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Messages - L. Pondera

Believe it or not, I actually wasnt a Brony for some time. I was even a forum mod for the longest time, and even with all the pony memes and alike, I never even tried to watch the show. I was more content to waste time on other ventures, besides there is a part of me which hates commercialism, so I naturally avoided MLP because of Hasbro. But, one day, whilest trying to girlify my niece a bit (since her "father" was trying to make her into a violent tom-boy) I decided on some of the most girly shows. So it started by showing her Strawberry Shortcake on the Hub, which was crap to me and her both. Then came on this colorful show I had heard so much about. Well, the rest is easy to guess.
She actually payed attention to it, and so did I. I watched a girly show that actually had a plot! I was amazed. And then I saw the names of those who made it. I saw so many familiar names, names that made my childhood. I knew I had to see more of this. And once I got to Party of One and a few other favorites of mine (Lesson Zero is one, but I saw it after I joined) I knew I had found something I was into. And once I dove into the fandom, I found a nice warm home.
A show this good, and a fandom this pleasent (gore fic writters aside). It has become one of my most favorite fandoms, next to some other shows and stories. And as of late, its been an obsession in a way, considering I dont have much on my plate that isnt pony related. But once I get my fix of produced projects, I'll be back to my other things. But thing will always remain, I am proud to be a Brony. And I'll carry that friendship with me always.
Me, well, I always enjoyed making FF stories to either complete, continue, or replace chapters in my favorite shows and stories. I love doodling (which without a tablet, is all I can do.) never thought up music based on a show or alike. RP? I've thought about it, but not too much since I long since gave up on solid RP. I've watched all the MLP I can, both on TV and Youtube. I've listened to the fan music, watched the fan animations and art, and read a few FanFics. I like being part of this Brony-dom. But really, I am quite reserved about it.
So I am a nonchalant casual Brony who reserves his cash for needs(since I dont need merch, I wont buy it, although it has crossed my mind. Behold my actual Pinkie Pie Cannon!), and sticks to writting and animating. Not afraid to admitt, and not all loud about it.
Quote from: Teal Turken on 2013 Sep 11, 08:37:04
I don't know, K30 sounds like it wants to be like Newgrounds with the added "Help the community" feature.

Unlike Newgrounds, K30P wont just be a website for people to post whatever crap they do or make. But actually a company funding artist to help them make a living. Then promoting it on forums and other websites. So that it can get the notice it deserves, and possibly become profitable enough that the artist wont depend on K30Ps money to survive. Honestly, if people want to know how K30P works, they can just ask, I will take the the time to answer all their questions. Which is what they should do instead of make an assumption of what the goals and means of a company are.

QuoteNot trying to sound offended or jerky but what potential has the Brony Community not realized?

Alot of people are rather unnoticed. Or maybe they arent Bronies, but still made a decent contribution to the community. And who said K30Productions was exclusive to Brony? I do after all intend to produce work for ALOT of fandoms. And what I dont do, I'll make sure other people have all they need, so they can do it. As a business, not as 4chan. K30P is there to help these creators who didnt get an early start in producing art for their fandom, and thus didnt get the sheer recognition of others. Or they just started. Or, and this is crutial, they havent been discovered yet either through lack of notice, the amount of content they released for the fandom/or in general, lastly because some of their earlier work was unpopular.
There is still people out there who have alot to offer, like Serated Skies for one. So, K30Productions is there to give them a boost, or a job. Because K30P isnt just throwing around other peoples work shouting "Look Over Here!", no, its going to be making its own things. Animations and music, video game mods and (if everything goes well) video games aswell. Dont underrate the potential of K30Productions. After all, I intended it to bridge the gap between Companies/Producers/Hasbro/Viacom/whatever you should already get the point, and the fans. By giving them a 'safe' place to produce and work, and helping them even when it doesnt work out. All without demanding much of anything. Most often nothing at all.
So, where to start? I (Killer30 a.k.a. Josh as you may call me, with my permission of course. Rather it be Killer or Yah, or Kilo 30.) started this company, for the purpose of; Funding, Animating, Writting, Connecting, and all that stuff. For Bronies and other fandom groups i.e. Furries, Steampunks ect. and so forth. Because a number of the artist and musicians and writters have alot of talent and ideas. They just cant do it all. And I feel they deserve to have the oppertunity to make their visions real. So I am gathering the funds, writting the ideas, practicing with my artistry, and making some connections. All so I can help these guys, and make some really good stuff.

My goal aside from helping the fandoms untapped potential get their start/big break? Nothing really. All I could want is actually easy enough to do once I gather all I need. I'll make mods for games, artwork and music(not alone since I fear I am not the most talented). Also promote and fund others to do the same. Its a simple idea, I just want to run with it. Now since I havent all the tools nor funds. I havent been able to animate. I have, however had plenty of time to write and begin concept work for future projects. So this is all I can offer for the time being:

Please go to the Fluttershy video, and leave a comment on your thoughts. It would help alot to get some in-put on it.
Simple stuff, just wanted to atleast do something. Felt bad leaving the place empty. Not to mention I could use aid brainstorming. But yeah. Channel is listed for 18+, because some future content will be for the older audience, and I dont want to get flagged for it when those projects come out. Otherwise, most of the content will be for all audiences.

I'm sure you'll notice its mostly cheap crap, but really. What did you expect from a newly formed company without a full staff, and whose lead developer is without tools for the time being? I cant make anything yet. So I just did this, one to thank some artist friends, one to gather concept work, and another just to promote a good soundtrack from an old indie game. (That guitar stuck with me atleast. And it is a sweet little game.) So do be patient until things get into order.
Music Archive / Re: Post your theme song!
2013 Sep 10, 00:55:07
I suppose I would actually have a number of them, since by far myself, and thus my OC, have a very "complex" personality. Being that I am often torn between joy and misery, and all that opposite emotions/mind state. So it could swing either way for me. I literally have some 15 songs which capture me in some way. I guess I'll post one of them, giving atleast a partial image.

For that time when I want to make some'pony' special smile. "I bet I can make you smile."