Today's Smile

Started by Little Judas, 2012 Aug 16, 20:12:51

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Sweet Brew

My favorite pony musician is getting back into music! :3


Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Nov 08, 03:05:41
My favorite pony musician is getting back into music! :3

Ooh, which one?



Today was a good day, and I'm sure you all know why.
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Sweet Brew

Quote from: Julius on 2016 Nov 08, 04:32:17
Ooh, which one?
Turquoise Splash, the dude's not very well known, but does awesome stuff.


Quote from: Sweet Brew on 2016 Nov 09, 02:50:59
Turquoise Splash, the dude's not very well known, but does awesome stuff.

Will definitely check it out! I need something to cheer myself up~ ^-^

Sweet Brew

Quote from: Julius on 2016 Nov 09, 15:50:51
Will definitely check it out! I need something to cheer myself up~ ^-^
His music is always so hopeful. lol
I enjoy his stuff a ton, looking forward to seeing what he does now. :3

Stardust Dragon

After agonizing over trying to make a new cutie mark for one of my OCs, and fighting with MS Paint for the last time, I finally threw it on the wayside and opted to try out a new art program.  Within hours I managed to come up with something I'm not just satisfied with, but somewhat proud of.  It's not the most detailed out there, and maybe a little cleanup is in order, but it's the most I've done for something like this!  And the nagging thought of finishing this is finally gone after weeks of back-and-forth in my head.
If anyone wants a peek...
Spoiler: show


Team Skull is easily one of the best things Pokemon has done so far lol
A self-proclaimed "jack-of-all-media-types". I tend to say "freaking" a lot.<br />My OCs:


I got TWO free pizzas last weekend.
Oh, and I got to play with HTC Vive quite a lot :v

Stardust Dragon

2016 Nov 28, 04:10:38 #7249 Last Edit: 2016 Nov 30, 23:09:29 by Stardust Dragon
I finally got word back from the artist I commissioned a few months ago about reposting their work on other sites.  Since I got the go-ahead, and I'm super excited to see it finally finished, I'd like to present my four OCs in left-to-right order: Vlyka Velveteen, Crystal Lattice, Midnight Storm and Winter Whisper.
Spoiler: show

Artwork is the work of, characters are my own.  And it feels spectacular to have them rendered as more than just a bunch of Pony Creator avatars!

Updated: I submitted this to EqD's Drawified section, and it was up in the next one!  I know that there's tons of art in there, but seeing my characters getting more eyes like that, even a cursory glance...there's something special feeling about that...

Midnight Breeze

Well, I did it. I completed BMT, I'm an airman now. I was at basic for a total of 10 weeks. Between medhold, BEAST holdover and a plethora of administrative problems my BMT experience was a whole lot more stressful than it's intended to be. No, need to wax poetic about it, though. BMT sucked big time but it's over, I've got my eyes set ahead to tech school.

Oh, also : Sir, trainee what? As you were, guidon bearer. That's weird, trainee.

Stardust Dragon

Peace Keeper

lol for the first time, my room is so cold I can see my atomic breath. It's just so silly to see it.
Representing the Element of Peace, my name is Peacekeeper, and I am an Evershade Crusader. I am also a proud member of Chat-o-Landia. My talent is preventing conflict and maintaining order.

Thunder Spin

I am giving a show with my dance school today and I am soooooo excited :3 !


------->  Jurassic Systems <-----------


I a new 17in laptop for christmas that contains a terrabyte
"[glow=blue,2,300]Hue Lunar Dusk archmage of the EverFree at your service.[/glow]"
conflictus nec divinos


Sweet Brew

Getting what you want for Christmas is fun.
Getting what you need is awesome.


I had pizza n garlic bread for lunch today, yay  :D

Stardust Dragon

"OH MOST WONDERFUL OF...I mean...oh most wonderful of nights."

Hope everypony had a happy holiday!


I get a silly satisfaction out of wrapping a present in seven boxes increasing in size.  ^-^ They are going to have fun unwrapping it.
[Avatar drawn by Dusky Hues; Thank you!]

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