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Quote from: ObeyBunny on 2017 Sep 10, 19:13:06Yeah, I later found out I changed my password by 1 character letter after the hack. Now I can play the game.
Quote from: ObeyBunny on 2017 Sep 09, 17:25:17Okay, I'm testing all the menus and such from the game.
Is it normal for LoE to tell me that I can't log on because "my username or password may be incorrect?" I know the servers aren't open just yet, and that's why I shouldn't be able to log in, but... I dunno, that's a very specific error message it's giving me.
Quote from: Xira~ on 2017 Sep 09, 07:49:11Hype hype hype hype!
Quote from: Ferro_the_King on 2017 Sep 09, 09:00:36i got a message saying "Game servers aren't ready at the time", so I guess your password might be actually incorrect ;-)
Quote from: GreenTab on 2017 Sep 05, 15:44:10I wouldn't hold my breath on that one, it's Ubisoft after all, besides you shouldn't take the history displayed on a game as factual true.
I tried hard not to get too excited... and ofc I'm failing, who need sleep time anyway, It's only 5 days away![]()