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Messages - Aelios

It's still called the crystal empire which is why i was referring to it as such. What was i going to say? The crystal? I think the 'Crystal empire' is just a name and it is actually part of the kingdom of Equestria. or it's just a flaw in the show... idk
Well i managed to get my OC looking almost how i wanted it to thanks to the RGB colour options... probably should have read up to the 'doesnt save if you close your browser' part :/
meh i can do it again
I think you should definitely have vinyl Scratch and similar style manes
You could also give us some code (like generalzoi's pony creator) so we can re-upload what we made just for now.
Also more eye shapes (theres a common eye shape which is a slanted oval) would be great to have   :D
Great job i love it!
I think the crystal empire is part of northern Equestria... as mentioned by the guard at the start of the episode
I guess i will have to see it for myself, i have seen a video of it and it looks pretty cool, but i reckon it should definitely have the fantasy and amazing feel to it, from what i see in the beta there is alot of open space and some things seen very separate from eachother, wouldent be too hard to just fill it in with details ^_^

Another thing i have always wondered: does the mountain/cliff  come right up next to canterlot castle or is it just a camera angle illusion and there's a large space between the castle and the rest of the mountain cliff thing ( going up from the castle)

Sorry if this is confusing at all  :P

Post Merge

I did some more analysing into what canterlot looks like and i have another idea of what it looks like... ill link a picture of it tommorow.  ;)

Post Merge

Here: Its very rough and not perfectly accurate to my idea of canterlot but this is pretty close, and these are where i think all the buildings/places are. I could always make an accurate and detailed diagram if i spent alot of time on it.
Oh yeah i have a vague idea of where the train station is but im not entirely certain. if i look at more canterlot screenshots i could probably figure it out though.
I think there should be a Rarity episode... a Rarity episode and a Rarity episode!

I wouldent care as long as theres more stuff mlp related. Unless ofc it cut into the budget/time/episodes of the actual show in which case kill it with fire.
Introductions Archive / Re: Hello.
2013 Jul 29, 06:38:20
Welcome to the community! Im no more than a week old too but from what i have seen so far it is a wonderful and friendly community  :D
Its pretty obvious she is going to live in Fillydelphia  x3
3 options:
1) The brony fandom is so unique and inspiration they make episodes till we die of old age. :)

2) They make eventually end gen 4 and start gen 5 following the same principles that make FIM such a sucess. :)

3) option 2 but After a while in the future (when we have the advanced technology) computers and A.I's can arrange sound patterns and pixels in such a way that it can automatically make super amazing episodes for us and we just share them with eachother meaning we will have an infinite amount of episodes that are all incredible and amazing.
And if all these A.I's are linked then what they create will flow with every other A.I made episode. :D

I love my far out but kinda plausable 3rd option :P
It would be good to see your canterlot in LOE ^_^
Different levels of the city would make sense and look pretty but you never see the other side of the mountain facing towards canterlot and ponyville so i assume the rest of the city is just on the other side of the mountain going inward as shown in this image i quickly drew on Photoshop:

Thats not exactly how i imagine the mountains on the other side but its sort of how i imagine it going inwards and eventually reaching a point. Im also thinking of areas from episodes like suited for success for the launching of the airship and the wonderbolt derby
MLP: FiM SD Archive / Canterlot Layout
2013 Jul 27, 20:19:09
I have always wondered what Canterlot actually looked like!? As in where is this city area?

We always see Canterlot depicted as this

But where are these parts?

This image may help as well

Do you think the rest of the city goes around the other side of the mountain? Thats what i think it does, I would like to know what you all think :P
na the name came from me finding the starting sound that was sorta futuristic or ancient sounding so i went through sounds like Ex, Ax, Ae, Ai, El, Ei etc and eventually i stuck with Ae then i came up with the rest sorta like the last part but they sounded like Aelix, Aeros, Aelios, Aeron etc :P
Eventually i just narrowed it down to Aelios
Took about a week.

In photoshop the main things i use are Gaussian Blurs, Radial Blurs, Inner/Outer glows and shadows, pattern overlays.
those are things found in the program but search for photoshop patterns, brush packs, lens flares etc

Maybe i could show you how those all join together to form wallpapers and such in the near future.  :D
Lol i have only managed to do it once so far.... im trying to think of a 'pony name' for my oc and  its a struggle :s
I just made Aelios up.... Took about a week of going through different sounds till it made sense. It is also the name of a City i made on minecraft on the server i play on (
Thats the origin of my name xD
Hey there! Its AeliosZero here and i think this game would be amazing to play! I would be honored to help with this game any way i can ^-^ I also love to mingle and make friends with other bronies   :D
If you are curious you can see my Deviantart Account here ; 8)

Hope i can be a useful member of this group :)