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Messages - SunnySkie115

Quote from: Galapagois on 2019 Mar 03, 18:06:59As a big fan of giving things legally-distinct names, I love the rebranding! Looking forward to catching the Wind Riders' first official display!

Thanks Gala! :)

Hi, everypony! This post will provide specific information regarding what we are looking for in each recruit, as well as the requirements to be accepted into the team and what you'll be expected to do.

- LoE character must be a pegasus
- LoE character must be at least Level 15
- You must have a Discord account (the application, not the draconequus, keep him away)
- Motivation and pride
- Being available when you're online for when the team needs you
- Being able to follow instructions

WARNING: We require your participation and devotion! This means there will be vigorous (sorta) training for airshows and events!

Kickable Offence:
As a quick-paced airshow team, we have every right to temporarily remove airshow members who:
- Don't/can't understand the fundamentals of basic flight in an airshow including mouselook usage, quick movement, and multitasking
- Present negative/bad behavior during practices and outside of them
- Violate any of the requirements to join the airshow team

Please understand that the captains are willing to assist fliers who need extra help, but they are ponies evidently and can't spend an excessive amount of time dealing with ponies who are not able to cooperate with the standards and expectations.

To apply you must fill out this application:

Name of your character:

Level of your character:

Discord username (remember to add the tag):

Why do you want to join the team?

How can you contribute to the team?

Tell us a little about yourself (Your personality, hobbies, etc):

Once you have completed the application, you will be contacted by the leader or co-leaders of the team via private message or discord :D

Staff of the airshow team:

- Sunny Skies (Discord user: Sunny Skies#3403)
- Berry Shade (Discord user: A Berry Shade#3817)
- Shadow Azure (Discord user: NatuSoulSilver#6369)
- Crystal Bay (Discord user: Crystal Bay#7681)

Only the staff of the airshow team can provide an official answer to the new applicants.

Good morning/afternoon/evening everypony! The Airshow Team is happy to announce our new official name: Wind Riders! You may know us from past airshows performed last year as the Wonderbolts and the Shadowbolts.

Through thorough decision-making procedures, we decided to come up with our own name, along with our own logo and uniform, so that our team gains its own prestige on Legends of Equestria. :)

The team is led by Sunny Skies (myself) and the co-leaders: Berry Shade, Crystal Bay and Shadow Azure! The team holds a history of performing in multiple airshows in the past, some of them being: the Anniversary of LoE, the Nightmare Night Airshow, The New Lunar Republic Anniversary Airshow and the Heartwarming Eve Airshow.

This year, we plan to host many more thrilling airshows on Legends of Equestria, such as:
 The Grand Galloping Gala that will be held on May 25, 2019 at 8 pm GMT

There are more to come, so keep in touch with the latest news! :D

Link to the application:

Thank you for reading and we hope all of you are excited to see what we have in store for you this year! :)
Quote from: gawek on 2019 Feb 12, 13:04:08Name: Black Mint

Level at time of application: 12

Race: Pegasus

Gender: Female

DoB: 04/27/98


Levels in given skills

  Combat: 12

  Flying: 12

Why should the Lunar Air Corps. enlist you?

Because I love doing something for Equestria. I am ready to sacrifice myself for her, trying as best as possible.

By signing below, I ensure that I have, to the best of my knowledge/ability, have answered each of the above honestly and to the fullest extent of the truth.

Applicant's Name (type your applying pony's name, and be sure to supply a screenshot of the pony (close and facing camera) from in-game.)

X- Black Mint

welcome! :D
Quote from: Crystal_Bay on 2019 Feb 05, 21:50:48Name: Crystal Bay

Level at time of application: Lvl 50

Race: Pegasus

Gender: Female

DoB: July 7, 2000


Levels in given skills

  Combat: Lvl 50

  Flying: Lvl 48

Why should the Lunar Air Corps. enlist you?
I believe the Lunar Air Corps should enlist me because I have always wanted to dedicate myself to helping people (especially new players) and engaging in planning events. Playing LoE for awhile has led me to enjoy flying, and understand my way around the Evershade Forest and Heartlands. I am planning to help out in any way that I can, and be an active member. It will be more than my pleasure to aid with events and participate as actively as I can.

By signing below, I ensure that I have, to the best of my knowledge/ability, have answered each of the above honestly and to the fullest extent of the truth.

Applicant's Name (type your applying pony's name, and be sure to supply a screenshot of the pony (close and facing camera) from in-game.)
X- Crystal Bay

Welcome to the herd, Crystal! :)
Quote from: RedIrasibur on 2019 Feb 05, 19:55:27Name: Moon Wisp

Level at time of application: 15

Race: Pegasus

Gender: Male

DoB: August 5th, 1320Ad (The Character's DoB if you're wondering)

Levels in given skills:

Combat: 15

Flying: 13

Why should the Lunar Air Corps. enlist you?
What I may currently lack in combative strength, I can make up for in scouting capability with my Artist's Eye, and I
plan to increase my combat and artisan skills, so that I could make armor for my potential brothers and sisters.

By signing below, I ensure that I have, to the best of my knowledge/ability, have answered each of the above honestly
and to the fullest extent of the truth.

X- Moon Wisp

Welcome to the NLR! :D
Quote from: Alex Ritch on 2019 Jan 21, 01:33:40Excuse me. Are you accepting Any more applicants at this time, because I'd like to apply.

 Hi! :) yes, we are still accepting applicants :) feel free to aply.
We are ready for the winter games! :D

List of members:

Sunny Skies (Captain)
SirDeadPuppy (Co-Captain)
Shadow Azure
Burning Sky Cloud
Crystal Bay
Flight Fire
Pony Jack
Nova Sparkling Dash
Black Orichalcos
Silver Heart
Sweet Wind
Ember Phoenix
Chrome Thunder
CMC Scootaloo


Golden Sky

Airshow begins in 3 hours from now (9 pm GMT)

Place: The Heartlands, near the graveyard.

The Wonderbolts will be waiting for you! :)
We can't wait to show you guys what we have been working this last weeks for the Airshow ^^ is going to be unique and be prepare for some spooky surprises! ^^
Sounds really fun all these events! :D can´t wait! :)
I will say a few things and i don´t like to comment in this subjects but.. i am agree that the thing of "spamming mobs/objects" has been pretty much fun in my point of view, i don´t see why that should be stop. I see a lot of ponies enjoying that and having a lot of fun moments (myself include) on LoE :)  So please, do not stop doing that..

Another point i wanted to say: yes, i said that i support every point of the letter but now that i am reading this messages from both sides i would like to say that i should have wait to first see the arguments from both sides before writting my message. And also, to apologize for that :c

One last thing: i regret saying i support the 3 points of the letter without knowing first the situation.

PD: thanks Gala, Perry, Napalm and Woona for coming and clarify some points here about how moderations works and stuff :)

PD2: I personally hope we can have a conclusion for this subject soon and this ends well.

PD3: i don´t support any of 3 points of the letter (after reading it again and reading all this messages).
I read the letter and i agree with each point.
Quote from: libp on 2018 Sep 25, 21:25:29Name:

Level at time of application: 2

Race: Unicorn

Gender: Female

DoB: 4-11-2004


Levels in given skills



Why should the Timberwolf Infantry enlist you?


Levels in given skills



Why should the Lunar Air Corps. enlist you?


Levels in given skills




Why should the HF-Medical Brigade enlist you?

Why not?

By signing below, I ensure that I have, to the best of my knowledge/ability, have answered each of the above honestly and to the fullest extent of the truth.

Applicant's Name (type your applying pony's name, and be sure to supply a screenshot of the pony (close and facing camera) from in-game.)
X- Luna Moony

You are missing the name of the applicant and the picture of your OC (or a least.. it doesn´t show to me)
Quote from: Holiday Cheer on 2018 Aug 29, 08:09:45You won't be sorry if you do Color.  And it would be great to meet you!  ^-^

And speaking of amazing celebrations that are coming up....

Looking forward to it :D
Can´t wait to try it! :D