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Topics - Omogis Alu

To Said Person Or Person's: The Legends of Equestria - Forum Team

i don't swear i don't say hurtful thing's to people. i know this is a children's show and game and forum but two time's ago i was banned just for saying one word and one of the building block's of life "blood". i feel like there's a rope around my neck every time i come on the forum's. I just want to chat with people about this game and the show. "i also do not mentioning spoiler's i don't like people like that :P " am i asking too much for a little breathing room for an older fan? who once again i don't swear i don't say hurtful thing's but I'm not a child i also don't use mature theme's if i have that was me being a bit of a dumb person please review the content if you do not trust me please I've been banned a bit but a video that has no said drug content in video aside from the name i was using it as an educational format it'd be like asking someone not to talk about drug's in a anti-drug add or smoking add

From Said person: "Omogis Alu"