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Topics - Dashieisbestpony

Resolved Issues / The help desk...
2014 Dec 14, 14:00:15
Its a really Minor thing, but when I saw the help desk link at the top of the page my minor OCD went crazy. You forgot to put a space inbetween the words XD Also, when I get on I don't see my name in the active users list. Both of these are minor and totally not game related, but they drive me nuts.
Rules: (A): All forum rules apply!
(b): For now I will only allow my close friends in, but later on I may open it up a bit more c:

The Celestial inquirers are a group of ponies who (obviously) seek to get Celestia to tell them things she does not openly discuss. ex: What happened to Starswirl the bearded? He may have died a natural death, or maybe he grew to powerful and Celestia "disposed" of him. Who knows?

As I said in the rules, only the people I know and am atleast kinda close to will be allowed in right now.

List of people who will be added (if they want to be) with no questions asked: Howitzer, M00nglow, alexandas, any of the mods I know and see on the forum a lot, bravedash, blueshield, greyscaleisme, Tekner, Crabapple.

(All of the posts I make will be in This color. This is so I can more easyly tell my posts from everyone elses :))

Rank descriptions:
Leader: The (obviously) Leader of the herd. In charge of all the inquirers/warriors.

Warriors: the brute strength of the herd, in charge of guarding information and the headquarters of the herd.

Mages/magi: the archers and main interrogators, where most unicorns go. (Most)

Spies: They sneak into Cantermore/lot to (of course) spy on Celestia and luna.

Members/ranks: Leader: Summer skies


Mages/magi: Mentalshock

Video Games Archive / Medieval Equestria!
2014 Aug 22, 19:21:43
Medieval Equestria is An open world immersive equine adventure. In development by RaynaronGames on the next-gen Unreal Engine 4 platform. Inspired in part by RPGs such as Dragon's Dogma and Skyrim. 
With an Idyllic and magical atmosphere added to the mix.

EQD link:

Post here and tell me what you hope to see and if you will be playing it when it comes out! Because I know I will!
Original Characters / OC: Summer Skies.
2014 Aug 05, 18:12:48
Welp, I have been on the LoE forums since january, and have yet to post my OC here. Please note: I am doing this for my main character which when/if I get to play LoE this OSW, and will update as needed.

Name: Summer Skies.
sex: Female.
Mane/tail color/style: Long blue mane and tail, usually loose and not tied up.
Coat color: Bright pink. (She looks alot like Fire fly from G1, I don't know why...)
Job: She clears the sky of clouds for sunny days, but sometimes she works on the rainbows.
Family: Has a husband and a young daughter, has a Half-sister as well.

Summer skies is usually quite nice, but she can get hot headed at times. She can be a teaser, but will happily greet new ponies with a smile. She also will stand her ground and defend those she cares about with her life, but she has yet to lose it.

Circle of friends (you didn't see that coming, did you?): Howitzer, Alexandas, Ramisa, Dawns embrace, grey scale (her half sister), MrEmu (sweet brew I think is his OC's name) Naura, Ryo_D_Disk, McSluth Burger, Blue shield, Puynsi (I think?) And that is mostly it.

A/N: I will update as needed, but for now, my thumb is cramping.
Canterlot Archives / Roleplay
2014 Jan 02, 12:05:42
A young Pegasus named windy skys arives in cloudsdale for the first time and sets out to look around.