Dumb things that annoy you

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Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Feb 20, 04:10:54
*Raises hand*
Middle school:
- Corndogs: Pull the cornbread off and what do you see? A shriveled spongy hot dog. :I Really weird...
- Popcorn chicken: Mostly fat. It tasted, felt, and looked like it was probably 98% fat.
- Pepperoni pizza: Literal pools of visible grease sitting on top.
I don't remember much else of the middle school lunches.
High school:
- Pepperoni pizza: Also pretty greasy, but not as greasy as middle school. It got better when they made a deal with Papa John's and started selling that pizza, but I personally don't like Papa John's.
- Chicken strips: Bland cardboard. Ugh. Same with the chicken sandwiches.
- Spicy chicken sandwiches: Overly seasoned to hide the fact that the chicken is bland cardboard.
- Hamburgers: Bland burger meat that tastes like it's not even seasoned. Pretty sure it was some kind of frozen fully cooked patty that they nuked in a microwave or oven or something.
- Spaghetti: Only available once a week. The meatballs were just big spheres of bland unseasoned ground beef. The sauce was just... more like they dumped tomato paste on the noodles, to be honest.
- Salads: How do you mess up a salad? HOW DO YOU MESS UP A SALAD?!! I'LL TELL YOU HOW: Serve rotting lettuce. :l Mind you, this is the high school that has, for decades, been regarded as the better school, since it's in the part of the city where more financially well-off people live. And yet the salads had some rotten lettuce in them.

The First Lady's healthy food overhaul was bittersweet, to be honest.
The bad:
- They removed everything good from the vending machines. ono Also, they clearly did not pay attention to some of the stuff they put in there because this one "healthy" granola bar with strawberry yogurt stuff on the bottom just about killed me with how sweet the strawberry yogurt stuff was. Definitely did not taste healthy. I couldn't finish it because it was giving my teeth a terrible feeling.
- SOMEHOW, the amount of rotten lettuce in the salads increased! Suddenly, it was like almost half the bowl was rotting. Massive waste of money.
The good:
- With healthier food came food that actually tasted better, oddly enough. They switched to wheat buns, which was a plus for me because I prefer the taste of wheat bread over white bread. The big plus was the grilled chicken sandwiches in place of the breaded chicken patty sandwiches. Those actually had some flavor to them. The Mexican food line even got better! You could take one look at the beef they were using and tell that it was something completely different. It all tasted better, too.

You may notice I didn't list any Mexican food in the gross foods list... Yeah, the Mexican food line was my escape from terrible food. I mean, the stuff they were using before the health food overhaul likely wasn't very good for us, and the beef might have been more something else and less beef like Taco Bell used to do (read: used to), but... at least it tasted good. Geez.

And no, they didn't remove the pizza line. They also didn't take away the ranch dressing packets or put a limit on them. So, we still had people putting ranch dressing on their pizza or dumping two packets (yes, two packets) into a salad, mixing it up, and going "IT'S HEALTHY :P" These were big packets, too. They were designed where one was enough for a salad bowl. These people were using two. They were literally drowning their salads, and some of them insisted "No really, I'm eating healthy food."

It's even more terrible if you're an incredibly picky eater like me. Onions. ONIONS. EVERYWHERE THERE'S ONIONS.
Also, green apple sauce. That's a thing. WHY.
The only thing that I could actually eat without wanting to vomit was a spicy chicken sandwich. It at least had some spice to it, and I could drown it in ketchup to hide the blandness the spicyness didn't hide. I dunno, the pizza was basically cardboard with cheap cheese and pepperoni, but at least I could put it in my mouth.
I like the quote from Ratatouille: "I don't like food I love it. If I don't love food I don't swallow.
It gets better in college, though. Food is actually edible in the cafeteria. And if you don't want that, there are plenty of fast food restaurants around.
Mardi Gras break is just about over, and I have to go to work in an hour. I always say that breaks are never long enough.
Wait for it...


I want Pizza, but my mom says "I love you", and NEVER orders it.
All I want is a nice warm pizza... >A<

Midnight Breeze

I am a 23 and a half year old man who still has dreams about high school. Pathetic.


Heh, oddly enough, I actually hate it when the server opens up. Due to my school schedule and crummy computer, I can't play, and when the servers open, they take down the chat. Now, I do RP here, and messages are nice, but nothing can really beat the sheer fun of the chat-box. I'm an introvert IRL, but this place is the one place where I can come and talk with people who share my interests, meet new people, and have fun. So not having the chat up while everyone else is playing the game, is kind of a bummer/annoyance to me.
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 20, 21:52:42
I am a 23 and a half year old man who still has dreams about high school. Pathetic.

I'm a 22-year-old woman who still occasionally has nightmares about high school.
And I don't mean "I have to give a speech, but my pants disappeared."
I mean "It's the first day of school, and they didn't give me my schedule! How am I supposed to know what teachers I have and what rooms to go to or even what subjects I'm taking?! Why won't you help me?!! How am I supposed to get my education like this?!!! DD: I'M SO LOST!!!!!"
Sometimes my school nightmares cause me to think I need to go to school when I wake up, and then I'm like "Wait. I graduated. o_O"

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Lync Volan

i can't tell if your average school is as nice as some of your nightmares or your just keeping them light cause of the rules...

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Feb 21, 01:28:07
i can't tell if your average school is as nice as some of your nightmares or your just keeping them light cause of the rules...

My school wasn't great, but it also wasn't the worst. It did have the usual public high school problems, including stuff I shouldn't talk about here.
Buuut my nightmares are that way because I'm really afraid of not knowing what to do. X3

Though, the idea for those nightmares might have also gotten into my head thanks to this really stupid policy the school has. :l You have to make sure you've returned all library books and textbooks by the end of the year, and if you don't, you have to pay them off by the end of the year. If you don't, then next year, they'll withhold your schedule until you do return the books or pay for them.

Now, how am I supposed to get my education without my class schedule, just because you want your books back or the money to buy new ones? :/ I understand how critical it is that the books are all returned or paid for, but seriously.
I'm just thankful I never had that problem. One year, though, they thought I hadn't turned in a textbook, but then when I talked to them and they looked through the records, they realized they made a mistake. I was so freaked out.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Lync Volan

at least they admit they made the mistake lol

and...Public? Private?
i keep hearing this 2 things defining school but i have no idea what they mean :s?


My dad slipped on some ice last night and now he lucky he can make it to the bathroom. :c
Said no to being given a Lucario Pokemon X.
My oc board is in my Signature

Lync Volan

2015 Feb 21, 02:22:54 #15489 Last Edit: 2015 Feb 21, 02:32:16 by Lync Volan
my mother wants me to learn how to drive now...she already wanted me to learn many other things that i still have no idea how to do now she wants me to learn how to drive

has she seen me play racing/car video games :l?

and don't get me started on some of my car related nightmares ovO

Shoot! if i had somewhere to go for an everyday thing i have a keyfood by my house in New York so what else do i need lol?
(i can walk you know)

Post Merge

Quote from: byndbored on 2015 Feb 21, 02:19:31
My dad slipped on some ice last night and now he lucky he can make it to the bathroom. :c
i'm confused...
i slipped on top of a toy airplane before so what exactly did your father slip on top of :/?

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Lync Volan on 2015 Feb 21, 02:17:50
at least they admit they made the mistake lol

and...Public? Private?
i keep hearing this 2 things defining school but i have no idea what they mean :s?

Public school is funded by the state depending on the scores that the students get on the standardized tests that are issued by the state. You go to the school for free, so education is available for everyone, no matter their financial situation.

Private school, on the other hand... It's more privately owned, and you have to pay a ton of money to attend there.

The problem with the way public school is funded is that the school tends to focus more on making you ready to pass the state's standardized tests and less on you actually being ready for the adult world. The school has its eyes more on getting money and not getting sued, than it does on actually giving its students a meaningful education. At least, that's how public schools tend to be. Maybe there are public schools that are better.

Also, I can't go into much detail about this, but I'm just gonna say that public schools, especially high schools, have a tendency to be very concerned with their public image and reputation, so they would rather run a dog and pony show than actually do their job, if doing their job will bring up things that look bad. However, doing their job will help the students. Putting on a show to hide what's going on gives students free reign to do stupid stuff they shouldn't be doing.

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."

Azure Sky

I think my biggest pet peeve is someone whispering the same thing over and over.

I DON'T KNOW WHY. It's so weird!

I found this out when my sister began to whisper: "Excuse me, excuse me, excuse me..." Every time she burped. XD It really made me mad for some reason.

Midnight Breeze

I'd like to know why American cities who's names are in other languages are intentionally mispronounced. I try to pronounce city names properly with respect to their original language, but people insist that I'm saying it wrong because indeed the official pronunciation is the Americanized pronunciation. But why? What caused those pronunciations to come about anyway? I say Los Angeles, not "Loss Angiliss". I say Lafayette, not "laughy-yet". If we were going to intentionally mispronounce those city names then why didn't we just changed their dang names when we bought/conquered them?


Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Feb 21, 01:21:15
I'm a 22-year-old woman who still occasionally has nightmares about high school.
And I don't mean "I have to give a speech, but my pants disappeared."
I mean "It's the first day of school, and they didn't give me my schedule! How am I supposed to know what teachers I have and what rooms to go to or even what subjects I'm taking?! Why won't you help me?!! How am I supposed to get my education like this?!!! DD: I'M SO LOST!!!!!"
Sometimes my school nightmares cause me to think I need to go to school when I wake up, and then I'm like "Wait. I graduated. o_O"

I'm 17, and I still can't forgive myself for stuff I've done when I was like 6...
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs: http://forum.legendsofequestria.com/index.php?topic=13316.0

Night Pony

I'm aparently 12 for defending my position.

I want to thank all of the artist that have drawn my OCs.
Night Shine and Moon Violet

Chishio Kunrin

Quote from: Midnight Breeze on 2015 Feb 21, 11:19:58
I'd like to know why American cities who's names are in other languages are intentionally mispronounced. I try to pronounce city names properly with respect to their original language, but people insist that I'm saying it wrong because indeed the official pronunciation is the Americanized pronunciation. But why? What caused those pronunciations to come about anyway? I say Los Angeles, not "Loss Angiliss". I say Lafayette, not "laughy-yet". If we were going to intentionally mispronounce those city names then why didn't we just changed their dang names when we bought/conquered them?

I say La-fie-yet.
But I do say Loss Angiliss...

"(Ticktock, time is running out) What are you doing now?
I don't know where you are, don't even know your name.
They think I'm crazy, my heartbeat goes up..."


When you try to drink your soda and for some reason the can is overfilled unlike normal sodas which have a little space between them and the can lid. Basically I tried drinking it and it spilled on my shirt because I didn't notice it was overfilled.  :I I've had cans of soda half full before which must have been a factory error. I didn't drink it though since not all of it was full it probably wasn't sealed properly either.


Quote from: Chromastone64 on 2015 Feb 21, 12:49:06
I'm 17, and I still can't forgive myself for stuff I've done when I was like 6...

Ahh, I hate that so much. Sometimes I get bored and start thinking about allll of the dumb stuff I did as a kid. :facehoof:
'Cause sometimes to stay alive you gotta kill your mind.

Lync Volan

Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Feb 21, 04:09:28
Putting on a show to hide what's going on gives students free reign to do stupid stuff they shouldn't be doing.
Exactly what my teachers do
and other things no one would believe me if i told
also i would describe it as a "Rabies Dog Show" but as far as that it is hard to bring up all the problems in school here

Midnight Breeze

Winter storm warning. Expecting freezing rain and sleet tomorrow which will make driving dangerous. No me gusta.

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