Legends of Equestria Limited Access Release: All The Details!

Started by Ellowee, 2016 Oct 07, 20:34:03

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Hello Hello fillies and colts, summoner Foxbrush at your service, Also go by FirePetalFox
DA: http://firepetalfox.deviantart.com/


Monday Dreamer

Hi everypony !
I'm a young Brony and i would like to be active in this movement.
So if i can participe to the developement of this huge game with feedback i wish i could be in the party.
I would see the questionnaire as if I'm the type of person you are looking for.  ;)


So what happens if Hasbro files a copyright claim? Is LoE different enough from MLP:FIM that you guys can claim you've made an MMORPG that's in the pony genre, but you're not specifically trying to capture Hasbro's fans?

If a claim does come, will you have to overhaul the esthetics or will 5 years worth of work go out the window?

I don't mean to be a Negative Nelly here, but as the deadline for release draws near, I've gotten a little worried. I've seen what happened to totally original fan projects like Button's Adventures.

I mean... if it's a choice between no LoE at all and LoE under a different name with all the characters looking like this:

I'll take the 'Legends of Horse Land' and lumpy...monstrous characters.
Let's turn every detail into something important.


Quote from: Galapagois on 2016 Oct 07, 21:06:09
we'll be selecting people to make sure we get as wide a net of systems running the game as possible!

Not sure if you'll be doing this already, but, for the survey, I'd recommend giving applicants the option to submit specs for multiple systems that they'd be able to play on. I have about 5 machines with 3 OSes I'd like to test it on (plus 2 or 3 Linux distros I'm familiar with).


Quote from: ObeyBunny on 2016 Oct 09, 06:00:25
So what happens if Hasbro files a copyright claim? Is LoE different enough from MLP:FIM that you guys can claim you've made an MMORPG that's in the pony genre, but you're not specifically trying to capture Hasbro's fans?

If a claim does come, will you have to overhaul the esthetics or will 5 years worth of work go out the window?

I don't mean to be a Negative Nelly here, but as the deadline for release draws near, I've gotten a little worried. I've seen what happened to totally original fan projects like Button's Adventures.

I mean... if it's a choice between no LoE at all and LoE under a different name with all the characters looking like this:

I'll take the 'Legends of Horse Land' and lumpy...monstrous characters.

We aren't using or referencing any products or copyrighted/trademarked materials from any other party in this project, or using them for marketing/profit; as such, there are no grounds for any company to file a copyright claim.
Head of LoE Public Relations, King of Support, and a nuisance!


May I ask something real quick, how long will the form be open for? I have a tendency to not always catch website notifications here. It'll also be sure to go out to the notification service, right?


Awesome, i've got bunches of different hardware i'd love to help try the game on.  X3

I first played in 2014, though I seem to have forgotten the account. >.<


Quote from: ObeyBunny on 2016 Oct 09, 06:00:25
So what happens if Hasbro files a copyright claim? Is LoE different enough from MLP:FIM that you guys can claim you've made an MMORPG that's in the pony genre, but you're not specifically trying to capture Hasbro's fans?

If a claim does come, will you have to overhaul the esthetics or will 5 years worth of work go out the window?

I don't mean to be a Negative Nelly here, but as the deadline for release draws near, I've gotten a little worried. I've seen what happened to totally original fan projects like Button's Adventures.

I mean... if it's a choice between no LoE at all and LoE under a different name with all the characters looking like this:

I'll take the 'Legends of Horse Land' and lumpy...monstrous characters.

Well, if Hasbro had something to say, the would have already said it. The names of the towns had to be changed. No "Official" characters are in there, or there are but with subtle changes. That shouldn't be a problem.

Of course it's OK to be careful ^^

Post Merge

If only the price for the Mane contest was the access to the closed testing...^^

Well, I'll be waiting for the applications ^^


I have a slow connection to the Internet. If this is not a problem, it is very good.
Thank you for the game!

Icy Shield

I haven't reported much bugs, mostly because I still see them not fixed over the years and developers told to not send the same bugs (even through they couldn't fix even the simple bugs that many peoples have reported multiple times  :facehoof: ). But I might just try again and go for a rampage and send big list of all bugs that I knew in hopes that this time they will be noticed  -.-

Let it snow!


*Sounds of the hype train can be heard in the distance*
------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


Quote from: ViktorT on 2016 Oct 10, 13:06:59
I have a slow connection to the Internet. If this is not a problem, it is very good.
Thank you for the game!

Due to the fact that Legends of Equestria is an MMO, a fairly quick, stable Internet Connection would be good to have, especially if you are considering applying for a slot in testing, as we need the testers to actually be able to test the game. A slow connection does not necessarily mean you cannot apply and be accepted, but you need to at least know that you will be able to actually get on and test.

Proudy Hooves

UltraHype-Train incoming!
Looking forward to get into one of the first batches.

And hopefully anypony will be able to visit the castle in Evershade when release will be completed.
Your friendly casual-ish russian-speakin' brony.
Russian LoE Veteran, being around since 2013+!
|Mint Kingdom proud member| |Team La-Vo-Chka!~|
#12YearsOfMLPFIM #BoopOuttaNowhere #ThankYouG4MLP

Qnty Fratelli

Oh! So it can't wait! I hope, will carry. All of good luck!

Fleetfoot :)

Can't wait! I would play the game every day looking for bugs, doing quests, etc. It sounds amaizng!! :D
Hey, I'm Fleetfoot! My nickname around the Wonderbolts is Flatfoot, on my first day I misjudged my landing and came down on Spitfire's hoof! Hehe!


I'm definitely going to apply. I use Linux, so I want to make sure that they can find out the bugs a lot faster. Most games, even professional ones, have a buggy Linux release.
"Henceforth," Ditzy continued, "you shall observe Muffin Monday on the first Thursday of every August! You shall commemorate it... with a minute of solemn silence for reflection on the fragility of life. And then, muffins!"


Quote from: Asriel on 2016 Oct 12, 19:35:38
I'm definitely going to apply. I use Linux, so I want to make sure that they can find out the bugs a lot faster. Most games, even professional ones, have a buggy Linux release.

Hurray, a fellow user of the superior Operating System!

To quell your worry, the Linux Versions have been remarkable time after time, and the Windows Version under Wine works just as well. I would not worry about problems on that front.


AWESOME! I really hope to get in, since my main computer is a Mac- It's always nice to be able to help with reporting problems that YOU can't find, considering you don't use the OS that has the problems. Perks of being a Mac user! Well, i'm super hopeful to get in early. I think a nice priority would be to get as many Mac and Linux users in as possible- It should be even, so that problems can be reported to help fix other Operating Systems, but since there's no way to control that, i guess it's just a "Hope for the best" thing. Either way, super pumped, i can't wait to get into the game later on. Maybe i'll be able to find out what the hell you're supposed to start off with. (From what i've previously gathered, until a story and Quest-lines are put in place to advance the story, i guess it's more of a social thing? Idk) Well, i will indeed have fun, no matter when i get in. Fingers crossed it'll still be in 2016!

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