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Messages - XxRocketDashxX

 >:O This is really (let's go with....agitating?) fix this right now because why does this have to be a mega or better MAKE A WALKTHOUGH ON how to do it  FIX IT NOW.
just Downloaded it this is gonna be sweet! :D :3
it says it's disconted? o.O
Does anyone know how to get to ponydale?
oh god was this a waste of time.
for me i cant do it but i try the mirror
if anybody has any tips on how download the game beacuse when i download for 64-bit it says there's no data in the game
wow can wait for it :D

*Please in the future avoid spamming emotes.*
Quote from: Ellowee on 2014 Jun 13, 09:53:42

We at Legends of Equestria are excited to announce another Open Server Weekend for August 8th-10th! This is your opportunity to play Legends of Equestria for a whole weekend, whether you're playing for the first time or checking in to see how things have changed since the last open server.

The servers will open to the public at 12:01am EST on August 8th and close at 11:59pm on the 10th. The game will be available through the downloads page and playable for that whole weekend.

Please note that you must have a forum account before you can log in to the game. It is highly suggested that you register before the 8th, as the servers will be very busy once the weekend starts!
If you don't have an account already, you can register here:

You can see the system requirements for Legends of Equestria here:

Hope you're as excited as we are!