Meme thing

Started by Ramisha, 2013 Dec 18, 16:36:47

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if you fill it out post it here and explain why you chose what you chose  :P
If you're not an artist you don't have to fill out the "What my style resembles" box and the "What style I avoid" box.

Midnight Breeze

Holy cow, my time machine works.

Valy Wave

Should we fill it with pictures of ponies, famous charackters, selfdrawn things or selfdrawn ponies?  :P 

Sorry, I'm just not sure  :s
Are we growing up or just going down?
It's just a matter of time until we're all found out
Take our tears, put them on ice
Cause I swear I'd burn this city down to show you the light
My OC:


2013 Dec 19, 13:16:57 #3 Last Edit: 2013 Dec 20, 01:53:02 by Book Smarts
Sorry, I should have posted examples. I posted it just before I went to bed x3
well I think you should fill it out with people. It can be someone from a videogame, a real person, someone from a cartoon.... You can also fill it with something else if you prefer. E.g. if you think you look like a bear you put a picture of a bear lol
Oh, here's an example.
oh and here's the source  <3 -click on the heart

Here I made my version.

Who I look like: I don't know, really.
Who I act like: Cherche. From the Fire Emblem official site: "She was raised with simple values and likes to cook and sew, but likes her "sweet, adorable" wyvern Minerva even more. The most terrifying when angry."
Look she even has an axe :3
Who I want to be: Lightning. She's so cool and strong and calm and collected and everything.
What my art style resembles: I really don't know. Sorry.
What style inspires me: Realism, dragons, people in cool armor....
What style I avoid: WHAT IS THAT THING EW

-Inappropriate picture on the bottom left square. Switch it out and it will be fine to repost the deleted image

Valy Wave

2013 Dec 19, 15:12:10 #4 Last Edit: 2013 Dec 19, 17:05:17 by McSleuthburger
I tried my best - how i look and who i want to be are difficult (because i cant put pictures there that fits 100%)  >A<

image removed, watch the language please
Are we growing up or just going down?
It's just a matter of time until we're all found out
Take our tears, put them on ice
Cause I swear I'd burn this city down to show you the light
My OC:


Czech out the font choices.

Spoiler:  3 out of 6 ain't bad • show
3DS Friend Code: 1091-8504-5380
Spoiler: show

this'll have ponies one day
Skype in the off chance that you'd like to talk to me: AzureLancet

Randam Saiko

Spoiler: My version • show

And for the last 3 boxes, since I cannot draw to save my own life, I will be referring to my writing.

Spoiler: Where the images came from/who they are • show

Kirito from SAO
Ken Levine
[I don't know who the artist is]
[Google Images]
[Google Images]

Emit, you mischievous little...
My OCs

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