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Messages - Soft Fang

Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2013 Apr 22, 11:30:13
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2013 Apr 06, 18:36:53
Too many to list.

If i haft to pick one now, it would be Luna's return in Luna Eclipsed.
Music / Re: What are you listening to?
2013 Mar 07, 18:56:39
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Re: To Equestria
2013 Mar 07, 18:54:33
would love to go. anything would better then earth at this rate.
Its ok, i guess.

Does so good things, but...really....i feel like most of the stuff they showed is 'common knowledge.'. Doesn't show anything that might change people's minds. I get the feeling from it that if you weren't a fan of the show before this, this won't change your mind.
/Don't get me started on the questionable people on there and the whole 'Piracy' aftermath....

Pony Off-Topic Archive / Re: Pop.
2013 Feb 09, 12:40:28
Best. Thread. Evar.
Off-Topic / Re: FUNNY image Thread!!!
2013 Jan 01, 18:53:02

The More You Know....
A hoodie
Baking pans
Full set of Tupperware
and a Washer/Dryer i just put in today.
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2012 Dec 30, 17:42:43
Finally got my Kickstarter package from Hey Ocean this weekend. Being able to play "Too Soon" instead of the usual radio crap - Made my day.
Grew with his music. Great stuff.

Pretty good story and of all places. :)
Tie between Honesty and Generosity.
Off-Topic Archive / Re: No-Shave November
2012 Nov 29, 17:49:16
Nice having a mustache again. Even though it will never be as epic's as Spike's. ;)

I'll post a pic with mine soon. Pinkie Promise.

Best song of Season 3 so far. :)
Spoiler: show
Is it me or is Diamond Tiara's Voice different in this one? Someone on FB thinks it is.
I have the hub, but i like to see what other people are saying. So i usual have the channel on in the background while i see it streaming. (Mostly on Bronystate.)
Glad that's over with. LOL
Its only a rumor guys. Keep that in mind when you reply to this.

I just hope its just that...a rumor.

/A pony coaster would be cool, though.

//I was the one that submitted this to EqD. I didn't honestly think it would be up there. LOL