Dumb things that annoy you

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Midnight Breeze

I wish we as a society would just get together and ban tipping. I as a customer should not have to be subsidizing the restaurant's payroll. It would take a simple act of congress to ban the "tipped worker" minimum wage and require restaurants to pay waiters full minimum wage. Then tipping would be what it's supposed to be: a small bonus a waiter gets for exceptional service, not something that waiters expect and feel entitled to no matter what.

Tipping should NEVER be considered a requirement for patrons. Ever. If it is then something is seriously wrong with restaurant culture. I can't tell you how many times I've read articles about "proper tipping rules" where the writer insists. "It's a general rule to tip based on quality of service. As a guideline you should tip 20% for excellent service, 15% for decent service, and 10% for poor service." Excuse me? I'm sorry, but I will NOT tip for poor service. If I'm being ignored by my waiter then it means one of two things:

1. They don't care about doing their job properly and thus don't even deserve to be employed, much less tipped or

2. They have their hands full with 5+ other tables at the same time. If they're paying attention to the others then they're gonna get like 30+ dollars in tips from the other tables. Not bad for one hour of work. I don't think I as the ignored customer should have to contribute to that. Not that I should anyway because mandatory tipping is a bogus practice that needs to be scrapped.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 24, 05:27:59
Spoiler: show
I wish we as a society would just get together and ban tipping. I as a customer should not have to be subsidizing the restaurant's payroll. It would take a simple act of congress to ban the "tipped worker" minimum wage and require restaurants to pay waiters full minimum wage. Then tipping would be what it's supposed to be: a small bonus a waiter gets for exceptional service, not something that waiters expect and feel entitled to no matter what.

Tipping should NEVER be considered a requirement for patrons. Ever. If it is then something is seriously wrong with restaurant culture. I can't tell you how many times I've read articles about "proper tipping rules" where the writer insists. "It's a general rule to tip based on quality of service. As a guideline you should tip 20% for excellent service, 15% for decent service, and 10% for poor service." Excuse me? I'm sorry, but I will NOT tip for poor service. If I'm being ignored by my waiter then it means one of two things:

1. They don't care about doing their job properly and thus don't even deserve to be employed, much less tipped or

2. They have their hands full with 5+ other tables at the same time. If they're paying attention to the others then they're gonna get like 30+ dollars in tips from the other tables. Not bad for one hour of work. I don't think I as the ignored customer should have to contribute to that. Not that I should anyway because mandatory tipping is a bogus practice that needs to be scrapped.

I'm not even sure how it's legal for them to pay waiters a lower wage than minimum I mean it's called minimum wage for a reason so why are they allowed to pay them less to begin with.

Midnight Breeze

2015 Feb 24, 05:37:15 #15542 Last Edit: 2015 Feb 24, 05:41:22 by Midnight Breeze
Technically it's not. Waiters are legally entitled to minimum wage just like everyone else. If they don't make the equivalent of full minimum wage through tips then their employer must pay the difference. Which just shows that tipping is a subsidy to the restaurant.

Note that I've never heard of that actually happening before though, since most waiters get far and above minimum wage in tips. My first job ever was as a dishwasher in a restaurant. Try making a flat $6 an hour while the wait staff takes home an average of $125 dollars a piece for 5 hours of work. Makes you feel pretty worthless.


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 24, 05:37:15
Technically it's not. Waiters are legally entitled to minimum wage just like everyone else. If they don't make the equivalent of full minimum wage through tips then their employer must pay the difference. Which just shows that tipping is a subsidy to the restaurant.

That's just annoying then, though I do wonder how far back tipping went and if restaurants were even allowed to pay waiters less in the past or if it's some new thing cheap companies are doing lately.

Lync Volan

2015 Feb 24, 06:05:45 #15544 Last Edit: 2015 Feb 24, 06:08:54 by Lync Volan
Quote from: byndbored on 2015 Feb 23, 17:48:01

He slipped on the ice when walking to work.
what the heck is Ice doing in the middle of the side walk O:?!

Post Merge

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 23, 14:42:56
I hate that stupid Golden Corral commercial where the guy says "I love chocolate, always have since I was a little kid." Do you know who else has loved chocolate since they were little kids? EVERY HUMAN BEING ON THE PLANET!
Whahahaha *-*!
someone just accused me of going there yesterday when i was talking about a Buffet i went to for one of my Uncle's Birthday's
(i only heard of it yesterday then you bring it up)

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Feb 24, 06:05:45
someone just accused me of going there yesterday when i was talking about a Buffet i went to for one of my Uncle's Birthday's
(i only heard of it yesterday then you bring it up)

I eat there all the time by myself. There target demographic is the less well-off, so the food is low quality but it's edible and super cheap. 10 dollars for a buffet is a great deal, that's cheaper than you'd pay for 1 plate at a traditional restaurant, and I'm a glutton. I average 3-4 plates per visit.

I won't go near that chocolate wonderfall, though. It just seems so unsanitary, even by buffet standards. Golden Corral is a family restaurant that often has unsupervised children running around. All I can think about is school age kids sticking their finger in it, licking the chocolate off, then going back for another swipe with their still-wet finger. No thanks, I don't want any.


Lync Volan

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 24, 06:15:18I won't go near that chocolate wonderfall, though. It just seems so unsanitary, even by buffet standards. Golden Corral is a family restaurant that often has unsupervised children running around. All I can think about is school age kids sticking their finger in it, licking the chocolate off, then going back for another swipe with their still-wet finger. No thanks, I don't want any.
i'm pretty sure thats exactly how it is since during school field trips the class would share plastic cups (cause we went to some kinda track once) and i also saw a bunch of my unlikely hangout partners smear chocolate allover there fingers 

but since there was one at the buffet i went to i stop and think "maybe its like a pool and has some kinda filter" but besides the place i went was nearly empty 

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 24, 05:27:59
Spoiler: show
I wish we as a society would just get together and ban tipping. I as a customer should not have to be subsidizing the restaurant's payroll. It would take a simple act of congress to ban the "tipped worker" minimum wage and require restaurants to pay waiters full minimum wage. Then tipping would be what it's supposed to be: a small bonus a waiter gets for exceptional service, not something that waiters expect and feel entitled to no matter what.

Tipping should NEVER be considered a requirement for patrons. Ever. If it is then something is seriously wrong with restaurant culture. I can't tell you how many times I've read articles about "proper tipping rules" where the writer insists. "It's a general rule to tip based on quality of service. As a guideline you should tip 20% for excellent service, 15% for decent service, and 10% for poor service." Excuse me? I'm sorry, but I will NOT tip for poor service. If I'm being ignored by my waiter then it means one of two things:

1. They don't care about doing their job properly and thus don't even deserve to be employed, much less tipped or

2. They have their hands full with 5+ other tables at the same time. If they're paying attention to the others then they're gonna get like 30+ dollars in tips from the other tables. Not bad for one hour of work. I don't think I as the ignored customer should have to contribute to that. Not that I should anyway because mandatory tipping is a bogus practice that needs to be scrapped.

^^^^^^ Thiiiiis!
Sometimes it seems like restaurants act like tipping is required. You'll get your receipt, and it has a place for you to write on it to include a tip, and they suggest 15% or 20%. The first time I noticed that, my immediate reaction was to be annoyed.

Look... The expense of my meal has nothing to do with your waiting ability. :l Why are we talking percentages here?
And yeah, if your service was terrible, I'm not giving you a tip.

Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Feb 24, 06:05:45
what the heck is Ice doing in the middle of the side walk O:?!

If it's freezing cold and it rains or sleets (or, in the southern states of the US, snows), ice forms on the sidewalks and streets.

The sidewalk in my front yard that leads from the street to my front porch is covered in ice right now.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Sunshine Smash

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 23, 17:32:16
Musicians who only ever sing about how awesome they are. I don't care how much money you have or how many women you get. If you can't sing about anything deeper than that then you don't even deserve a music career. One must wonder how these guys got into music in the first place, what exactly did they sing about before they become rich and famous?

This is why I only stick to pony music.

With the exception of Jamie Christopherson and some of the classics, like Bob Jovi.

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......


Spoiler: show
Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 24, 05:27:59
I wish we as a society would just get together and ban tipping. I as a customer should not have to be subsidizing the restaurant's payroll. It would take a simple act of congress to ban the "tipped worker" minimum wage and require restaurants to pay waiters full minimum wage. Then tipping would be what it's supposed to be: a small bonus a waiter gets for exceptional service, not something that waiters expect and feel entitled to no matter what.

Tipping should NEVER be considered a requirement for patrons. Ever. If it is then something is seriously wrong with restaurant culture. I can't tell you how many times I've read articles about "proper tipping rules" where the writer insists. "It's a general rule to tip based on quality of service. As a guideline you should tip 20% for excellent service, 15% for decent service, and 10% for poor service." Excuse me? I'm sorry, but I will NOT tip for poor service. If I'm being ignored by my waiter then it means one of two things:

1. They don't care about doing their job properly and thus don't even deserve to be employed, much less tipped or

2. They have their hands full with 5+ other tables at the same time. If they're paying attention to the others then they're gonna get like 30+ dollars in tips from the other tables. Not bad for one hour of work. I don't think I as the ignored customer should have to contribute to that. Not that I should anyway because mandatory tipping is a bogus practice that needs to be scrapped.

I wholeheartedly agree with this.  When I was working as a delivery driver I got paid a flat rate of $15.  That basically covered my gas driving to and from the workplace, so the ONLY money I made was exclusively through tips, and building pizza boxes($5 a sleeve?).
I initially did the job as a favour to my brother in law, but I didn't stay there long let me tell you.

Sunshine Smash

The little button on my ear buds that makes my music turn on and off without activating the screen just stopped working...

Ughh, I don't want to turn on my screen whenever I want to change my music...

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......


Missed opportunities and unbearable people. ono

Sunshine Smash

Quote from: Julius on 2015 Feb 24, 11:12:03unbearable people. ono

Tell me about it..... I'm gonna go on a limb here and say that every 1 in 30 people at my school aren't completely unbearable. Goodness, is everyone arrogant here....

Deep inside..... We're kindred spirits...... You..... And I......


Quote from: Sunshine Smash on 2015 Feb 24, 12:14:09
Tell me about it..... I'm gonna go on a limb here and say that every 1 in 30 people at my school aren't completely unbearable. Goodness, is everyone arrogant here....

I've said it before and I'll say it again; that's sounding a LOT like my old school.
I hate that place so much...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0


My dental insurance capped out today so now i'd have to start paying for the work left to be done.

That can be up to $1000....

Also my dentist didn't check to make sure the novocaine spread over to the tooth he was working on before drilling into it.  I actually cried...

Midnight Breeze

Quote from: LaptopBrony on 2015 Feb 24, 19:07:12
My dental insurance capped out today so now i'd have to start paying for the work left to be done.

That can be up to $1000....

Also my dentist didn't check to make sure the novocaine spread over to the tooth he was working on before drilling into it.  I actually cried...

Governments really need to crack down on dental insurance companies. Those annual caps were established decades ago, when dentistry was much cheaper, and haven't moved since. The premiums have certainly kept up with inflation, but the maximums haven't. A single root canal costs more than the standard $1500 annual maximum of most insurance policies.

Another thing I take issue with is the fact that almost all dental insurance policies will not pay for composite fillings and instead only cover the cost of highly outdated amalgam fillings. If you want composite fillings then you have to cover the difference yourself. I take serious issue with insurance companies trying to dictate what the best treatment is. The doctor should be doing that.

I don't understand why governments are so lax about dental regulations compared to general healthcare. Dental issues can be extremely detrimental to a person's quality of life and should be part of normal public healthcare. The only country I know of that has quality public dentistry is the UK. Must be nice.

Randam Saiko

2015 Feb 24, 20:55:00 #15556 Last Edit: 2015 Feb 24, 20:56:33 by Randam Saiko
Spoiler: Example • show

Me: *Defends a group that I'm not a part of*
Person A: Hey! Why are you protecting them?! You're not one of them!
Me: Because what was being said about them was generalizing and untrue?
Person A: But why would you defend them?
Me: Gee....I don't know....I'm just a maniacal gothic-dressing, slenderman loving, gore watching, screamo-listening horror fan who has never been stereotyped before. I have absolutely no idea why I'm refuting stereotypes to another group! Heck, let's forget that and assault those Bronies! Weirdos huh! All of them are full grown men living in basements and are complete undatable losers who never leave the house!
Person A: Exactly! See, you get it! Why defend a group that you're not a part of?

But in all seriousness, it pains me so much when another group is being stereotyped based on untrue facts or when people generalize a negative stereotype to an entire group and then question why I'm refuse to join in the slanderization or defend them.

Being a natural comedian is sometimes annoying.
65% of the time, people don't think I'm being serious.
20% of the time, people get that I'm serious.
15% of the time, they laughing so hard that they can't breathe.

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs


Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 24, 19:29:21
Spoiler: show
Governments really need to crack down on dental insurance companies. Those annual caps were established decades ago, when dentistry was much cheaper, and haven't moved since. The premiums have certainly kept up with inflation, but the maximums haven't. A single root canal costs more than the standard $1500 annual maximum of most insurance policies.

Another thing I take issue with is the fact that almost all dental insurance policies will not pay for composite fillings and instead only cover the cost of highly outdated amalgam fillings. If you want composite fillings then you have to cover the difference yourself. I take serious issue with insurance companies trying to dictate what the best treatment is. The doctor should be doing that.

I don't understand why governments are so lax about dental regulations compared to general healthcare. Dental issues can be extremely detrimental to a person's quality of life and should be part of normal public healthcare. The only country I know of that has quality public dentistry is the UK. Must be nice.

My issue is my employer is extremely cheap.  My insurance comes through my benefits at work.  At my old job my dental limit was $2000 per year.  I also had vision care coverage, which I dont have now either...

Don't get me wrong, some is better than none, but really?


I'm in a nice little RP that just started out. But the person my OC is currently interacting with can't be on for very often. We manage to get in about four/five posts between the two of us before they have to leave. Its really annoying....
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Midnight Breeze

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Louisiana is STILL sending me premium notices nonstop.

1. I cancelled that policy in December.

2. I don't even live in Louisiana anymore.

Kindly leave me alone, I ain't paying.

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