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Quote from: Night Breeze on 2015 Jan 25, 10:20:14Someone I follow on tumblr also got a 5 minute ban, that appeared to be a perm ban.
I'm ok with enforcing rules, but could i get an explanation of why i got a 5min kick.
Quote from: Paladin Redflare on 2015 Jan 25, 13:57:44Start the exe file directly, don't use the updater
I've been waiting for over a day to play and i'm STILL GETTING 503 ERROR ON THE UPDATER.
Quote from: SpectraDust on 2015 Jan 25, 06:28:39They collected a lot of data that included this problem.
i can't go anywhere!! any place i try and go i get the aerial view glitch or the "waiting list" as they call it but i fliping wait and hour and nothing happens!!! so i give up!! i'm done! i think it's fair to say this was a failed OSW
Quote from: LostSanity on 2015 Jan 24, 23:49:54
1. I want to play as my unicorn OC. I'm not playing as anything else.
Quote from: Trappy Tickles on 2015 Jan 24, 11:57:18I'm not even going to entertain the theory they went backwards.
The game was way less glitched in the previous opening weekend. No offense but it really looks like we went backwards... Hope it can be blamed on the DDoS of this morning, tho
Quote from: TheFawn on 2015 Jan 24, 11:45:56I accepted the possibility I won't actually get to play at all.
I was super hyped for this game, and to finally play it for the first time. I was so excited, in fact, that I was up at two in the morning, and couldn't go back to sleep. Now, I'm sleep deprived because of this game, and can't even play it. I even called something like this was going to happen.
'Hmm... I got the download without problems, the game runs smoothly... no, wait. Watch me have problems after all this luck.'
Great. Please fix guys.
Quote from: Moon Star on 2015 Jan 24, 11:16:01You join us here in this corner, and cry.
Alright. I finally got to pick a server, re-upload my OC, and join. But I'm stuck with a nice view of Canterlot. I'm not actually looking at my character, just looking at the city.
Does anyone know how to fix this?
Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Jan 24, 10:30:28Same here.
well now i'm stuck just looking at Cloudsdale...