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Quote from: WizzlePiff on 2016 Nov 29, 10:43:45Quote from: Cooly568 on 2016 Nov 29, 10:25:59
I just realized I forgot to mention something in my application. Well shoot. RIP me.
Same x)
Quote from: zealous98 on 2016 Oct 05, 18:54:59
Activity should ramp up in December. Limited access is like an official release, right?
Quote from: Thundergirl on 2016 Jul 25, 06:03:06
It means that the servers will be opened the whole December, I am not sure for this answer. I think that simK64 will give you a better answer
Quote from: White Chaos on 2016 Jul 24, 19:41:51
You mean it's gonna open forever but with just limited spot?
Quote from: albedoequals1 on 2016 Jul 11, 01:26:38
How limited is limited access?And what is being limited?
Does this mean that only the first 50 people can log in, or does it mean that each person can only log in for an hour per day, or...what?
Quote from: Ellowee on 2016 Jul 10, 21:25:12
This December, Legends of Equestria will begin opening its servers starting with a limited access release!
Quote from: KirbyFluttershy on 2015 Aug 05, 13:28:02
Quick Question in pokemon rumble world: is there fairy land master title? cuz I'm not finding any information on that title.