Legends of Equestria - Forum

Roleplay Board => Roleplaying => Canterlot Archives => Topic started by: Liska on 2013 Jan 12, 18:31:56

Title: Canterlot Archives Explanation
Post by: Liska on 2013 Jan 12, 18:31:56
The Canterlot Archives is a board where you cannot post in any of the roleplays.

The roleplays should be considered done when they are moved here.

In order to get your roleplay thread into the Canterlot Archives, it needs to have at least 100 replies.
Why is there this rule? I'm trying to keep the forums clean and declutter this section in specific.

Roleplays with sign-up threads get their sign-up threads merged once in the Canterlot Archives.

This is not for threads for Original Characters or RP ideas. I have either deleted these threads from here or moved them to their proper locations.