Invalid YouTube link ]
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2012 Sep 28, 16:22:09
How're you downloading it? How is ANYONE downloading it? All I got was a torrent file, and I don't know what to do with it.
Quote from: Iodine on 2012 Sep 09, 19:52:54
Ooh, awesome! I'm Iodine.8530 and my character is Starlight Gaze. I'm on Ehmry Bay. Not sure if I need to log onto the server that the guild is on or not.
Quote from: Weatherboy1 on 2012 Sep 09, 13:28:34
I'm looking at the game. Could someone tell me one thing... How well does it run on your computers? Cause I'm worried that it's gonna overload the laptop I have and I won't be able to play
Quote from: Iodine on 2012 Sep 09, 06:08:13
I reached level 34. Anybody know of any pony guilds to join?
Quote from: Wafflestomp on 2012 Aug 26, 10:51:52
If you do get the game, I suggest (AkA the Greater Brony Alliance Guild).
Quote from: lurk852 on 2012 Jul 30, 01:19:35
Indeed, although not every game has concrete benefits for guilds; I think the main idea's usually to have a cohesive group of people to hang out and play the game with.
Quote from: Firefly on 2012 Jul 30, 00:38:30
Sry if my post is not exactly related, but what are these herds and guilds for? What is the difference between heards and guilds exactly?
I'd appreciate it if anyone can answer my questions, thank you!
Quote from: Morgan Sententia on 2012 Jul 26, 12:21:48
Thank you Magus!
OC Name: Amtrack
Forum Name: Morgan Sententia
Activity: Am active almost everyday.
Planned race: Earth pony
Reason to join: I would like a herd for my OC Amtrack, but i would like to help people and meet new people. =)
Quote from: daswed on 2012 Jul 24, 17:17:07I loved that game when I first got it. I'm eagerly awaiting the arrival of Fallout 4(which'll hopefully be on the Skyrim engine) whenever that comes out. I'm also pretty mad that Bethesda had to step in and cancel that Fallout MMO. It looked like it was going to be great. Hopefully TES Online will make up for it, but I honestly doubt it will. I prefer the Fallout universe.
I think I´ve become addicted to Fallout new vegas, I have already played a countless amount of hours into Fallout 3, but this... I cant stop playing.