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Messages - BubbleG

Just gonna add that postimg also doesn't seem to be supported. :(
I applied back when page 1 was a thing.

Quote from: Flittur on 2016 Nov 18, 03:58:05I just hope it doesn't turn into everyone just playing the game for fun
You can count me to not do that (for the most part. ;P) should I get in. I've tested several games before and know what being a tester is all about.
Saw voice acting and my reaction was 'oooo'. So maaaaaybe.
I don't think I'd do fairly well in any other department, so maybe next time. The second closet thing I'd be to is 3d, but I haven't really made any custom models myself, just ported and rigged some from existing games when needed.
The Retirement Home / Obscure Collision Bug
2015 Aug 16, 20:47:09
So what happened was that when I exited Sugarcane Corner I had basically no-collide mode on for all the houses, and the houses only. I could collide with trees and everything else, just not the houses. Unfortunately I didn't think of trying other special buildings before I left to a different map so I can't report on those.

I am unable to reproduce the bug at this time, so there must of been something odd happening that caused it to occur.

Edit: Now that was just idiodic of me not posting this in the help desk. At least it has not yet been reported though...
Updates Archive / Re: Servers Now Closed
2014 May 03, 19:46:25
Quote from: Meepster Hooves on 2014 May 03, 14:26:35Whens the next time the servers open :P
Unplanned. Whenever a good time comes around for them to do it again, they will do it.
Nyan Cat, which was fairly new at the time, lead me to this (found it in early May):

and that introduced me to ponies. Within a short time after leaving that site I started seeing ponies everywhere, so I decided to check the show out. Everything rocketed off from there.
Ohey, my third year anniversary is approaching in a bit over a month.
Who is bringing it back from the dead? The same team? I didn't see any news on the site for it.
Link for source of the news?

Aside from LoE, that was the other pony game I was looking most forward too, so I was sad when it died.
Helloooo! Welcome to LoE! Fluttershy is my favourite too.
Welcome to LoE!

Quote from: zendayafan111 on 2014 Mar 16, 18:41:04WELCOME! HERES YOUR OFFICIAL PINKIE PIE WELCOME SONG!
When she says "Ponyville", someone needs to edit the instrumental part into that, so it can be used appropriately anywhere! :D
I haven't played in 8 months! I better mark this one on my calender.
Open server weekend? Yesssssssssss!
Quote from: DashBoom on 2013 Jul 09, 03:35:17
fffffffffffff- I've just been able to download it and now the servers are down TAT

Quote from: riverjoe on 2013 Jul 09, 03:51:50
So... We can't play anymore? Are the servers closed? I downloaded and nothing happened. Please help...  ono

Yes, it is down now. Read the news and you would of known the closing time was tonight (or whatever your time).
Had fun. Thanks for the open server weekend! Can't wait till next time.
The Retirement Home / Re: Count to 1000!
2012 Nov 26, 06:10:45
The Retirement Home / Re: Count to 10,000!
2012 Oct 01, 03:26:08
...topic title needs a change.

Quote from: The Great and Powerful Cerebrate on 2012 Oct 01, 01:32:14

getting stuck in the map
Totally happened at spawn, so I tried reconnecting and
Quote from: The Great and Powerful Cerebrate on 2012 Oct 01, 01:32:14Game access for regular users should now be disabled.
that happened. :(
Worst time to try out, lol.
News Archive / Re: Want to play?
2012 Oct 01, 03:15:28
Quote from: AireDaleDogz on 2012 Oct 01, 01:17:47
Aww... I spent all night downloading it and now the servers are down?  lol I guess I should've got it earlier while I still had the chance to play.
In my case.
>Didn't realize it was on Saturday
>Wasn't able on Sunday.
So it was my fault for not realizing Saturday.
Hey there, welcome to the forum!
Let's see.. 347 hours.