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Messages - Swiftflame

Quote from: TheFawn on 2015 Jan 24, 11:45:56

I was super hyped for this game, and to finally play it for the first time. I was so excited, in fact, that I was up at two in the morning, and couldn't go back to sleep. Now, I'm sleep deprived because of this game, and can't even play it. I even called something like this was going to happen.

'Hmm... I got the download without problems, the game runs smoothly... no, wait. Watch me have problems after all this luck.'

Great. Please fix guys.  :(
You are definitely not the only one riding this boat
Quote from: pinkamena892 on 2015 Jan 24, 08:43:11
If it stays up long enough im going to make a reference using a 'special' character that any portal fan is going to like  lol
Let me guess it's one of the names in your siggy? The one with the most caps?
Quote from: pinkamena892 on 2015 Jan 24, 07:56:17
How do you take screenshot? I forgot  x3
it should tell you if you look in your control settings
Quote from: Thunder Jet on 2015 Jan 24, 07:40:20
I think its just us bloody trying every single minute just to log on.

It's like they ignore the ones trying to tell them to stay off for a bit so they can fix it faster  :l
Quote from: Captain_Char on 2015 Jan 24, 07:15:11
I would say its due to DDoS and not have enough servers to cater to everyone, but as a server owner myself I know its not a free thing, and since this game has to follow some good rules, it can't really charge for service, as far as I know, but as I stated before, patience, it will work out in the end
I've only played the OSW about twice,in the ending of 2013 and beginning of 2014, but I do have a question as to if this was the only DDoS attack the LoE Staff has encountered.
Quote from: pfiutek1 on 2015 Jan 24, 07:06:00
^ please follow him her and stop clicking so i can pway tank u C:
What you said about the stop clicking thing, yeah that implies to you as well
Quote from: Aylayla Thornberry on 2015 Jan 24, 07:02:10
This ^
The servers are clogged with people clicking, clicking and clicking every couple seconds, causing traffic to build up and people aren't getting to play. If we all stop clicking so fast, the servers will calm down and the problem could be solved faster.
I agree, for now i'm going to keep my client closed until the staff say it's clear to get on
Quote from: BlueBlur Chrome on 2015 Jan 24, 06:51:29

There was a old saying, Don't step on a crack, or you will break your mamas back.  lol
But i'm on a carpet  o_O
Aww what happened to the pony I created before?  >.<
Quote from: Mizuki on 2015 Jan 24, 04:41:29
Everyone here is a trooper for waiting this long for the servers to open back up ^-^

Just make sure to take care of your health in the meantime. If you're sleepy, go sleep, if you're hungry, make yourself a sammich, if you've been sitting at the computer for a while, stand up and have yourself a good stretch! :nod:
OK, *stands up to stretch* *SNAP* Owwww I think I broke my back  >A<
Quote from: PunkOfSteam on 2015 Jan 24, 04:34:31
That was simply beautiful.
I was thinking the same thing.  :]
By far the best MMORPG I had ever played but now we must wait for the Best to get Better for everyone's sake. I know this is going to hit a big mark on its release  :3 :D :] :P ;) ^-^ <3
Quote from: VriskaKick on 2013 Jul 05, 21:03:16
I actually just about cannot wait for this thing to start
It's almost ready hgn
I have the downloads page open in another tab and absolutely refuse to close it until I get the game

Now back to my Powder Toy shenanigans :P
Sooo not the only one   :D  :3
Introductions Archive / Re: I can't wait
2013 Jul 05, 20:40:55
Quote from: Weremetalwolf on 2013 Jul 05, 20:29:07
Hi my new friend and welcome to the Legends of Equestria forum! I wish you to have the best stay here and make lots of friends! And most important HAVE FUUUN!! :D
Yay I have a new friend  :D
Quote from: 1mirg on 2013 Jul 05, 20:36:10
Welcome to the forum

Spoiler: show
Quick links

Tis funny  lol
Introductions Archive / I can't wait
2013 Jul 05, 20:25:38
It's almost time for the weekend to start it's going to be so Awesome  :3 Oh yeah i'm new hello :P
Yeah don't have much to say except hi.