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Quote from: Teal Turken on 2013 Jan 15, 15:44:23
I can't really provide a list of 10 games I find the most overrated but...
I have to say that Far Cry 3 is overrated.
It's a great game with an awesome story line, amazing graphics and probably the best animal nature system I've ever seen.
However....I find this game a bit imbalanced in some fields.
~First off, I feel like stealth is a MUST to this game as many of the missions require stealth and I die very fast in combat. It's probably just that I suck at fighting head on in this game but...still my point stands just not strongly.
~Second is the lack of things to do after the main story. Once you complete the game, well...that's it. Unless you ONLY did the main missions and ignored all the sidequests for money and upgrades that you probably didn't ignore, you'll be left with almost nothing. It doesn't help that capturing all the bases removes all the enemies.
~Multiplayer is the biggest bust for me in this game. I LOVED previous Far Cry games' multiplayer, even FC2 but 3....oh goodness.
So lets just remove vehicles from multiplayer ENTIRELY. Great move Ubisoft. Next lets add in loadouts and weapon customization with perks and killstreaks, add in some body armors you unlock through leveling and you have a total unbalanced version of CoD.
~Map editor. Why can we add in AI characters and not actually have them when we play? Why can't we add weapons on the map only for them to NOT be there? What's this grid thing that only lets you put in a few objects inside each square? WHY DID WE JUST NOW GET THE ABILITY TO PUT WATER UP HIGHER THAN SEA LEVEL?
Far Cry 3 is only good for it's single player but don't you dare tell me the multiplayer is any good. I played ONE match at level 1, I easily, SO EASILY beat level 50+ players with no attachments or perks. This game overall fails for me in all but singleplayer. I also wanna say that I'm just not impressed with Vass or however his name his spelt, you know the guy with the mohawk. He just doesn't impress me as much as other people, I like Handsome Jack more.
Oh yeah, and that coop campaign is okay, so no bad or good coming from that. I guess I'm at least happy for some buddy action against AI.
For me, Far Cry 3 is overrated.
Quote from: The Stars on 2013 Jan 15, 16:29:55
Farcry 3... Meh, I haven't found much about it, but I love the villian, Vaas, and I really dunno if I wanna pick him over Handsome Jack, but I pick Jack in the department of completely deranged in how he's always kidding himself he's the big hero of this joint...Spoiler: showAnd also, You know, after we found out the truth about Angle.
How about the Crysis series? I think those games MAY be overrated?
Quote from: Book Smarts on 2013 Jan 15, 17:35:40
I just like the old school tetris, the other tetris games are just too filled with gimmicks
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2013 Jan 15, 09:41:46Quote from: The Mysterious Artist on 2013 Jan 15, 08:24:03Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2013 Jan 15, 07:40:57
I think the praise for Minecraft should go more toward what the community does with it than toward the game itself. It's the kind of sandbox game that you can do darn near anything with. It's the fact that it's so flexible and open and even allows for world building, plus the fact that you can use a texture pack and mods.
It's singleplayer and multiplayer.
You can build an adventure map and have other people download it and play through your story.
You can play to survive, or play to build things. And people get very creative with building things.
People get extremely creative with the redstone mechanics, making incredible things. It's these people who make some of the most amazing adventure maps, especially if they're great builders and storywriters too.
You can come up with PvP games like The Walls and The Survival Games (based on The Hunger Games).
You can create your own webshow series, like the Yogscast did with Shadow of Israphel and such
Minecraft gives us the tools and is fun, but it's what the players do with it that makes it as great as it is. So, the praise should go more toward what it has become due to the community, than the game itself.
You are almost saying that I havent played it O_o and I have played it since it got buyable.
Its a good game with alot of freedom., Oppurtunities, and a well.. a good community? But it's not the best game ever, and it gets alot of praise. And alot of people is playing the games on 10th place, so thats why I put 3 games there, I couldn't decide.
Some of the describing I did was partially for anyone here who hasn't played it. And I agree, it's not the best ever. But what the community has done with it is pretty fantastic.
Quote from: McSleuthburger on 2013 Jan 15, 08:58:01
tetris may not be as much fun now but remember when it first came out it was revolutionary, I think it deserves alot of praise
and fallout 3 (new vegas wasnt that good but)? I think your the first person to not show complete love for FO 3 (I mean I loved it)
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2013 Jan 15, 07:40:57
I think the praise for Minecraft should go more toward what the community does with it than toward the game itself. It's the kind of sandbox game that you can do darn near anything with. It's the fact that it's so flexible and open and even allows for world building, plus the fact that you can use a texture pack and mods.
It's singleplayer and multiplayer.
You can build an adventure map and have other people download it and play through your story.
You can play to survive, or play to build things. And people get very creative with building things.
People get extremely creative with the redstone mechanics, making incredible things. It's these people who make some of the most amazing adventure maps, especially if they're great builders and storywriters too.
You can come up with PvP games like The Walls and The Survival Games (based on The Hunger Games).
You can create your own webshow series, like the Yogscast did with Shadow of Israphel and such
Minecraft gives us the tools and is fun, but it's what the players do with it that makes it as great as it is. So, the praise should go more toward what it has become due to the community, than the game itself.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jan 15, 07:26:31Quote from: The Mysterious Artist on 2013 Jan 15, 07:21:47Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jan 15, 07:11:07Quote from: The Mysterious Artist on 2013 Jan 15, 06:56:59Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jan 15, 06:44:46
1. Bioshock
The end.
I haven't heard so many people praise that game.
Apparently you haven't watched many game awards then. Bioshock received so many awards/nominations for things like game of the year and whatnot and the fricking thing isn't even out yet. (Talking about infinity.)
then I must have watched different game awards, since the games I saw lately was games like The Walking dead, Borderlands 2 and that.. xP
Lately yes... but before then Bioshock was almost on every list. I honestly though the game was released to be nominated in so many categories but I was wrong.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jan 15, 07:11:07Quote from: The Mysterious Artist on 2013 Jan 15, 06:56:59Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jan 15, 06:44:46
1. Bioshock
The end.
I haven't heard so many people praise that game.
Apparently you haven't watched many game awards then. Bioshock received so many awards/nominations for things like game of the year and whatnot and the fricking thing isn't even out yet. (Talking about infinity.)
Quote from: The Stars on 2013 Jan 15, 07:03:57
XD Man, that's crazy. Here's another on my list : F.E.A.R. 1 and 2. Dunno why, but to me it's just not so scary.
Quote from: Night Pony on 2013 Jan 15, 06:44:46
1. Bioshock
The end.
Quote from: The Stars on 2013 Jan 15, 06:50:33
XD Call of Duty, oh heck yeah, Been overrated for some years now. Just give the game a paintjob, more guns, bland story and we got a new game! (derp) . And wait... Tetris gets praise still?
From Sonic The Hedgehog, I hear the most overrated game is Sonic CD. League of Legends, I like but It was uncontrolable under laggy conditions. Zelda link to the Past, I have not really heard much from anyone XD I Liked it myself, but, meh. And someone mind telling me WHY WoW is so appealing to the people? I mean, heck, they're doing a Kung-fu Panda ripoff now XD
As for the Other games... Only one I can talk about is the 10th slot on Slender and Minecraft. Minecraft, admittedly, is better on the PC as will gaming history tell you that Slender, I think got overrated because Slenderman himself is overrated XD
And Bioshock's overrated? Meh, I never finished the 1st, but I remember how 2 ended when I beat that.Spoiler: showSad... Sad ending.
As for Fallout, Smash, and Batman, Haven't seen much of them to make an opinion XD