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Quote from: LordShen on 2015 Oct 19, 06:46:54
Considering what happened with the team back then, that is absolutely great news, though I wish they could made it to the console goals
Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2015 Sep 06, 02:50:35
Grrr! Darned Pink Rathian!
I can't beat her for the life of me!
Any ideas? I got some pretty fire resistant armor, but the poison is a pain in the flank.
I don't have time to drink the antidote due to it's speed.
I probably shouldn't take a great-sword due to it's poor speed, so I tried some faster weapons and still got my flank handed to me.
I'm going to hate the Azure and Silver Rathilos...aren't I?
Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2015 Aug 31, 00:44:44
I got a full Gore Magala set.
I think it's a step up from a Wroggi set.
(Yes, I basically just got the game)
Also, my Insect glaive now has a butterfly.
Quote from: apex400 on 2014 Nov 06, 19:54:46
Quote from: MrEmu on 2014 Jun 07, 20:27:15
Not to be mean...but it looks like they're trying to make it like "Ratchet and Clank, all for one". Now while I love that game it is NOT a good style for sonic, it's more based on cool gadgets then speed. and with sonic Speed = everything!
Quote from: Julius on 2014 Jun 06, 21:03:39
Pssssh, I want my mega Delphox!
Quote from: Rikaria on 2014 Jun 04, 19:36:27Quote from: ManeFlame on 2014 Jun 04, 19:06:24
Kecleon was confirmed as a mega.
What... proof.