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Messages - truesight

Original Characters / OC: True Sight
2017 Sep 06, 14:34:51
This is my OC Pony True Sight

She is a history/mythology buff who runs an antique shop that she lives above called True Treasures.  She is somewhat standoffish, and can bevery strict on manners and etiquette.  It takes a while for her to warm up to other ponies, but once she considers someone a friend she is loyal to a fault.  She also tends to be very blunt when giving her opinion, but it comes from a good place.  Her major pet peeve is tardiness, True Sight shows up early for every appointment, and with every minute that a pony is late she gets more irritated.  When at her most aggravated her rage runs long a cold.  She is not a forgiving pony at all, and has never had a desire to reconnect with any pony she has cut off, if even for the most trivial of matters.  In the same way that once a pony becomes her friend she is fiercely loyal; once a pony earns her disdain she becomes haughty, aloof, and sometimes downright disrespectful to them. 

Her favor colors are platinum silver and midnight royal blue.  Her favorite food is any kind of pasta.  She will not eat anything spicy and despises the taste of vinegar and the smell of watermelon or cucumbers.  She enjoys reading historical dramas and books of mythologies and folklore.  True Sight is also a fan of music, especially symphonies, though she has no talent for music or ear for singing at all. 

When in a social settings with ponies that she doesn't know True Sight usually stays to the background, politely engaging in quick spurts of conversation, and usually leaving well before the engagement ends.  That is unless someone can get her talking about historical facts, then her personality opens up.  It can be a treat to see the unicorn talk about her areas of expertise, because she speaks with confidence and enthusiasm.

Her cutie mark is a Pony Tarot Card inside of a mirror, representing her Talent for Divination and Scrying magic.  She uses her talent mainly to divine hidden artifacts, though for close friends she will utilize her magic to assist them with problems.  She does not like doing it too often, because she feels ponies will think of her magic as a crutch.  Scrying and Divination are also tricky magics to harness and interpret.  True Sight often tells ponies that she is assisting that the past is the only thing that is concrete, and even history can be miss read so do not put all your trust in my magic.