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Messages - Randam Saiko

I recommend that you do NOT make a schedule to follow. The reason for this is because if you put yourself on a schedule, it will eventually become a tedious routine that you're forcing yourself to do. Just write when inspiration or motivation hits you and put it down immediately because that burst of energy will die off fast. This is the time to force yourself to spill your mind onto paper, even if it's just a paragraph. If you make a schedule, writing will start feeling like a job you just want to finish and get out of the way, which will demotivate yourself and possibly lower the quality of your work.

Work Music
Something I always do when writing is to set the mood right. Put on some music that is appropriate for the story you are crafting. Making a fantasy story? Turn on some Celtic. Mystery? Put on something suspenseful. By putting music in the background, it helps with the work flow and it makes your hands just go do the work itself.

Motivation From Others
The feeling of others experiencing your work is quite satisfying. Try to imagine the reaction from readers such as the shock, tears, laughs, etc that you will give them. Then if you attract some who want to follow your works, keep them in mind when you look at a WIP.
Video Games Archive / Re: League of Legends
2015 Jul 30, 14:04:03
Quote from: Jcfraven on 2015 Jul 30, 13:52:41
I've gotten into League of Legends recently and have been working on mastering Twisted Fate. The community isn't too bad, but you have those people who claim you're feeding just because a champion is killing you over and over again(in my case, one that has been known to terrorize TF, I think).

I plan to eventually forge a team, whenever I get to a level where it's possible.

Spoiler: Speaking from 5 years of experience of League • show

I'd say the community is about 40% Toxic, most of which only reside in ranked games. So if anyone here wants to avoid as many toxic players as possible, avoid ranked games.
There's also this process that league players go through. When someone first starts out, they are in the "ok" zone for behavior but then later enter the "Hot Head" phase about half a year in. After 2 years of playing, everything goes downhill to a chill mode where they think, "Whatever, let's just play and have fun!" This does not apply to everyone, but a majority of players I have seen many went through this.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jul 04, 21:40:02
This time of the year in America. Please pop your fireworks on the night of July 4th and no earlier nor later. Left over fireworks are such an annoying noise pollutant.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jun 28, 23:15:32
When i'm giving someone a free service and they have the audacity to complain.

"I should've gotten someone else..." Then why don't you get someone else?!
"You're too slow" You want to do it? I'd love to see you fail miserably.
"I can do this better!" Then do it yourself, your majesty.
"Are you sure you know how to do this?" I don't know? Do I?  Did you really ask someone for something they don't know how to do?
"I'm not paying you to..." You aren't paying me at all.
"You're doing it completely wrong!" Here, you do it then! Show me oh wise master!
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2015 Jun 26, 22:16:06
Spoiler: I won a Devs Vs Community game in Armello! • show

Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jun 20, 22:21:23
I feel like whenever I give compliments to people, others who I have complimented before feel belittled. Like what I say to Person 2 seems much more grand than what I said to Person 1, making Person 1 feel as if they've been indirectly compared to as inferior.

Spoiler: Still don't know what I mean? Here's an example • show

What I said:

To Person 1: Wow, your content was absolutely amazing! Great Job!

To Person 2: Your content was awe inspiring and breathe taking! It was absolutely a craft of divinity!

What my paranoia thinks I said:

To Person 1: It was nice!

To Person 2: You're way better than person 1!
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jun 18, 15:32:54
When I'm free, everyone is busy doing something else. But when i get dragged into something, suddenly, every wants me to join them.
When things go wrong in a...

PvE Raid: Alright, let's try again. This time, let's focus on killing the objectives and keeping each other alive.

PvP Raid: *Everyone proceeds to blame each other and spam swears*
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2015 Jun 11, 15:16:35
Spoiler: It has Begun • show
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jun 07, 16:47:50
How the only way to shut some people up is to take the topic and catapulting it far beyond the fence of "ok" and have it land in the wastelands of "Inhumanely disturbing."
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jun 04, 17:06:11
Spoiler: That feeling when everyone you know is having fun with their Wii U's • show
And I'm just here sad about the fact that I can't afford one...

Wait for me Majora, Smash, and Splatoon...
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 Jun 03, 18:04:47
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 Jun 03, 17:48:35
If you found "Part 1" of an episode, it'd actually be only the first few minutes, and the person who posted it would tell you to either
a) Go to this virus-filled website to watch the rest :)
b) Download it here and probably get viruses ^-^

No. No, thank you.

Every time I get this garbage,

I've tried to do a live stream, but my OBS and Photoshop refuse to get along.
Off-Topic / Re: Today's Smile
2015 Jun 01, 21:10:04
The game, Wild Star, has announced that they will be transitioning from subscription to free to play. I am so excited to play it again since closed beta testing.
Spoiler: Healer Problems Part 3 • show

Teammate has died, but I have resurrect. Problem is that they died right in front of the boss.
Teammate has died. Problem is that he fell into a bottomless pit.
"Why didn't you heal me?!" Teammate literally died in one hit.
Teammates won't hold still to get buffed.
Has aggro drawing tank.....still draws all of the aggro.
*Breaks heal button *
Gets HP potions as a reward
Plays tag with every monster in the dungeon.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 May 31, 10:57:58
Trying to explain ANYTHING to idiots and stubborn people. Every time this happens, I can physically feel my brain cells painfully die slow.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 May 23, 20:03:25
Spoiler: Sarcasm overload • show
75% of the time this entire week, people just want my attention because they need either need tech support, a human thesaurus, or they need to borrow one of my tools. Have they not heard of a miraculous thing called Google?! Rather than asking me on how to install mods for a game i don't even play, why don't you look up an online guide, you know, that thing that can actually help you and not inconvenience me?! You know what, let me just put down everything I'm doing. It's not I have several class projects, months old WIP free time projects that I just want to complete already, and 4 essays due in the near future! Stress relief activities? Why would I want to ever do those? No, let me give you an hour of my time that could be spared if you just look up a guide instead.

Then there are those who I try to teach them to do the work themselves. "But I don't want to learn how to do it." Gee, that is a totally justifiable excuse with no possible holes-  AT LEAST TRY TO LEARN TO DO IT YOURSELF, YOU LIABILITY. I am not your personal assistance.

Also, people who come to me to purely annoy me. I will never understand why some people find pleasure in poking a bear. "Testing Saiko's patience is fun! He's not like other people who blow up in an instance and he can endure an amount beyond human limits! Challenge accepted!" What could possibly go wrong?

People who believe that they have the divine right to verbally assault a community, especially if said community is alright in the bad light of society due to it being consisted of "abnormal variants."
Spoiler: Talk about fitting in perfectly • show

"...So how much food money did you waste on these?"

Thanks again, Jenzy!
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 May 19, 21:47:59
50% of the time, whenever I say something, seconds immediately after, it either sounded wrong or I think I sounded like a jerk despite whatever was said. This includes nothing but a string of compliments.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 May 19, 16:28:10
Quote from: Chishio Kunrin on 2015 May 19, 16:20:56
In Language Arts, I hated when the essay portion of the test had a prompt that was something along the lines of "Write about a time you" because oftentimes, the prompt asked for something I never did. They assumed that every single teenager had times like that.

I feel you. I just make up complete lies for those types of assignments because my life is just that ordinary.
Off-Topic / Re: Dumb things that annoy you
2015 May 17, 14:53:46
My right eye has been constantly twitching for the past few days and I'm still not sure whether it is from stress, lack of sleep, eye strains, or all of them combined.

When people think, "I'm busy right now," means "Persistently call their name 20 more times."