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Topics - Soft Fang

Video Games Archive / Lollipop Chainsaw
2012 Jul 08, 19:52:37
Yeah. Everything ever said about this true and right. Which...for some reason, is why i like it so much.  lol Hey, even I can laugh at MYSELF.

So yeah, i get a kick out of this title, despite its warts. Like the goofy camera at times and the lock-on thing is worthless to me. you guys agree with me? sound off.

Pony Off-Topic Archive / BronyCon
2012 Jul 01, 18:45:21
well, i didn't go, for obvious reasons.  DD: But for those of you that did go, how was it? Share with us your stories about what you saw and did there.

Pony Off-Topic Archive / Pony Tattoo's
2012 Jun 07, 19:36:44
I don't have any tat's of the FIM herd on me. But i'm curious if any of you do. and if so, where and of who?

Stuff like this never gets old. ^^ Enjoy.