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Quote from: SimK64 on 2015 Jul 25, 17:56:23
Forgot if I already posted here. Oh well.
Username: SimK64
New code system: 7520
Hm... Another platform? I'm on an iOS/Apple device.
Quote from: Rissian on 2015 Jun 10, 15:23:27
Thanks, there's really no other way for me to get one except through trading or the GTS which I always worry every time I use it.
Quote from: Rikaria on 2015 Jun 04, 19:13:08
I already have Lucario, and I still need to get Charizard, but if this rumor ends up being true... *eyes Diancie*
Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2015 Jun 04, 14:08:57
Yeah, I pulled that off on my Bisharp as well, but that was only because the Timer Ball looked shockingly like a Jaeger from Pacific Rim's head (Tacit Ronin, specifically. The same name I gave said Bisharp).
Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2015 Jun 04, 14:02:28
The female was mainly to make my own breeding easier, since I was going to fiddle around with names, natures and hopefully shininess (I'm crazy I know, but the character I want to reference makes better use of Swanna's shiny coloring). I hadn't considered a type of Poke Ball, but if you're seriously offering may I request a Quick or a Great Ball?
Quote from: Stardust Dragon on 2015 Jun 04, 13:47:49
I'd like to put out an open trade request for a Hydration (hidden ability) Swanna. If anyone has one (female preferred, but not needed), please let me know, and if you have any special requests for a returning Pokemon. I don't have too many HAs of my own, but I am capable of breeding most anything with normal abilities.
Quote from: BliSer on 2015 Jun 03, 06:32:40
Something from EFNW was shared via LoE twitter. But it is not a video, just a screenshot. And this text as a confirmation to it.
Quote from: Peace Keeper on 2015 Jun 03, 01:21:48
I just wonder how these Smash computers at level 9 are considered still fair? It is almost impossible to pull off combos in the air cause they dodge almost instantaneously. Some attacks take only a couple frames, but they dodge like in the exact same button input that I use. Feels like they are cheaper AIs in this game, yet still manage to beat the highest difficulty more efficiently than the other Smash games.
Quote from: KrissyG05 on 2015 Jun 02, 19:07:37
Quote from: KrissyG05 on 2015 Jun 02, 18:49:14
Around July 18-19 I think, and that's what I've been wondering. I NEED LOE OMG PLZ OPEN UP I MISS YOU OMG BEST MMORPG MLP EVER U GUYS SHOULD BE ON TV NOW!!!![]()
Quote from: 8-bit Raider on 2015 May 25, 16:57:57
Anyone have a shiny Eevee? I'll trade for a level 86 Metagross!
I'll put my friend code up if anyone's willing to trade.
Quote from: TwilightNight on 2015 May 24, 05:37:28
Lyman (A koala)
Freckles (A duck)
Julian (The unicorn)
That's about it that I can think of, but if anyone has those (Or any sort of red, white, or pink roses that I could buy) and would let me buy/trade/something for them, I'd really appreciate it.
Thank you, from Twilight Night.
Quote from: Rikaria on 2015 May 18, 20:15:27
I barely got over 9k as well... Pretty obvious you'd need to use items to remotely get a good rank...
Quote from: Rikaria on 2015 May 18, 10:27:50
EDIT: Shuffle 1.1.12 is out! The highlights are being able to face against Regirock on the Special Stages Screen, and there are more Main Stages!
EDIT 3: 1.1.13 is out! Though you can no longer face Celebi, more Daily Pokémon are available. Also, the Mega Lucario competition returns but with some changes:
- It's now Move-based instead of Time-based.
- You need to be in the top 15,000 in Europe, 30,000 in North America, or 65,000 in Japan (it was less than this last time).
- To those who already have a Lucarionite, you'll get two Jewels instead if you place. (Everyone else, regardless of placement, will still get one.)
Quote from: SammyElise88 on 2015 May 13, 20:26:06
Yeah! In fact I've actually started watching MLP because most of the shows on Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, etc, most of the content especially recent shows make me feel they're trying to brainwash me because it's so bad...
Quote from: Sunshine Smash on 2015 May 10, 14:28:27
You have a Breloom friend safari? Mind if I add you? I love Breloom!