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Topics - Cobalt ZERO

The Retirement Home / Pony Sences
2012 Dec 30, 23:54:58

ok so i had this idea.. the 5 senses and the elusive 6th sense..basically the idea is to take the mane 6  :]  :D  :3  ;)  >.<  ^-^ and categorise them under the senses.. basically put a pony under a sense and why you think they belong there! for the 6th sense put something..anything! just not the other 5.. here ill start...

hearing = rarity - hmm only option i had left cause i filled this one last.. she does listen..unless shes complaining about something xD

sight= fluttershy - the stare. nuff said

taste= rainbow dash - all those pictures of dashie licking the screen and whatnot .. wouldve put pinkie but look below..

touch= pinkie pie - pinkie sence..she feels danger..literally. (that might make a good 6th right there..)

smell= applejack - after all those hours of bucking apples.. who doesnt need a bath

6th sense/magic = twilight - her magic is possibly the best. she can learn almost any spell by seeing it performed once

hmm this is tough.. have fun everypony!

(EDIT: yeah i spelled sense wrong..   :c )

oh come on its been 3 days.. where did everypony go? new years partying no doubt.
Pony Off-Topic Archive / oh wow...
2012 Dec 19, 16:52:46
i wont give any exact details but in part 2 canterlot wedding name is in the credits   ovO

i dont seem to see it in any other season or episode.. well havent checked all of s2 yet or s3 but yeah.

Introductions Archive / hi everypony
2012 Nov 28, 11:30:58
ive been a brony for quite some time now..waiting for more s.3 episodes..and for the release of this game..hope to see more of you guys..i can never find enough brony friends

P.S.  <3 luna