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Topics - MarshyMellow

Anyone played the game yet/want to have it? I still have yet to own it, actually.. >.<

Well, at least I do have the first English one! :)

(Still wishing that I also had Fever, but my mom broke my family's Wii on accident.. :s)
Off-Topic Archive / Time Zones
2015 Jan 05, 17:24:15
I live in Central. 
Off-Topic Archive / TV Channels Poll
2014 Nov 03, 09:43:31
I grew up with all of them  :3 .
Off-Topic Archive / TamaTown
2014 Oct 26, 14:36:08
Anyone remember that site? :] I certainly do. It was a ton of fun!  :3 The features were awesome, to. You could have your own apartment room, play games, make your own music, and make friends!  ^-^ To bad it shut down a year ago ono ......And now it's replaced with a new website: . And there is a town on that website called 'Dream Town', but it doesn't have multiplayer, and it gets boring after you do all the adventures  :c . Oh well, at least TamaTown was fun while it lasted. [move] DR SUES QUOTE TIME!  :D[/move] "Don't cry because it ended, be happy, because it happened." So, have any of you use to play that site?  <3
Video Games Archive / Tamagotchi Poll
2014 Oct 20, 19:36:10
 ^-^ <- Anyone agree that this is adorable?  :D
Hey hey hey, it's Fat Albert! Kidding. Hello! I'm MarshyMellow! I'm currently a newbie here. Since I just joined today. And I'm a fan of Tamagotchi! ............*Crickets chirping* Man, I wish there where more Tamagotchi fans.  :l So, how's everyone? Fine?  ^-^ Okay? Ok then.  :D And I'm also a Christan, to. And don't worry, I won't shove it down anyone's throat  <3. Besides, I know better than to do that  :].  And if you're a Tamagotchi fan, like me, I'd be gald to know!  O:
(And I'm currently a newbie here, to. So this should keep me entertained during the hiatus.  And I hope that there won't be anyone swearing on here.  ono ) And what I mean by other things, I mean things like...Tamagotchi! ROBLOX! And other weird things lol. (And I'll probably be forever alone when I bring a topic up like Tamagotchi.  DD:) So, does anyone in the fourms like Tamagotchi? Or play ROBLOX?  If not, then allow me to rant on how ugly Ikemen Mametchi is  :3. Kidding. Besides, I would be risking getting myself banned by arguing about some ugly anime thing. So........Anyone think that Jay Jay the Jet Plane is weird?